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TRER/25/10 · File · 1940-1942
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Press cuttings, frequently in duplicate with one copy sent to Trevelyan by Durrant's Press Cuttings agency:

relating to "Translations from Horace, Juvenal and Montaigne", from: "Public Opinion" (an extract from Trevelyans "Imaginary Conversation" between Horace and Tibullus); the "Sunday Times" (Desmond MacCarthy with some 'suggestions for book-buyers; subsequent review, also by McCarthy, concentrating on Trevelyan's book); the "Guardian" ("Reading for Christmas"; second article with review); "Times Literary Supplement" (three copies, one with 'By G. G. Loane" in Trevelyan's hand at the top); the "Library"; "Poetry Review"; "John O' London's Weekly"; the "Spectator" (by C. Day Lewis); the "Scotsman"; "Greece and Rome"; "News Chronicle" (by Robert Lynd); "Liverpool Daily Post" (by J. F. Mountford); "Adelphi"; "New Statesman and Nation" (also reviewing Edward Marsh's translation of Horace's "Odes"); "Oxford Magazine"; "Journal of Education"; "Modern Language Review! (by J. F. Lockwood).

relating to "Translations from Leopardi", from: "Public Opinion" (quoting Trevelyan's translation of Leopardi's "Idyll" in full); the "Times"; the "Observer" (by Basil de Sélincourt); the "Manchester Guardian" ('New Poetry, by Wilfrid Gibson' written by hand); the "New Statesman and Nation) (also reviewing other poets' work); "Sunday Times" (by Desmond McCarthy); the "Guardian", and the "Oxford Magazine".

Also a letter, 4 Mar 1942, from C. Colleer Abbot to R. C. Trevelyan. 7 Church Street, Durham. - apologises for not sending his thanks for Trevelyan's Leopardi translation before ; it arrived just as term was beginning and he wanted to read it through as a whole. Has never read Leopardi before, however, so cannot judge'. Likes Trevelyan's recreation of Leopardi's 'plangent melancholy'; mentions particular favourites. Criticises Cambridge University Press for the binding, which he calls 'horrid', but expects they are 'repentant'. Gordon Bottomley wrote to him 'happily' recently; the x-rays had not been 'helpful, but he sounded better'. Hopes that Trevelyan is well, and not as 'oppressed by snow' as they have been.

TRER/26/10 · File · 1926-1930
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Newspaper cuttings with reviews, many sent to Trevelyan by the press cuttings agencies Durrant's and Romeike & Curtice; some duplicates. From: the "Times Literary Supplement"; "Aberdeen Press and Journal" [also reviewing works by Charlotte Eliot and Douglas Ainslie]; "Scotsman" [also reviewing works by C. S. Sherrington, Charlotte Eliot; Douglas Ainslie, Edna Clarke Hall and the Earl of Sandwich]; "Glasgow Herald" [also reviewing Ainslee]; "Morning Post"; "Birmingham Post"; "Yorkshire Post" [also reviewing work by Richard Hughes]; "Observer" [three copies, one with manuscript annotation at the bottom: '...I suppose B. has seen this already? Squire, I think']; "Manchester Guardian"; "Christian Science Monitor" [by Thomas Moult]; "Nation and Athenaeum" [also reviewing works by Squire, Carl Sandburg, and Humbert Wolfe]; "Spectator" [also reviewing works by Arthur Clutton-Brock and Alan E. Mulgan]; "Time and Tide" [by Thomas Moult; repeats the review of Trevelyan's work from the "Christian Science Monitor", adding reviews of work by Amy Lowell, Evarts S. Scudder, Ian Dall, Lady Ashmore and folk songs from Italy translated by Grace Warrack]; "Poetry"; and another review by 'B. S.' with no indication as to source. Also present, a clipping from "Vogue" with a photograph of Trevelyan, and a discussion of the Censor forbidding the production of Marc Connelly's "Green Pastures" from the "New Statesman", 7 Dec 1930, by Desmond MacCarthy, which quotes appreciatively from Trevelyan's "The Deluge".

TRER/29/10 · Item · 1880s-1912?
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Notes on the Wars of the Roses, including a family tree [from Trevelyan's school days?].
Opening [?] of prose narrative set in the British Museum Reading Room.
Extensive extract from prose narrative [Trevelyan's never completed novel?], describing the view from Meliance's window, his waking from a dream (with brief verse), seeing Helen/Orgeluse picking flowers and going downstairs intending to speak to her. Written on recto only, with additions and corrections on facing pages.

Loose inserts: 1 bifolium with "Modern Greek ballad", "Dirge", "From Theognis", "Dirge"; 1 sheet, "Before, I tire of loving thee, my love..."; 1 bifolium with translation of Catullus 81, "A lament", "Song", "Italian folk songs"; 1 bifolium, "The Mountain-brook", "Song", "The Thrush's Song"; 1 sheet, "There was a little monkey from monkey-land"; 1 foolscap bifolium with translation of Catullus 63 ("Attis"); 1 foolscap sheet, "Wishes", "Greek folk-song", "Satyr's Song (from Ariadne [i.e. "The Bride of Dionysus"])"; endpaper and back cover of a French Garnier Classics book, with verse in pencil on endpaper, "Sidelong/Downward a little leaning/bending thy dear head...".

Several blank pages in notebook, then more inserts: bifolium headed letter paper from The Green Farm, Timworth, Bury St. Edmunds [country home of Desmond and Molly MacCarthy] with draft verse in pencil; 1 sheet, ["Italian Folk Songs"]; 1 large sheet, "The Mulberry Tree Speaks"; 1 sheet, "What wert thou, happy dream?" [from Meliance narrative, see above]; 1 foolscap sheet, "Now now needs must I sing".

Several further blank pages, then more inserts: 1 sheet, "My love among all lovely things..", with musical notation on the back [since the poem is published in "The Bride of Dionysus... and other poems", perhaps the music is by Donald Tovey]; 1 bifolium, "Methought I had been wandering alone..."; 1 sheet, "When the children come at eve...", title, "The Mulberry Tree", added later in pencil; 1 sheet, "To yon thicket hind and hart go rarely.." ["The Thrush's Song"]; 1 sheet, "No now fain would I sing"; "Thou gaunt grey-bearded boatman" ["Charon"]; 1 sheet, "When dreaming of thy beauty by the sea..."; 1 sheet, "I ; thought that Love..."; 1 sheet, "What wert thou, happy dream". Further blank pages.

TRER/18/101 · Item · 27 Sept 1938
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The New Statesman and Nation, The Week-end Review, 10 Great Turnstile, London, W.C.1. - Maynard [Keynes] has given him Bob's poem about Goldie [Lowes Dickinson: see 18/97], which he would be 'very happy to publish'; it is 'rather long' and he tends to thinking it 'might be improved by abridgement', but does not expect Bob to agree. Would suggest one alteration, which Desmond [MacCarthy] pointed out to him. Is having a proof sent out for Bob's consideration. The poem is 'admirably apposite'; thinks Goldie's name should be written in full rather than initials only.

TRER/15/102 · Item · 1 Nov 1938
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Asks if Julian and Ursula would mind if he [dedicated] his play "Fand" to them both [in his forthcoming "Collected Works"]; Julian will remember that it was acted at Boars Hill, Oxford, and Bob wanted him to paint a yew-tree for it but John Masefield preferred there to be no scenery. The previous play, the "Pearl Tree", is dedicated to [Hasan Shahid] Suhrawardy, and "Sulla" to Gordon Luce. Is dedicating his first book of poems ["Mallow and Asphodel"] to Bessie since he is not reprinting his first play ["Cecilia Gonzaga"], 'which was hers'. Hoping to see Julian on Saturday; Desmond [MacCarthy] should be there.

TRER/5/109 · Item · 14 Aug 1949
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Casa al Dono, Vallombrosa (Prov. di Firenze). - Is here for a brief holiday; returns to Metelliano today then will go to Rome on the 17th. All fine about Trevelyan's friends [the Deuchars]; asks if they should be met in Florence, in which case Nicky [Mariano] can manage like last year, or if they can wait till Rome where he would be pleased to meet them. Will see Desmond [MacCarthy] in Venice for the PEN Congress; regrets he will not see Trevelyan or his brother [George]. Was not able to finish his letter at Casa al Dono and signs off from Metelliano.

TRER/15/111 · Item · 9 July 1942
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

He and Bessie have read Julian's diary and 'thought it extraordinarily good'; very sorry it 'can hardly be published, at least not now'. Bessie and Miss Simpkins have just gone off to Aunt Annie [Philips]'s. Bessie thinks he should ask Julian to send back "Tono-Bungay" [by H.G. Wells], the "East Wind" and [?] "Soha", but he does not actually want them at the moment so Julian should only send them when he is quite finished with them; however, asks him to send the bicycle clips if he can. Very good to see him and Ursula; afraid it will be a long time before they see them again. Just off to London to spend an evening with Desmond [MacCarthy] at Hampton.

TRER/16/112 · Item · 1905 - 1951
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan
  1. Envelope, labelled in Elizabeth Trevelyan's hand ' Some Autobiographical dates rlg [?: relating to] R. C. T.', containing: one sheet and four fragments of paper with autobiographical dates in pencil in Robert Trevelyan's hand, and an ink copy of the complete sheet in Elizabeth Berenson's hand; an obituary ["Times", Jul 31, 1905] of Theodore Llewelyn Davies, including comments from Henry Montagu Butler, as well as another cutting about Llewelyn Davies's death; several pages of the September 1905 issue of "Land Values" containing an obituary of Theodore Llewelyn Davies.

  2. Six copies of a tribute by 'M.N.' to R. C. Trevelyan, under the title "Love of Nature and of Literature", "Times", 4 April 1951.

  3. Three copies of an article by Desmond MacCarthy about the poetry of R. C. Trevelyan, under the title "Overlooked", "Sunday Times, 31 Dec 1950

  4. Three copies of poem, "In Memory of R. C. Trevelyan", by Kenneth Hopkins, "Everybody's Weekly", 14 Apr 1951 [date and magazine title written in by hand, on two copies probably by Elizabeth Trevelyan].

  5. Three copies of "An Appreciation" in the "Manchester Guardian", 24 Mar 1951, by 'S.S' [Sylvia Sprigge?]; the last copy perhaps sent by Johannes Röntgen, as per the annotation.

  6. Six copies of an obituary of R. C. Trevelyan by Desmond MacCarthy, "Sunday Times", 1 April 1951, including the text of Trevelyan's last poem, sent to MacCarthy 'a few weeks before his death' [see 16/76]

  7. Review in "Time and Tide" by C[icely] V[eronica] Wedgwood of F.L. Lucas's "Greek Poetry for Everyman" and Trevelyan's "Translations from Greek Poetry", published under the title "A Foreigner in Arcady".

  8. Appreciation by Desmond MacCarthy of "The Poetry of Robert Trevelyan", "Empire Review" [undated: 1924?] pp 412-423.

TRER/9/113 · Item · 9 Mar 1900
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

British Museum. - Encloses Luzac's receipt, which she may give to her uncle. Spent yesterday afternoon at Highgate listening to [Thomas Sturge] Moore's new poetry, which was 'very refreshing'; Moore liked his bat ["The Lady's Bat"], though suggested some alterations; did not show him his play but hopes to do so soon. Has just seen [Laurence] Binyon has shown him a 'new ode of Tristram and Iseult' ["Tristram's End"] which is 'quite good but perhaps not first class'. Is taking Moore's play "Mariamne" to Dorking to read again and hopes to be 'in train' to do something himself. Will not order the beds until nearer the time he goes to Holland, but will talk to [Roger] Fry about the bedroom; she shall see and approve the colour before he distempers the walls. Tends to agree with her that they should economise on furnishing, to leave 'a good margin' for things such as foreign travel; he still also wants her to have a new violin. Is dining this evening with [Charles] Sanger, [Goldsworthy Lowes] Dickinson and [Desmond] MacCarthy; Sanger is 'not at all well'; hopes his Greek journey will put him right. Copies out some lines from Binyon's Tristram poem. Very glad that Bessie's aunt was so much better on her return; wonders if the Luzacs have called; the Sickerts know a Hague painter called [Dirk] Jansen, whom they like but do not care much for his painting.

TRER/9/117 · Item · 17 Mar 1900
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Mill House. - Continues the explanation of his sonnet from the last letter [9/116]; after jokingly describing the poem as 'terse, weighty, thrilling, magnificent, Dante-Baudelaire-Rossetti lines', he confesses that he does not think much of it, and wishes they [the "Speaker"] had published the translations they have returned. Is getting on 'fairly well' with the new plan of his play. Has only seen the Frys once since Sunday; he is 'very busy'. Is going to see Sanger in London on Monday before he starts [for Greece]. [George?] Moore has invited to join him, MacCarthy and another on their 'wonted Easter exhibition', this year to the Lizard in Cornwall; has been the last two years and liked it, but will decide nearer the time. Suggests that she might use the library as her study while he keeps the little room; noise does travel from the kitchen, but a baize or felt door would improve matters, and the Enticknaps are 'very quiet people'. Gussie is at school all day; he has in the past been 'a little noisy' in the evening, but is improving. Sophie has asked what books he would like [as a wedding present], suggesting an edition of Thackeray, or Browning (which he has); Thackeray would be good but perhaps he prefers Meredith. Has a Goethe and Heine; has read some "Faust" and means to do more; gets on quite well with a translation and dictionary, but very slowly.

TRER/15/119 · Item · 30 Aug 1948
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Did not thank Julian enough when he rang last week for helping him and 'all the trouble' he took: was a great disappointment not to go to Florence, but Dr Holloway strongly advised him against it; perhaps it was a mistake not to go, and to miss seeing B.B. [Bernard Berenson] again, but he did not 'really feel up to the journey'. Feels Gordon [Bottomley]'s death 'very much': he had been a 'perfect friend', and apart from Desmond [MacCarthy] and Berenson was the last of his 'old literary friends'. Though Julian had not seen him much lately, he always spoke of him 'with real affection'. His death came 'very suddenly and I think painlessly' while he was on a short visit to Mary Fletcher's at Oare. Thinks Bessie will be in London on Thursday and will ring Julian up.

Prose note on 'religious and aesthetic emotions'. Verse, 'This love disease is a delicious/delightful trouble'. Translations by Trevelyan of the "Homeric Hymn to Demeter", fragments from tragedies by Sophocles, Euripides, and Aeschylus, an extract from Virgil ["Aeneid"] Book VI, Leopardi's "To his Lady" and "Canticle of the Wild Cock", Simonides 37, an extract from [Homer's] "Iliad" Book 24. Draft essay on aging and desire. Notes, in the style of Trevelyan's "Simple Pleasures". Autobiographical piece about a reading party at Blackgang Chine almost fifty years ago, with Cambridge friends such as Lytton Strachey, Roger Fry, Desmond MacCarthy and George Moore. Draft of "On Inspiration", published in "Windfalls". Translations of Catullus 2, 7, 12, and 50, Tibullus I.1, and Montaigne III.11 and III.6. Dialogue between 'Child' and 'Father'. Note on Saint Augustine's "Confessions". List of contents for the 1948 "From the Shiffolds" pamphlet. Notes for topic 'What does England mean to me?' and on old age.

Notebook used from other end in: list of books including [Beerbohm's] "Zuleika Dobson" and Ransome's "Great Northern?". Draft letter regarding the [re?] printing of Trevelyan's "Collected Works". Passage headed 'p. 15'; since this is followed by a review of Judson's "Life of Spenser", it may be an extract from that book. List of titles of essays, prefaces for translations, biographical pieces (Donald Tovey and C[lifford] A[llen], etc; perhaps future projects for Trevelyan. Draft piece on poets and poetry. Dialogue on the subject of translating poetry; piece "On Translating Greek Poetry", with notes on individual authors and quotations of passages. Pieces on translating Lucretius and the Greek Anthology; notes on translating Homer and Catullus; observations on a 'friendly critic' pointing out that 'too many' of Trevelyan's poems and essays begin with a scene of someone, usually the poet, 'walking meditatively in a wood' or lying beneath a tree. Translation of Tibullus III.19. Draft essay on Trevelyan's feelings about spiders, insects and other small creatures, and snakes; includes mention of a 'great philosopher' [Bertrand Russell or G. E. Moore?] disliking ants immensely.

TRER/9/124 · Item · 13 [?] Apr - 14 Apr 1900
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Penmenner House, The Lizard, Cornwall. - Likes the sketch of Bessie's wedding costume; quite Watteau-esque as she says. He is 'no judge of silks' but the piece she sends looks good; encloses samples of cloth for his trousers and for a tweed suit and asks her opinion. Will probably stay in Cornwall till next Wednesday; [George] Moore and MacCarthy are the only others there at the moment; [G.H.?] Hardy left yesterday, and he hopes both 'Llewelyn Davieses' [Crompton and Theodore?] are coming tomorrow. Describes the place; Moore 'played a lot and sang yesterday after tea', then they played cards and talked. Is reading James's "Daisy Miller", which is 'charming'. Discussion of the music box; has written to his mother to suggest having the partitions taken out; it is from both George and Charles. Expects it would be best to invite the consul [Henry Turing, at Rotterdam, to the wedding celebration]; he may not come. Did not mean that Sir Henry [Howard] would arrange all the legal marriage business, but he offered to arrange the ceremony and invitation of the consul; expects he could do this most easily but it would not matter if they or her uncle should arrange it. Will write to Sir Henry or Turing when he hears from her uncle, though is not sure what to say. Would prefer to invite Sir Henry to the wedding, especially as Bob's father and mother are coming, feels he should ask his parents what they think. Sir Henry is a relation, and has 'shown great good-will and readiness'.

Does not see why Bessie should cut herself off completely from her Dutch musical friends; she will 'often be in Holland', and will 'surely stay at Mein's [sic: Mien Rontgen's] in Amsterdam'; in England, she will of course have 'complete freedom to make her own friends' and must keep up and develop her own talents as much as she can; he will enjoy hearing her play, but also going to hear others and getting to know her friends, but that does not mean she should not have independence of interests and friendships. Thinks that women 'have not enough respect for their own intellectual lives' and give it up too easily on marriage, through their husband's fault or their own; she should 'quite seriously consider going to settle in Berlin for 5 or 6 months' for her music. Mrs [Helen] Fry's marriage has made her more of a painter. Her pleurisy is better now; thinks Bessie exaggerates the importance of her cigarette smoking, and that any ill effects it does have are balanced by the help it gives her to create art. Has never 'been in danger of being in love' with Helen Fry, but always found her 'more interesting and amusing than any woman [he] ever met... with a completely original personality', and would not think of criticising such a person's habits but would assume they are 'best suited to their temperament'; in the same way, Moore probably 'drinks more whisky than is good for his health, and smokes too much too', but he would not criticise him. Bessie is also 'an original person' with a 'personal genius of [her] own', but in addition he loves her; has never felt the same about any other woman.

Continues the letter next day. Has finished "Daisy Miller"; and is doing some German, getting on better than he thought he would. Part of the reason for saying he would 'never learn German' was an 'exaggerated idea of the difficulty', but more because he thought, and still thinks, it will be less of a 'literary education' than other languages; is chiefly learning it for Goethe, though being able to read German scholarship will be useful. Has read Coleridge's translation of "Wallenstein", which Schiller himself claimed was as good as the original; thinks English and [Ancient] Greek lyric poetry is better than the German he has read. Very sorry about Lula [Julius Röntgen]; asks if it [his illness] will do more than postpone him going to Berlin. Has heard from Daniel that Sanger is 'getting on quite well'; hopes he will return from Greece 'quite himself again'. Will be nice for Bessie to see the Joneses [Herbert and Alice] again; he has 'become a little parsonic perhaps' but very nice; has seen little of him for the last few years. Bessie should certainly get [Stevenson's] "Suicide Club" for Jan [Hubrecht]; will pay half towards it. Will certainly come before Tuttie [Maria Hubrecht] returns. Has grown 'such a beard, finer than Moore's and McCarthy's, though they have grown their's for weeks'. Describes their daily routine. Is encouraged that Moore likes several recent poems he himself was doubtful about; is copying out the play and will show him today or tomorrow. The Davieses are coming this afternoon. Signs off with a doggerel verse.

TRER/18/126 · Item · 12 June 1942
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Rydal House, Grosvenor Road, Leeds 6. - Has been slow to thank Trevelyan for sending his book ["Aftermath"] but wanted to wait until he had read all the poems. Thinks it is 'a fine harvest: noble and austere Lucretian verses' as well as ones 'of fiery scorn' with which Trevelyan 'lash[es] the worshippers of Mammon and Moloch'; thinks he would 'single out' the last two poems to Lowes Dickinson and Desmond MacCarthy, and is thankful for Trevelyan's 'faith in the enduring spiritual values' which ends the final poem.

TRER/9/126 · Item · 5 [May?] 1900
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Mill House, Westcott, Dorking. - Has to go to meet [Desmond] MacCarthy soon and may not finish letter in time for the post; hope matters [regarding the wedding] have cleared up. Glad it is settled about Turing; expect her uncle will arrange about the banns and talk to the Burgermaster [sic]. Saw the Frys today; is going with them to Roundhurst next Monday, to stay a night at the farm where he would like to spend the first days of their honeymoon; the nightingales will be 'wonderful', there are none in the North, and 'a honeymoon without nightingales would never do'. Fry thinks he should not miss the [Apostles'] dinner but they can discuss this. Some of his friends have 'combined' to give them the clavichord painted by Mrs Fry, which Bessie has seen; he likes it very much as a work of art; also as an instrument, though not perhaps as much as the Frys and Dolmetsch; thinks it a 'splendid present'. [Bernard] Berenson is the 'chief contributor'; will send her the list of the contributors, about twenty of them, soon.

TRER/6/126 · Item · [late 1937-early 1938]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

21, Theatre Road, Calcutta (on University of Calcutta printed notepaper). - Has tennis-elbow from playing badminton. The books [his "Essays in Verse"] arrived at the beginning of the week: they are beautifully printed and he is very grateful. It is sad they are a little too late to help him get the jobs he wanted, but he may not have succeeded anyway. Is glad Trevelyan has sent copies to the people he mentions: does not see Desmond MacCarthy's name on the list; hopes he will send one, as he would much like to hear his opinion. Asks for copies also to be sent to: [Marie] Germanova: Edwyn Bevan: Brian Lunn: Amelie Brázdová; [Monica] Bridges or Elizabeth [Daryush]; Alison Hooper of Monkswood, Great Hallingbury; Malcolm Muggeridge at "Time and Tide"; Mrs Ikramullah; Simone Téry; and B [Bev] Kalitinsky. Is negotiating with Macmillans to try to bring out the book in India. Would be good if Trevelyan could have a hundred copies sent over; asks what the book should be priced, in shillings. Feels much closer to Trevelyan now there is airmail. Will soon have out a book of essays about art, called "Prefaces" since 'all knowledge we possess is a preface to real knowledge... the Indian idea'. Is also bringing out the first of a series about Bengal folk art which the University is publishing under his general editorship. Saw Tagore a fortnight ago when he came to stage 'one of his new social plays', which Suhrawardy appreciates; he spoke 'very affectionately' about Trevelyan; he is disturbed about Japanese aggression in the Far East, contrasting the Japanese and Chinese instinct to court death like moths to the flame with the Indian 'habit of slow annihilation of self'; he has had to shave his hair and beard after his illness and so sees few people but 'still appears beautiful'. Asks Trevelyan to let him know readers' opinions of his book, particularly Bessie and Julian's.

A postscript notes that he has only received five copies of the book, though Trevelyan had said he was sending fifty; asks if Birrell and Garnett could take some copies for sale to 'curious Indian students'.

TRER/22/127 · Item · [Summer 1915?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

25 Wellington Square, Chelsea, S.W. - "The Foolishness of Solomon' is a work 'if not of the first magnitude, of the first water'; wishes Bob could feel 'how delightful' he finds it. Knows Bob is 'used to doing without praise', but is sure he would have been 'gratified' if he had heard Desmond reading it aloud to himself all through, after reading it twice 'in the ordinary way'. Thinks it 'so beautifully written', with everything 'in the right clef'; the 'sententious lines' always have a 'kind of La Fontaine grace in gravity, which makes one smile at its being so easy to be wise'; praises other aspects. Is sure the poem 'will not be forgotten, unless the world becomes decivilised'; has started to write about it so that more people can more quickly find the pleasure he gained from it. Is 'very busy & careworn'; asks Bob to come and see him when he is in London, but to let him know beforehand as he 'ought to have little spare time' if he is living as he should. Signs off 'affectionately (& with that respect one feels for anyone of whom one says - "well, he's done something worth doing.")'.

TRER/18/129 · Item · 3 Apr 1942
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Park, Prestwich, Manchester. - Kind of Robert to send her his book ["Aftermath"], 'so attractively issued by the Hogarth Press'; likes the 'soft green' of the binding. Is glad to see Robert's 'touching' poems to [Gordon] Bottomley, [Goldsworthy] Lowes Dickinson and D[esmond] MacCarthy again, and glad that the book has already been 'so favourably reviewed'. Very sorry to hear that so many copies of his "Collected Poems" were destroyed last winter [in the Blitz on London]; many works cannot be sold because of publishers' losses. Sends love to 'dear Elizabeth', and thanks for her letter with news of Julian. 'Strange' to think he is in the 'heart of Africa', and expects he will have very interesting things to tell when they see him next; expects he is 'revelling in tropical heat'. Her daffodils are doing well, and the lawn is very green.

TRER/9/129 · Item · 19 Apr - 20 Apr 1900
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

3, Hare Court, Inner Temple. - Returned last night and found her letter with the patterns. [Desmond] MacCarthy is here, as they went to see Sudermann's "Magda" ["Heimat"]; they are now going out to 'buy straw hats and see pictures and Sturges [Moore]'. Goes back [to Westcott] tomorrow. Had a good time at the Lizard; [George] Moore liked his play better than expected, though thinks its subject is 'not very congenial' to Bob and he does better with 'lighter and more comedy subjects'; Bob thinks he agrees, but will try to finish this one.

Continues the letter next day after returning to Westcott. He and MacCarthy went with a literary friend of Bob's called Horne to a music hall to see Dan Leno, 'a quite Shakespearian genius' whom Bessie must see one day. Will write to [Henry] Turing tomorrow and send it through Sir Henry [Howard]. Ready to admit her uncle is right and also does not want Sir Henry to be at the wedding; thinks his parents will understand if he talks to them. The Gr[andmonts]'s feelings 'make it necessary Sir H. should not be there', though he does not think they should carry them to such lengths. Encloses two new trouser patterns with the one she chose before. Hopes she enjoys her visits and concert, and sees something of J[oachim].

TRER/9/131 · Item · 23 Apr 1900
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Mill House, Westcott, Dorking. - Has received the conditions of marriage from Bessie's uncle, which seem all right and which he will discuss with his father at the end of the week. Is not sure about coming over early in April [sic: May], as her uncle seems to expect; in his 'last month of freedom' he would like to have a few friends such as Phelps, Sickert, and MacCarthy to stay, and to go with the Frys to Roundhurst to see the bluebells. Also wants to get more work done. Appreciates that these reasons 'look a bit selfish', and that her uncle and aunt want to see them together; there will also be business to complete. Will certainly be there for her birthday, and if Tuttie [Maria Hubrecht] is coming on the 17th or 18th would come a few days before that. Bessie must say if she does not think this early enough. Asks whether the catalogue for the beds is at Grosvenor Crescent; asks what else must be bought, and whether the pillows will fit their pillow cases. Has written to Thuring [sic: Henry Turing] and Sir Henry [Howard]. Asks about the tie and footwear he should wear for the wedding; has a pair he wore for Roger [Fry]'s wedding he thinks are all right. The Frys are away for a holiday; when they return soon he will settle on colours for the bedroom and send them. Asks if she has thought about their return crossing. His mother does not think his father will want to see him for a few days.

TRER/9/134 · Item · 1 May 1900
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

3 Hare Court, Inner Temple, London E.C. - It is very good of her to see the matter [his father's wish that Sir Henry Howard and his wife be invited to the wedding] the way she does; not possible for 'these sort of things' to be ideal; does not think the Howards will really spoil much, and hopes the Grandmonts will not be 'unreasonable' and come too. Had to tell his father of the Grandmonts' objections or he would been angry when he called on Sir Henry at the Hague and found he had not been invited. His father does not know Sir Henry well, but his aunt [Alice] Dugdale does, and in general his family 'are on very good terms with the Howards of Corby, though not very closely related'. His relations would very likely be offended if Sir Henry were not invited; does not particularly care about Aunt Alice, but his father does, and he does care for his Aunt Margaret and does not know how she would react. Sanger is engaged, and therefore quite recovered. True that she [Dora Pease] 'behaved so badly to him' and there is a doubt whether she is really in love with him, but Bob is optimistic; [Goldsworthy Lowes] Dickinson knows more and is reassuring; Bob has not yet seen Roger. Expects Sanger's wedding will be in July or August; wonders whether Bessie will like Dora, as people often do not and she has plenty of faults; yet she is not heartless. Splendid that Sanger is 'so miraculously cured'. Thinks he will go to Dorking on Thursday; MacCarthy and Sickert are coming to visit. Will write more later of what he did in Cambridge. Curious about Lily H[odgkin]; did know she was there [Dresden] and had just written to thank her for returning a book he lent her two years ago. Is glad to have her new photos, though does not think them very good.

TRER/9/140 · Item · 8 May 1900
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

3, Hare Court, Inner Temple. - Is glad that matters are resolving themselves, even if not in an ideal way; does not think her uncle 'had any right' to speak of them as he did, but since he has thereby found a way out of the difficulty, they must not mind, though it was he who caused the difficulty and did not write directly to Bob's father about his objections [to inviting the Howards to the wedding]. Thinks Bessie should not have written to his father instead of showing the letter to her family at once, but it was an understandable mistake. His mother was very sympathetic and wise about everything this morning. A shame Ambro [Hubrecht] altered the letter, but he might have been the one to 'bring him to reason'. He and his family do not want the religious marriage, neither does she, so there is no need for it; 'absurd' to suggest that Sir H[enry Howard] cares; his father will probably 'settle that difficulty in his letter'. There was a small delay with the legal papers, which are being sent today; would perhaps be best for him to stay in England until they are signed. Will probably go to Roundhurst with the Frys for a night on Friday. Must not take her uncle being hard on them too much to heart; he is wrong, so she can laugh at him privately; 'it is a great thing to laugh at people; it is much better than being bitter'. His father is very relieved and now wants to come to the wedding very much. Had a good time with MacCarthy and [Oswald?] Sickert, though he was anxious about Bessie. Is glad she likes the idea of going to Haslemere first. Thinks he told her that the [Apostles'] dinner is in London, not Cambridge, and they might stay the night there before going North. Berenson and some of his other friends have got together to buy the clavichord painted by Mrs Fry. He likes it very much 'as a work of art', as he likes almost all of her work; also as an instrument, though not as much as the Frys and Dolmetsch do. Will send her the list of contributors soon. The Holman Hunts have sent a 'charming piece of old Japanese print'. Will bring over his frock coat, new blue suit and new country suit; does not think he needs his London clothes, which are 'very old and shabby'. Needs a new topper [top hat]. Asks whether he should cross to Flushing or the Hoek.

Adds a postscript saying that he has been to a 'very amusing farce with [Henry Francis?] Previté', with 'lots of very good things in it about falling in love' which interested him more than would have been the case in 'the old days'. It was by [George] Bernard Shaw ["You Never Can Tell"?], whom Bessie may not have heard of. Will write tonight to Berenson and some of his 'clavichord friends'; his letter to the servants apparently pleased them very much. Sanger is 'at this moment writing to Dora on the same table'.

TRER/4/140 · Item · 4 Aug [1940]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

1490260 Gun. Luce, J. M., A Battery B Sub Section, 207 A.A. Trug. Ret. R.A., Devizes, Wiltshire. - Is happy to learn Trevelyan is 'emending Horace'; asks to see the 'iconoclastic epistle' if Joan [Allen?] does not mind. Thanks him for the offer of books. Has seen Desmond [MacCarthy's] article on Roger Fry's biography [by Virginia Woolf]. Agrees that [Dick?] Bosanquet's three most recent poems are most interesting, but none are as original as his first group. Has provided some criticism, at Bosanquet's request, and wishes Trevelyan would criticise his metrical form. Expects Joan has told Trevelyan something of his daily routine, which is fairly monotous, though enlivened by his 'Jesuit and musician friends'. Recently had scores of the Mozart operas sent, and they ran through "Don Giovanni"; next Saturday they will try "The Magic Flute". Sends love to Bessie, Ursula and Julian.

TRER/5/141 · Item · 2 Apr [1933]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Will be happy to meet Trevelyan's friend Sir Augustus Daniel, and will make sure he is at home whenever he chooses to come. If Trevelyan knows which hotel Daniel is staying at in Siena, will write to him there in case it suits him to stay on his way from Siena to Perugia. The Clarks are spending Easter with Morra, though Kenneth has caught flu in Naples. Will not see Desmond [MacCarthy], which he regrets. Hopes Trevelyan will come down with the [Clifford] Allens in summer or in autumn: better to visit the Isola Maggiore in that season as the landlords are there. Describes the island's vegetation. His [article on George] Moore 'falls flat' because the journal Pègaso is 'breaking down'. Trevelyan should not bother about the Salvatorelli. Is very distressed about the news from Germany. Alberti and Moravia are here and send love; Alberti is 'free of his job'.

TRER/1/144 · Item · 17 Dec 1953
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

I Tatti, Settignano, Florence. - Thanks for the letter and the anthology of Bob's poetry. A pity that Desmond [MacCarthy] did not live to write about Bob. Has Forster's and Virginia Woolf's last books but has not yet read them: the number of periodicals he must read leaves little time for books. Nicky reads them to him but it is slow going; the current book is Iris Origo's biography of Leopardi. Julian must come and visit next time he is in Italy.

TRER/1/145 · Item · 27 Mar 1954
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

I Tatti, Settignano, Florence. - Glad Bessie is in better health and spirits; he himself suffers but this is to be expected at nearly 89. Bessie's friend Mr Rees may visit I Tatti, and Berenson himself will be happy to see him if there and well enough. Molly Nicolson visited recently, before that Cyril Connolly; they are expecting Rosamond Lehmann and Ernest Hemingway. His book on Piero della Francesca will not appear before July.

TRER/13/146 · Item · 18 June 1952
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

23 West Road, Cambridge. - Desmond [MacCarthy]'s death is a 'terrible loss to his friends', and to the 'reading public whom he advised so well'; it is much to be regretted that he cannot now 'write that Introduction to the selection of Bob's work'; fears only he could have written it 'to perfection'. Took George Moore and his wife to Desmond's private funeral here; Ralph and Iris [Wedgwood] also came as well as his relations. Only person he is not sorry for is 'Desmond himself'; 'not much privilege' for the old to 'drag on in the present age' and he suffered so much from the asthma 'he endured so bravely'. Janet is much the same, but cannot get about; he leaves her as little as possible. Thanks Bessie for the offer of a book from Bob's library; he does not have a particular one he would like so she should choose one for him.

TRER/6/150 · Item · 25 Dec 1928
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

I Tatti, Settignano, Florence. - [Luchaire's?] letter has been forwarded to him; he feels honoured to be asked about the problem of translation. Will reply now, but may give a more detailed answer on his return to England when he can 'consult friends and books'. Does not think the standard of translation in England is high at present; it is usually underpaid, and often taken on by 'unscholarly writers, who do not even write their own language well. Approves of C. K. Scott-Moncrieff's work. Does not know Russian, so cannot comment on the accuracy of Mrs [Constance] Garnett's translations, but they read well; [J.D.] Duff's translations of Aksakof seem first rate; some translations of Lyeskof [?] and other Russians are in 'bad slipshod English' and should be redone. Is told the standard of German translations of Russian is better than that of the English. Praises the translations of Gide by Mrs Strachey [Lady Jane Strachey?] and her daughter [Dorothy Bussy], and especially that of Jules Romain's "Le Mort de Quelqu'un" by Desmond MacCarthy and Sydney Waterlow. Doubts there are many good translations of contemporary French literature, as generally people who wish to read it can do so in French. Knows that a good translation of Valéry's dialogues, by 'Mrs Strachey' [actually by Dorothy Bussy?] and Mr [William] Stewart cannot find a publisher. Almost always finds translations of modern poetry 'unsatisfactory': there is not even a really good English translation of [Goethe's] "Faust", though he admires Stawell and Dickinson's book on the poem. Thinks it is probably not 'worthwhile trying to translate modern French and Italian poetry' except for private satisfaction; has never seen a translation of Russian poetry which gives him an idea of the original. Unfinished sentence in praise of Tagore's prose translations of his own poems.