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TRER/16/113 · Item · 16 June 1882
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wixenford, Eversley. - Not worth while sending the 'usual formal Report of Bobbie's work', but thinks his mother will be glad to hear about his health and progress; the school will break up on 1 August. Bobbie now 'looks in perfect health', as Mr Sellar [Alexander Craig Sellar, father of Bobbie's schoolfellow Gerard?] will testify. He did two hours a day less work than usual when he first returned, is now only missing one hour, and Arnold hopes that by next week he will be doing the same as the other boys. Cannot yet give a 'decided opinion' on Bobbie's work: he is obviously 'a remarkably sensible boy' and will be 'easy to interest in anything worth learning'; he seemed 'slow and unmethodical' at first but has been much quicker in the last couple of days and when 'completely settled' should do even better. Seems to have covered 'a good deal of ground superficially' rather than having 'accurate knowledge' of any of his work, but 'one is liable to forget the fewness of his years in contemplating the multitude of his inches' so Arnold does not yet think he has fathomed his 'mental powers yet'. He is currently behind the third class, and in Latin will have to work temporarily in the one below; will bear in mind Mr Trevelyan's wish and not keep him back 'a day longer than necessary'. He is 'remarkably docile', 'cheerful and bright' over both work and play. Discusses his work and class placement in History, Geography and Arithmetic. He enjoys cricket and 'plays heartily', but seems particularly keen on his butterflies; thinks he is happy and will soon have many friends at school.

Heard from Mr Sellar that Mr Trevelyan was looking 'tired'; sends sympathy for his 'gigantic task' [as Secretary of State for Ireland]. Notes in a postscript that Bobbie does French with him; as with other subjects, he thinks he will soon do well, but currently has 'very little accurate knowledge'. Bobbie got his letters from his parents today and sends 'special thanks' to his father for writing'.

TRER/45/123 · Item · 4 Aug 1884
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wixenford, Eversley, Winchfield:- The result of Bobbie's work this term is 'on the whole decidedly satisfactory', as Trevelyan will see from the enclosed report and list of examinations passed this term. Bobbie has 'pretty nearly kept pace with the scheme' which Arnold sent a few weeks ago detailing 'what we hoped he w[oul]d accomplish term by term'. He is 'anxious to do some work in the holidays', so Arnold has put down what he thinks will 'help him most', in case Trevelyan agrees Bobbie should do some work and can find time to 'give him a little help'.

Arnold has lent Bobbie a copy of the first book of [Xenophon's] Anabasis, which he should 'now find well within his power', and recommends letting him 'translate about 12 lines daily on paper, as far as possible against time'. He 'still requires drill in the verbs in μι', but will 'get that next term at school if it cannot be managed in the holidays. Arnold has also lent Bobbie 'a little book of Latin Exercises' from which he could do 'about 8 sentences' a day; Bobbie's form-master Mr Evans has offered to check these exercises if they are sent by post, and would also correct the Xenophon if required. Evans will be with Mr Sellar at Ardtornish House, Oban, 'helping Gerard with his work previous to going to Eton next half'. Arnold send [his and his wife's] 'united kind regards', and wishes the Trevelyans 'a most happy holiday'.