72 Gordon Mansions, Francis Street, W.C.1. Dated June 25 and 27, 1930 - Thanks him for his kind letter about her son's memoirs [Kenneth Martin Ward]; is visiting her daughter Margery Lawson Dodd and will visit her sister in Cambridge [Anna Martin] and asks them to visit; answers his question about a memoir of her husband James Ward, she replies that her daughter Olwen wrote one as a preface to his papers and addresses on education; she lives the life of an invalid with a damaged heart and bronchial trouble; in the letter dated two days later she corrects herself, and says that the preface was in a volume of her husband's philosophical papers.
Sends a 'brief Postscript' to his letter to Bessie to thank Bob for "Windfalls", "From the Shiffolds", and his translation of the "Eclogues and Georgics". Has told Bessie what he thinks of "Windfalls", which is 'much the same as what [his son] John says of them'; jokigly criticises Bob for using 'different to'. Asks him to write another volume of literary criticism: Bob is so 'right & just... here, & how interesting!' with 'living racy slants' on those he loves or hates; "Solitariness" is a 'masterpiece'. Was 'amazed at [Bob's] youthful vigour' on a long day climbing on the Untersberg [in 1935], and has the 'same feeling' about "Windfalls" and how 'fresh & fit' Bob's mind must be. In the Christmas carols ["From the Shiffolds"], he got a 'savage satisfaction' from "Rabbits and Foxes"; also thinks "Helen", in the metre of "Rose-cheeked Laura" is 'masterly', asks whether the metre is the invention of [Thomas] Campion or classical. Would love to read an essay by Bob on Campion - or on Fulke Greville, Herrick, Marvell, Donne, Gogarty, Ford or Waller: 'Everything almost'. Also much more to say about Milton; asks Bob to write more on Shelley as he has read 'nothing so fine about him as "The Poetry of Ecstasy" since Mrs Campbell's book ["Shelley and the Unromantics" by Olwen Ward Campbell?]. Bob must also have 'thousands of things to say' about the Greek poets.