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CLIF/A1/7 · Item · 12 Sept. 1868
Part of Papers of W. K. Clifford

Cambridge.—Comments on the parliamentary news from Exeter. Has met a Swiss student who is a fine gymnast. There are six vacancies for fellowships. Pollock is not back yet and Crotch is going away, so he will have little to do. Will try to get a quieter room. Uncle McLeod and Aunt Annie say that Charlie is better.



Cambridge, Saturday
Sep. 12/68

Dear Papa and Mama

I have never thanked you for the bundle of Exeter papers, which amused me immensely on the journey home. You seem likely to have great fun with the election. I suppose Karslake and Coleridge must get in, and then we shall have two awfully swell members. {1} There is a Swiss here studying Natural Science—a very nice man, and a perfect gymnast, only all the skin is already off my hands because of the rosin which he puts on the bars. There are six vacancies for fellowships it seems. Fred Pollock is not yet come back. Crotch is going down for a fortnight so I shall be very quiet—the gymnasium will be shut up and there will be nothing to do in the afternoons—except go to Grantchester {2}. I shall try to get a room somewhere away from College to avoid being called upon next term—it becomes rather a nuisance to live on the ground floor. I have told you all the news already, and must now go and read Puiseux in the Varsity Library before it shuts up. I casually met Uncle McLeod and Aunt Annie in the Metropolitan railway. They said Charlie was quite well again.

Very best wishes to all the little ones from

Your most affectionate son
+W. K. Clifford.


Letter-head of the Cambridge Union Society.

{1} Sir John Karslake and J. D. Coleridge were candidates for the parliamentary constituency of Exeter, which elected two members till 1885.

{2} Probably to the Nimmos' house. Cf. CLIF A1/13.

HOUG/DB/6/8/6 · Item · 31 May 1885
Part of Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

Embossed notepaper: Edgecliff, St Andrews, N.B. - As to Houghton presiding on 8 July in place of Lord Selborne: does Lord Redesdale agree to their using the Committee Room at the House of Lords as arranged; has not requested papers as there were too many at Lambeth last year; hopes Houghton might deliver some recollections of Wordsworth, as he did of Coleridge at Westminster Abbey; can Houghton prevail upon Lord Coleridge to contribute his long-promised piece.

HOUG/EM/20/4 · Item · 11 Apr. 1872
Part of Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

On embossed notepaper for Boreatton Park, Shrewsbury. - Encloses papers relating to his brother-in-law Furse Vidal, one of the Conducts of Eton College Chapel; his contract has been breached regarding preferments; asks Houghton to refer to matter to the Archbishop of York as one of the Public School Commissioners; the Vicar of Staines will approach the Attorney-General; the Provost and Fellows recognise the hardship of the case but cannot override the new Statutes; address to Gladwyn, Wrexham.

Enclosure: letter, 26 Mar. 1872, from Francis Furse Vidal to Sir Robert Alfred Cunliffe, Eton Coll[ege]. - Encloses copy of statement of case [no longer present]; is now ninth in line for a Living, below those formerly below him; was led to expect swift preferment when appointed and fears injury to health if kept in present position for long.

Add. MS c/101/185 · Item · 21 Nov 1869
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Refers to their 'disappointment' at Rugby, and claims that they 'have not got one of the 3 men picked out as the best', and that their new headmaster is Mr Hayman-Marshall of Bradfield, who is 'only a double 2nd in the Oxford Calendar....' Relates that Dr Temple had learnt that he is a good scholar - 'a gentleman, a liberal man in money matters and an High Churchman.' Reports that the masters were impressed by his reference from Sir John Coleridge, whose sons have been educated by him. Adds that many at Rugby are disappointed, but that Arthur won't confess his disappointment, 'or rather, perhaps, he wants to make the best of it.' Asks Henry to say when he intends to come home, and how long he will stay. Fears that they will see little of Edward since he is to examine at Lincoln and at Exeter for Dr Temple, in the absence of Mr Ba[lter].

Sidgwick, Mary (d 1879), mother of Henry Sidgwick
Crewe MS/18 · Item · 1863–76
Part of Crewe Manuscripts

On the spine is stamped ‘Philobiblon Society’ and, at the foot, ‘1863 | 1876.’ The contents are minutes of meetings, etc. (as in Crewe MS 17).

In the list below, only the first page of each item is indicated. The addresses are in London unless indicated otherwise. The member associated with each address is identified only on its first occurrence.

p. v: Printed title: ‘Transactions of the Philobiblon Society 1854’ (sic).

p. vii: Printed section title: ‘Meetings.’

p. 1: Minutes of a meeting on 28 Feb. 1863 at the Deanery, St Paul’s (the residence of H. H. Milman).

p. 3: Minutes of a meeting on 28 Mar. 1863 at 1 Park Square, Regent’s Park (the residence of R. S. Turner).

p. 5: Minutes of a meeting on 25 Apr. 1863 at 128 Park Street, Grosvenor Square (the residence of William Stirling).

p. 7: Minutes of a meeting on 6 June 1863 at 16 Upper Brook Street (the residence of Richard Monckton Milnes).

p. 15: Minutes of a meeting on 27 June 1863 at Orleans House, Twickenham (the residence of the Duke of Aumale).

p. 20: Minutes of a meeting on 11 July 1863 at Dufferin Lodge, Highgate (the residence of Lord Dufferin).
(Dated Saturday, 11 June, by mistake.)

p. 22: Minutes of a meeting on 20 Feb. 1864 at 66 Russell Square (the residence of J. B. Heath).

p. 27: Minutes of a meeting on 12 Mar. 1864 at 50 Albemarle Street (the residence of John Murray).

p. 29: Minutes of a meeting on 28 May 1864 at 24 Arlington Street (the residence of Robert Curzon).

p. 33: Minutes of a meeting on 16 July 1864 at 16 Upper Brook Street.

p. 37: Note of a meeting on 24 July 1864 at 27 Belgrave Square (the residence of Lord Taunton).

p. 38: Minutes of a meeting on 1 Apr. 1865 at 30 Prince’s Gate (the residence of Henry Huth).

p. 40: Minutes of a meeting on 29 Apr. 1865 at 1 Park Square West, Regent’s Park.

p. 42: Minutes of a meeting on 27 May 1865 at Newstead, Wimbledon Park.

p. 44: Minutes of a meeting on 17 June 1865 at Orleans House, Twickenham.

p. 50: Minutes of a meeting on 1 July 1865 at Farnborough Hill, Hampshire (the residence of Thomas Longman).

Bound in after p. 50: Letter from Sydney Smith to Mrs Longman, c. 11 Nov. 1833.
Submits a humorous plan of a dinner of insects and bugs, which he thinks will be agreeable to ‘Kirby & Spence’ (the authors of An Introduction to Entomology, 4 vols., 1815–26, which was published by Longmans).
(Postmarked at Maddox Street and with the date 11 Nov. 1833. Directed to Mrs N. Longman, Garden Mount, Hampstead.)

p. 53: Minutes of a meeting on 24 Feb. 1866 at the Deanery of Westminster (the residence of Arthur P. Stanley).

p. 56: Minutes of a meeting on 24 Mar. 1866 at 30 Prince’s Gate.

p. 58: Minutes of a meeting on 28 Apr. 1866 at 128 Park Street, Grosvenor Square.

p. 60: Minutes of a meeting on 2 June 1866 at 36 Eaton Place (the residence of Sir Erskine Perry).

p. 62: Minutes of a meeting on 23 June 1866 at St Dunstan’s, Regent’s Park (the residence of Henry H. Gibbs).

p. 66: Minutes of a meeting on 23 Feb. 1867 at the Deanery of Westminster.

p. 68: Minutes of a meeting on 18 Mar. 1867 at 14 Bruton Street (the residence of Lord Delamere).

p. 70: Minutes of a meeting on 1 June 1867 at Newstead, Wimbledon Park.

p. 72: Minutes of a meeting on 29 June 1867 at Orleans House, Twickenham.

p. 76: Minutes of a meeting on 27 July 1867 at 1 Park Square.

p. 79: Minutes of a meeting on 16 May 1868 at 66 Russell Square.

p. 83: Minutes of a meeting on 13 June 1868 at 30 Curzon Street (the residence of Lord Dartrey).

p. 85: Minutes of a meeting on 27 June 1868 at 21 Arlington Street (the residence of Sylvain Van de Weyer).

p. 88: Minutes of a meeting on 11 July 1868 at St Dunstan’s, Regent’s Park.

p. 92: Minutes of a meeting on 27 Feb. 1869 at the Deanery of Westminster.

p. 96: Minutes of a meeting on 20 Mar. 1869 at 4 Audley Square (the residence of Edward Cheney).

p. 111: Minutes of a meeting on 24 Apr. 1869 at 72 Eaton Place (the residence of Sir John Simeon).

p. 115: Minutes of a meeting on 8 May 1869 at 16 Upper Brook Street.

p. 118: Minutes of a meeting on 12 June 1869 at Newstead, Wimbledon Park.

p. 127: Minutes of a meeting on 24 July 1869 at 1 Carlton Terrace (the residence of George Tomline).

p. 129: Brief notes of meetings on 5 Mar. 1870 at (5) Onslow Gardens (the residence of J. A. Froude); 30 May 1870 at (21) Arlington Street; 16 June 1870 at Arklow House (the residence of Alexander Beresford Hope); 30 June 1870 at Orleans House; 9 July 1870 at Dorchester House (the residence of R. S. Holford); 16 July 1870 at Strawberry Hill (residence of Chichester Fortescue); and 28 July 1870 at (16) Upper Brook Street.
(The notes begin: ‘This Book having been mislaid, there is no record of the Proceedings of the Society during 1870 beyond the following official record.’ The start of this period coincides with the appointment of Sir John Simeon as honorary secretary.)

p. 133: Minutes of a meeting on 4 Mar. 1871 at 67 Brook Street (the residence of Kirkman Hodgson).

p. 135: Minutes of a meeting on 25 Mar. 1871 at 14 Grosvenor Square (the residence of E. J. Stanley).

p. 138: Printed menu-card for a dinner on 29 Apr. 1871.

p. 139: Minutes of a meeting on 29 Apr. 1871 at 10 Upper Grosvenor Street, W. (the residence of Sir William Stirling Maxwell).

p. 143: Minutes of a meeting on 25 May 1871 at 45 Berkeley Square (the residence of the Earl of Powis).

p. 146: Minutes of a meeting on 1 July 1871 at Newstead, Wimbledon Park.

p. 148: Minutes of a meeting on 11 May 1872 at 6 Clifford Street (the residence of Lord Houghton).

p. 152: Minutes of a meeting on 1 June 1872 at St Katherine’s Lodge, Regent’s Park (the residence of C. Brinsley Marlay).

p. 157: Minutes of a meeting on 15 June 1872 at 55 Portland Place (the residence of Walter Sneyd).

p. 164: Minutes of a meeting on 26 June 1872 (at St Dunstan’s, Regent’s Park).
(The place of meeting is identified simply as ‘the house of Mr Gibbs’.)

p. 166: Minutes of a meeting on 3 July 1872 at 1 Park Square, Regent’s Park.

p. 168: Minutes of a meeting on 15 Mar. 1873 at 6 Clifford Street.

p. 171: Minutes of a meeting on 17 May 1873 at 10 Upper Grosvenor Street.

p. 174: Minutes of a meeting on 31 May 1873 at 30 Curzon Street.

p. 176: Minutes of a meeting on 28 June 1873 at (21) St James’s Square (the residence of the Bishop of Winchester, Samuel Wilberforce).

p. 178: Minutes of a meeting on 12 July 1873 at Hatfield House (Herts.).

p. 181: Minutes of a meeting on 30 July 1873 at 14 Grosvenor Square.

p. 183: Minutes of a meeting on 9 May 1874 at 10 Upper Grosvenor Street.

p. 187: Minutes of a meeting on 20 June 1874 at Newstead, Wimbledon Park.

p. 190: Minutes of a meeting on 18 May 1875 at 66 Russell Square.

p. 197: Minutes of a meeting on 29 May 1875 at St Dunstan’s, Regent’s Park.

p. 201: Minutes of a meeting on 12 June 1875 at St Katherine’s Lodge, Regent’s Park.

p. 205: Minutes of a meeting on 26 June 1875 at 1 Sussex Square, W. (the residence of Lord Coleridge).

p. 207: Minutes of a meeting on 1 Apr. 1876 at 6 Clifford Street.

p. 209: Minutes of a meeting on 13 May 1876 at 27 Queen’s Gate, Kensington (the residence of F. W. Cosens).

p. 211: Minutes of a meeting on 27 May 1876 at 55 Portland Place.

p. 215: Minutes of a meeting on 10 June 1876 at 61 Prince’s Gate.

p. 217: Minutes of a meeting on 24 June 1876 at Dorchester House.

Philobiblon Society