Department of Ceramics and Ethnography, British Museum - Thanks him for his letter replying to his about Tonga trilithons [FRAZ/1/92], is convinced that Frazer's explanation is correct and that there is only one, was misled by Brenchley's account which derived from his officer Foljambe's report and drawing; a recent edition of 'Stewart's Handbook of the Pacific Islands' reports only one; it is possible the other collapsed or became overgrown, perhaps W. C. McKern could settle the question; there is an interesting account by Hambruch of the Ponape ruins in the Carolines in "Deutsche Gesellschaft für Anthropologie", XLII, 1911: he has spoken to Hambruch and knows he has a great deal of material. Accompanied by an envelope.
23 Mar. 1927
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer
12 Mar 1927
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer
Department of Ceramics and Ethnography, British Museum - States his reasons for believing that there are two trilithons at Tongatabu [Tongatapu], citing accounts by J. L. Brenchley, Basil Thomson, and A. de Quatrefages.