Embossed notepaper for St. Dunstans, Regents Park. - Coxe showed him letters of Francisque Michel referring to an MS of St. Brandan's [sic] voyage]; perhaps it will be suitable for the Philobiblon as the Roxburghe Club does not propose to print it. Encloses correspondence [no longer present]. Asks Houghton what he thinks of the Mystère de Saint Louis [published for the Roxburghe Club in 1871]; curious Anglo-French phrases.
Fryston. - Now thinks article unsuitable for Philobiblon Society, but would like sixty copies printed for himself as it is typeset; a proof of the [Marat?] letter should be sent to Upper Brook Street on Saturday 20th.
Printed in Bibliographical and HIstorical Miscellanies of the Philobiblon Society
16 Upper Brook Street. - Philobiblon books should be distributed soon, including to the newest member, [A. P.] Stanley; sends manuscripts for printing - care must be taken with Mr Gibson's; proofs of Greville's journal should be sent to Henry Reeve. Postscript: will addd name and forward Dean Stanley's copies if they can be sent here.
Fryston Hall. - Philobiblon cannot support Mr [Henry George?] Bohn's proposition: aim of Miscellanies is to publish small bibliographical and historical items which would not otherwise get into print; present subject is unsuitable and too long; single volumes, when published, have been financed by members concerned; subscriptions barely cover expense of yearly volumes.
For meetings on 12 May 1877, 30 Mar. 1878 and 13 Apr. 1878.
With MS corrections.
For Philobiblon Society event? Not Richard Monckton Milnes' hand.