Broome Pk., Betchworth, Surrey - BCB has seen what WW has said respecting Samuel Clarke and Coleridge. Clarke's moral philosophy does not seem much clearer than 'his a priori theological argument'. BCB does not make much of Coleridge's 'dreamy speculations on moral and theological subjects', and is pleased WW is in the same predicament. BCB is reading WW's lectures with the greatest interest ['Lectures on the History of Moral Philosophy', new edn., 1862]. Those engaged in the pursuit of the moral sciences would be better if they first had their mind trained in the physical sciences: 'They would I apprehend be there taught to be more exact in their observation of facts, more careful in their inductions and at the same time acquire a greater precision in the use of words'.
Add. MS a/201/94
21 June 1862
Part of Additional Manuscripts a
Add. MS c/21/20
[19th cent.]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c
Copy of three original letters: from Isaac Newton to Roger Cotes dated 5 Mar. 1713, with an addition from Bentley, with a letter from Cotes dated 25 June 1713 to Samuel Clarke.