Heard from Aunt Annie [Philips] that she had seen Julian and liked his rooms [at Trinity College]. Bessie will be happy to help Julian to get a low table for tea or coffee; a shame they cannot get 'another Burma table'. Not sure whether she will come to… read more
Heard from Aunt Annie [Philips] that she had seen Julian and liked his rooms [at Trinity College]. Bessie will be happy to help Julian to get a low table for tea or coffee; a shame they cannot get 'another Burma table'. Not sure whether she will come to see the production of [Bob's translation of Aeschylus'] "Prometheus"; not keen to come all the way to see 'another disappointing performance in that theatre [Terence Gray's Cambridge Festival Theatre] & in that atmosphere'. However, she may feel differently after Bob has seen it [see 15/230]. Bob came home on Sunday after all, while 'Cousin Marie [Hubrecht]' was staying, and the Allens [Clifford and Joan] came to supper. Noel Vaughan Williams, an 'old friend' of Marie, came to lunch. Hears that Daan [possibly Daniel Hubrecht, a relative in Cambridge?] fell on the ice a couple of days ago and 'cut his hand very badly'; he may still be in hospital; Julian could perhaps visit him.
Hears Julian is to meet Sir R[endell] Rodd, once English ambassador in Rome, 'with whom Aunt Janet worked on her unholy Anglo-Italian League'; he is 'a regular hedger abt Mussolini'. Advises Julian to pay his hundred pound legacy into his deposit account at Drummonds, and tells him how to do this. Says in a postscript that Aunt Annie's 'enthusiasm made her bubble one into trios when there were only singing duets'; stresses that she herself did not sing 'Charlie is my darling', though if Julian had heard 'dear old Timson' sing with his cracking voice Julian might have thought that even she 'might be heard at that concert!'.
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