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TRER/16/31 · Item · 21 Aug 1941
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Morpeth. - All pleasant here so far; the only people here are Phil and Liza [Price], Hugh Bell's son [Hugh or John] and a friend of his who are 'quite nice boys', Kitty with her children, Marjorie and Patricia. There had been a shooting party, and he saw George and Janet for a minute before they left; thinks he will cycle over to see them soon. Glad he went by the early train from Ockley, as it meant he was in time to get a 'corner seat' on the Kings Cross train; his compartment was full throughout the journey, with 'quite nice people' including soldiers and later several merchant-service sailors; the corridors were 'rather crowded' so although he could have got to the restaurant car he was glad to have a packed lunch. Thinks Bessie had better go by train from Newcastle to avoid the 'long cold wait' he had in the Haymarket for a bus, reading Anatole France. She need only bring his small scarf. The school-children are 'very quiet'; the Bell boy plays piano in the evening '(not very brilliantly)' and Marjorie the oboe, but apparently Charles usually reads "Vanity Fair". Last night, however, he had to 'put on his general's uniform' and go to dine at Morpeth with 'a lot of Officers and the Duke of Gloucester - rather dull, C. says'. Hopes Bessie is also having the fine weather. Has not yet been round to see the woods and fallen trees. Will be very glad when Bessie comes on Tuesday.

TRER/19/90 · Item · 11 July 1948
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Morpeth. - Had planned to write her next letter to Bessie, but will write instead to Bob as she wants to thank him for [the new edition of] "Windfalls"; has much enjoyed reading her 'old favourite, "Simple Pleasures"', with much else that is new. Geoffrey and Gillian are here, and they will read some of the book aloud after supper. Hopes Bob will be able to come to Wallington in either August or September, whichever suits him best. Phil [Morgan Philips Price] and Lisa will be here on 12 [August], though she believes there are no grouse; Kitty and her children go south on 9 August and will return early in September; Pauline and her children will be at Cambo all holidays; Marjorie will come for a week on 14 August then again on 28 August. Does hope Bessie will be able to come at some point.