Boar's Hill, Oxford. - Thanks Trevelyan for the book and ;kind letter'; is very sorry about her 'stupid mistakes', and has 'tormented' her father by 're-composing' parts of his work; the trouble is that when acting there is no time for hesitation. Her father has given a lecture on [William] Blake in their theatre; they performed "The death of Abel" ["The Ghost of Abel"], and Mr [Ronald?] Watkins was a 'fine Jehovah in purple & gold, up in the balcony'. Was fun making the body of Abel: they used the 'bust of Dante' for a head. Describes Satan's appearance. Has been cutting linocuts for Christmas cards. Her father today read his new poem on "The Wanderer [of Liverpool]" to two men who sailed on the ship; they were 'very nice people and a mine of adventure stories'. Thinks Trevelyan's play could be acted 'without much alteration', but the 'actors would be a trouble!'.
Chez M. [Charles?] Geoffroy Dechaume, Valmondois, S[eine] et O[ise], France. - Reserves 7-11 October for rehearsals [for Trevelyan's "Meleager"?] at first; not easy for her to come earlier, but is free all October. Will be at her current address until 1 October, then in Surbiton Hill; gives address. Will try to come on 5 October, but has a bad tooth which will probably need attending to. Knows most of her part. Adds a postscript asking Trevelyan to let her know if these dates are acceptable; will then know her friend's plans better and whether she needs to see the dentist. Is in a family with ten children; 'five are now yelling' which makes letter writing difficult.
Boar's Hill. - The B[oar's] H[ill] Hotel have booked Trevelyan's rooms. Enjoyed her 'evening' very much; it was very kind of Trevelyan. Her father says 'Mlle Y. G.' [Yvette Guilbert?] 'asked him to write her a play years ago'. Is sorry to have 'run away' from Trevelyan before he had 'done with' her [in a rehearsal for Trevelyan's "Meleager"?]; she was keen to get to a matinée performance. Saw [Seán O'Casey's] "The Silver Tassie"; liked the setting and thought the play 'effective & extremely tragic', but there were 'few lines of great beauty'; her mother says 'the destroying of all the characters by the war would have been justified!'.
Boar's Hill. - Thanks Trevelyan for the cheque: has been rather short of money due to her trip to Italy. She 'thoroughly enjoyed Melleager" [sic: Trevelyan's play "Meleager"], and is sorry it did not have a larger audience. Glad to feel well after 'having a cough all through autumn'. Is sorry about her 'stupid slips': she has a 'bad habit... of learning poetry incorrectly' and will deal with it at once. Very sorry about the 'stupid slips', due to a 'bad habit... of learning poetry inaccurately'; will put it right at once. Italy was a 'joy': they stayed in a fifteenth century villa next to San Domenico [in Fiesole] where Fra Angelico was a novice; felt closer to him there even than in San Marco [Florence]. Is reading Lorenzo the Magnificent's mystery plays; there was 'such an orgy of flames' in "The Descent of the Holy Spirit" that the church [Santo Spirito, Florence] was 'burned to the ground'; comments that this would have been considered 'just vengeance' if this had happened 'when we did our play at Canterbury'. They also saw the paschal dove which lights a fire on Saturday in Holy Week.
The Hermitage, 9 Heathcote Street, Mecklenburgh Square, London W.C.1. [home of Penelope Wheeler]. - Thinks that Julian will hear from [John] Masefield or [his daughter] Judith whether they can send the car to meet him next Tuesday, and that the Bletchley train gets in [to Oxford] at 12.35; he will have to get a taxi if not. Julian is getting iron bars to hang the two big [stage] cloths on [for Bob's play "Meleager"]; if Julian thinks the one behind should go on a wooden batten he should perhaps write to Judith with details. The wings can be left until he comes. Judith will get Julian a room at the hotel for Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday; he himself will be at the theatre at 2 pm on Wednesday.