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TRER/15/323 · Item · Easter Sunday [14 Apr 1895]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Grimsby Farm, Long Lane, Coldash, Newbury. - Since, 'like Alice [in Wonderland]' he always takes 'a great interest in questions of eating and drinking', he is worried that Trevy is under-eating, unless risotto is 'very comprehensive and satisfying', like the dish described [in Aristophanes' "Ecclesiazusae/Assemblywomen" in a long compound word of which he quotes the beginning. Other than that Trevy seems to be having a 'perfect time', much better than he is himself. Wants very much to see Trevy's work; tells him to 'leave Paul as he is' [see 15/274] or just change the name so he will not recognise him; expects the book will be 'uncommon good'. Oswald [Sickert] nearly finished his book at Christmas, but did nothing more between then and Easter, as he was too busy with "Beautiful B[retain": published by the Werner Company]; he says a great deal work needs still to be done on it. [Stanley] Makower's book ["The Mirror of Music"] should be out soon after Easter. The 'great literary event' has been [Arthur] Verrall's "Euripides the Rationalist"; does not think he has ever read 'anything so clever'; will not say anything about it as it would spoil it, and it seems 'perfectly convincing'. Has been 'getting on very well with [Robert] Bridges': went with him to Oxford for a day last week; he seems 'the biggest man I've ever known anything of, perhaps equal with [William Gunion?] Rutherford'; cannot think of anyone else so 'thoroughly serious, thoroughly humorous, and thoroughly consistent', except perhaps Sickert who does not seem to be 'exactly "great" at present', though may be at forty. Bridges is bringing out an edition of Keats soon which will, for example see 'plain "Endymion" as an allegory". They went to the Bodleian, which is 'a delightful place'; Lady Shelley has recently given them 'a fine collection of Shelley MSS etc'. Roger [Fry] is coming to Yattendon soon after Easter, but unfortunately Marsh will have left by then. The 'great thing about Maeterlinck is the sound'; "L'Intruse" was a 'complete failure on the stage'; "Pelléas et Mélisande" 'delightful to listen to'; afraid the 'beautiful M. Lugné Poë' 'is gone for good, and won't come back, the theatre was so dreadfully empty' though the 'decent critics' were all in favour has not seen [William] Archer's articles, but Shaw 'praised the company highly' who has been in Fiesole, will soon go 'for a sail down the Adriatic', and return to England at the end of April. Asks if Trevy has seen the reports of Russell's brother [Frank]'s case; believes it will be settled on Tuesday week; thinks [Russell's wife] 'the Countess and her mother exposed themselves pretty fully'.

Heard from 'dear [Arthur] Shipley this morning, he's in solitary splendour at Cambridge'. Asks if Shipley is Trevy's 'idea of Horace', as he is Marsh's own, both physically and in character. Has also had a 'very gay letter from T. T. [Phelps?], furious' with Trevy for writing twice to Marsh and not to him. Has heard from 'the Seatollerites': George [Trevelyan] and [George] Moore both wrote last Sunday and the party seems to have been a success up to then. Has been 'working very hard' himself, but does not think he is getting on and worries about his Tripos [examinations]; the only reading he is doing apart from revision is de Quincey, of whom he is becoming 'very fond'. Thought the murder Trevy told him about at Wallington, '[William] Winter's murder [i.e., that committed by Winter]' was in "Murder as a Fine Art [de Quincey's "Murder Considered as one of the Fine Arts"]', but read that this morning and there is nothing about it there; asks where Trevy 'got all the details'.

TRER/46/50 · Item · Jan 1897
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Grand Hotel Valescure, St Raphael [headed notepaper]:- Is settled here ‘in the luxury of a ten francs pension’, waiting for the rain to stop. The hotel is ‘full of friends of Mr Bowen, sent here by him’: [J.W.?] Sandilands, the ‘Grahams of Harrow, and Mrs Graham’s parents Colonel and Mrs Stewart’, and the [Charles Alfred?] Elliotts. At a villa nearby is Bowen’s friend [William Henry] Bullock Hall, on whom Robert and Sandilands called yesterday, and who has leant Robert ‘an essay of his on the meeting of Lepidus and Antony at the bridge of Les Arcs’ which he wants him to send on to his father; Hall ‘cannot talk of anything now for half an hour without dropping into the subject of the Romans in the Riviera’, but is an ‘amusing neighbour’, and what Robert saw of the household ‘promise[s] some entertainment’. Will write to the Rendells [Stuart Rendel’s family?] at Cannes to see if they would like him to visit.

Although there has been no fine weather, Robert‘can see this is just the country’ for him, with its ‘indefinite miles of not too mountainous forests, and a network of good paths and no tourists… an infinite variety of trees and shrubs, and.. the sea not too far off’, with almost all the guests at the hotel his friends. Expects he will ‘stay well into February, and not go anywhere else’. Expects she will go up to London before long. Has little news; will have more when the sun comes out, as the current weather ‘is really very like Sirocco weather in Italy, and makes the mind as well as the soil damp and clammy, though not in so unpleasant a way’. Has however done some work, and will get on well this week. Was ‘delighted to see that Earl Russell has at last triumphed over his wicked old mother in law’. Hawkins 'has behaved very well'. Supposes C[harles] and G[eorge] are still at Wallington.