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TRER/13/218 · Item · 17 Feb 1950
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Master's Lodge, Trinity College, Cambridge. - Glad to have Bessie's letter, despite the 'rather serious news': sure Bob must hate being ill, but the letter has a 'happy ending' and she hopes he 'is able to enjoy life' again. Also thanks Bessie for sympathy about 'dear little Aunt Gertrude', a 'very important member' of the family whom all the younger members used to consult about 'any knotty points' and was always very hospitable to her and Dorothy. Adds that every family should have that sort of aunt. Asks to be kept informed about Bob's progress: she and George are 'both so fond of him'. Notes in a postscript that she is 'now very disabled with [her] arterial disease': cannot walk, has bad eczema, and can hardly write; but she manages to 'keep pretty cheerful'.