Aldeburgh - Agrees that Frazer should be in London; is angry America refused to cancel war debts, gives his low opinion of that country; urges him to complete 'The Worship of Nature'; has just read 'The Pagan Background of Christianity' by [Sir William Reginald] Halliday, has seen a review of [Edward Gordon Selwyn's] 'Essays Catholic and Critical' in which Stanhope calls Catholicism a ‘treacherous institution’; is critical of the Anglo-Catholics as well; says Inge in his 'Outspoken Essays' isn’t clear enough on whether he believes in personal survival; Thomas Hardy writes that Radiant Religion is entering a back current; for himself the only child of his elder daughter has died and there is no consolation to the sorrow.
27 July 1926
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer
Add. MS c/43/21
15 Mar. 1913
Part of Additional Manuscripts c
Add. MS b/88/22
26 Jan. [190-?]
Part of Additional Manuscripts b
King's College, Cambridge. Asks for help with a passage in Aristotle's De Anima.