Concerns Of the Plurality of Worlds.
Park Street - Stephen [Spring-Rice] in better health, Edward O'Brien has married
48 letters to W. H. Thompson dated 1831-1866, and 1 letter addressed to [John] Allen dated 24 Aug. 1840. Names mentioned in the accompanying calendar of the letters include Henry Alford; John Allen; Robert Leslie Ellis; Edward FitzGerald; Arthur Hallam; Walter Savage Landor; Samuel Laurence; Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton; Stephen Spring Rice; Sir Henry Taylor; Robert John Tennant; Alfred, Lord Tennyson; Charles Tennyson [later Turner]; and William Wordsworth. Spedding also refers to his work on Francis Bacon.
With a further 35 letters to William Aldis Wright and William George Clark, dated 1862-1881. Letters to William George Clark date from 1862 to 1864 and relate to collations of Shakespeare's plays. Letters from 1881 to William Aldis Wright relate to Frederick James Furnivall, with copies of Spedding's letters to Furnivall, and one letter from Furnivall to Spedding dated 26 Feb. 1881. Accompanied by a mechanical copy of the Northumberland Manuscript.
Untitled elegy in 22 five line stanzas dated at Hallsteads, near Ullswater in the Lake District, November 1845. Accompanied by a letter from Julia's son Charles A. Elliott to [his cousin?] Stephen [Spring-Rice?] dated 10 Feb. [1862?] from Wressil Lodge, Wimbledon Common, returning the poem, as well as another poem and letter which are no longer present.
Vere, Aubrey Thomas de (1814-1902) poetCholmondeley Lodge, Richmond - thanks for the copy of Conciones Academiae, views of his sermon Dispensations of Paganism, danger of the comparative study of Christian and non-Christian cultures, Steven Spring-Rice at sea
Date from postmark. Sealed with black wax. Contents no longer present.
On headed notepaper for the Board of Customs. - Congratulates Milnes on the birth of his son and hopes that all is well with child and mother. Always thinks of Milnes with 'great regard' though they meet so seldom.
Printed in London by W. J. Cleaver, 46 Piccadilly. With signature of [? Stephen Edmond] Spring Rice, 'B[oar]d of C[ustoms]', 12 Feb. 1851.
Re proposed memorial to Augustus Stafford O'Brien.
Dramatis personae: Lord Northampton, Lord Spencer Compton, R. M. Milnes, Stephen Spring Rice, Miss McDougal, Lady Mary Anne Compton, A. S. O'Brien. With a second copy made for E. F. Affleck by Lady Alwyne Compton 23 Dec. 1858
Spezia - has been idle. admiration of Blakesley for going to Africa for the sake of his health, Spezia a national port and arsenal, increase in his admiration of the Italian nation, more mischief done in the world by folly than by wickedness, is staying with the "Fratelli Lenzi"
[Mount Trenchard] - Blakesley's choice of residence should depend on the suitability of the climate for the health of his wife and children, thanks him for the photograph of Phil, sudden death of Thackeray, Spring-Rice weak, his father will not take his advice, worried about the money market, stout support of the Act of 1844
commiserates over "his loss", his letters as "a Hertfordshire Incumbent", "quarter" question
Board of Customs - haemoptysis, Light Cavalry, Dundas ordered to resign his command to Lyons, Charge of the Light Brigade
Madeira - Spring-Rice remarkably well, Funchal, Brookfield misses his daily work, Trench's "little book", amazement at a thirty year old woman who has never read a word of Shakespeare, is being very idle but doing much riding and playing a little billiards, reading Maurice's Kingdom of Christ
Lewisham - Sterling Club, Blakesley's anxiety to leave Trinity, he must go at the same time as Thompson
Mansfield Street - Rocket, Charles Spring-Rice [and the Cambridge exam]
Caxton House - congratulates Blakesley on Macaulay's position, enquires about Blakesley's methods
Caxton House - note about the payment of postage
Currah - sure that he has paid a bill, settlement of which is being paid for by Blakesley
Currah - visit to see Aubrey de Vere, has been appointed High Sheriff, has had a long letter from [John] Sterling in Bordeaux
London - recovered from illness, "spoliation" bill, looks forward to Wellington bringing in a bill to abolish the Church of England, affairs of Lord Ailesbury and Lord Bruce, Kenny in love with Augusta Ponsonby, Porlett Thompson flirting with Lady Tankerville, British Association meeting at Cambridge, Cambridge debauchery