The Blue Ram - plans changed by Francis Cornford 's leave, Jacques should be treated [for disseminated sclerosis] by Haydn Brown.
Conduit Head - Eily Darwin's operation, has talked to Jacques Raverat and is convinced he is not wicked and will be alright with Gwen.
Chateau de Vienne - going to Switzerland, Gwen [Raverat] much better and more tranquil, Francis and Jacques Raverat discussing philosophy .
c/o J. Raverat, Villa Adèle, Vence, Alpes Maritime, France. - Sends a cheque, which he asks Trevelyan to acknowledge. Norton leaves today, and Dickinson will move on 'rather reluctantly' to [the Berensons at] I Tatti at the end of the month, where he will meet Trevelyan. Fears that Norton is not much better in his mind and dreads returning to England, though they have got on well together. Lytton 'much feted'; Dickinson agrees with Trevelyan that his second book ["Queen Victoria"] is very good, but prefers his earlier ["Eminent Victorians"] because of the subjects. Was at the 'V. Mad.' last night.
Conduit Head - order for fans, would like etching of Bernard Darwin, Frances to go to Switzerland for her health, Gwen Darwin and Jacques Raverat.