First line: ‘In th’ Isle of Brittain, long since famous known’. Attributed to the Earl of Rochester in the table of contents.
Crewe MS/36/pp. 66–7
Part of Crewe Manuscripts
Crewe MS/36/pp. 277–85
Part of Crewe Manuscripts
First line: ‘Tir’d with the noisom Follies of the Age’. Subscribed ‘1680.’
Crewe MS/36/pp. 270–2
Part of Crewe Manuscripts
First line: ‘Methinks I see our mighty Monarch Stand’. Subscribed ‘1680.’
Crewe MS/36/pp. 252–3
Part of Crewe Manuscripts
Heading continues: ‘Semper ego auditor tantum etc.’ First line: ‘Must I with patience ever Silent sit’. Subscribed ‘1679.’
Crewe MS/36/pp. 249–51
Part of Crewe Manuscripts
Motto: ‘Nobilitas sola atque est unica Virtus’ (Juvenal, Satires, viii. 20). ‘First line: ‘Not Rome, in all her Splendor, cou’d compare’. Subscribed ‘1679.’
Crewe MS/36/pp. 243–5
Part of Crewe Manuscripts
First line: ‘Let Ancients boast no more’. Subscribed ‘1679’.
Crewe MS/36/pp. 207–10
Part of Crewe Manuscripts
First line: ‘Preserv’d by Wonder in the Oak, o Charles’. Subscribed: ‘Lacy. 1677.’
Crewe MS/36/pp. 190–1
Part of Crewe Manuscripts
First line: ‘Betwixt Father Patric and his Highness of Late’. Subscribed: ‘Rochester 1673.’
Crewe MS/36/pp. 140–3
Part of Crewe Manuscripts
First line: ‘Husband! thou dull unpitty’d Miscreant!’ Subscribed: ‘1675’.