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TRER/15/21 · Item · 11 Oct 1921
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Is sending an "Exchange" supplement to the "Manchester Guardian", which may 'interest the architectural part of [Julian's] mind'. Elizabeth has gone to London, but saw Julian's letter before she left; they are both glad he is well and 'not mumping'; hopes he will not 'have to wander about the garden like a forlorn ghost'. Clifford Allen is staying for a few days. There has been another fire on Leith Hill, which is still burning unless the showers yesterday put it out. Miss Busch, who has been staying for almost two weeks and left with Elizabeth this morning, was angry that the Lord of the Manor, Mr Evelyn, did not send anyone to put it out. She and Elizabeth gathered some chestnuts; Miss Busch put one in 'the fire which was burning her dear trees', but it exploded.