28, Rue de la Tourelle, Boulogne sur Seine. - Thanks Trevelyan for the trouble he has taken over [Nicholas] Roerich's 'case', as she thinks it has become; would make her very happy if through her own and Trevelyan's efforts he was able to go to his wife, who is very ill and anxious. Has had a letter from her manager in America, who wants her to play Medea in English in January 1931, and asks her to get G[ilbert] Murray's translation - the Brentano's [bookshop] in Paris should have it - and study it carefully. Has replied she would like to play the part, but said that Trevelyan has started to work on the play and she much admires his translation of [Sophocles'] Antigone. Asks whether he might be finished 'towards the end of the year', and whether he could send an extract to her manager to 'persuade her how much better you are' and to herself for encouragement and to see if she can understand it; would be better if he sent it to her first, but gives Helen Arthur's name and address. Is very sorry that she could not come to see the Trevelyans; hopes she will see him in Paris and maybe Roerich too.
21 June 1930
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan