[Archibald] Wavell 'must have been thinking of Procopius's history of the Gothic wars in Italy'; Belisarius 'his hero, was a great general' who 'like Wavell [drove] the Vandals out of Africa and Carthage'. Has never read Procopius, who was a friend of Belisarius, but believes he was 'a very good historian'; the phrase Julian quotes may be there. There is 'an account of it all in Gibbon ["Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"] and in [Thomas] Hodgkin's history ["Italy and her Invaders"]. Also hears that [Robert] Graves, the poet, has written 'a very good historical novel about Belisarius', which he expects Wavell has read. Might get the 1886 translation of Procopius by A[ubrey] Stewart, listed in the London Library catalogue, and try to find the phrase, or send the book to Julian if he 'would take care of it'; meanwhile, he will look in Gibbon and Hodgkin. Bessie has gone to London today and will see Ursula.
10 Feb 1943
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan
Add. MS c/43/97-98
Jan., Mar. 1918
Part of Additional Manuscripts c
Letters dated 31 Jan. and 1 Mar. 1918.