Royal Observatory Greenwich - GA did not like the Senate House Examination Papers [see GA to WW, 5 Feb. 1859], 'and I digested and abstracted them. Of the Abstract I sent a copy to Mathison [William C. Mathison]. It so became known, and Challis [James Challis] asked for a copy which I sent him. Subsequently Mr. Ferress (moderator) has asked for a copy which I send'. Would WW like a copy.
Royal Observatory Greenwich - Sheepshanks Exhibition [see GA to WW, 30 Sept. 1856] can be divided into three parts: 1. Gravitational, 2. Geometrical Astronomy and 3. Theory and Practice of Observations. GA could do number 3, Mathison [William C. Mathison] number 2 and if Adams [John C. Adams] is around, he could do number 1. A Transit-Circle was first introduced in Greenwich, because 'a Mural Circle cannot carry a large object-glass. - But there are many distinct advantages. As a Transit, it is no better than a detached Transit, but as a Circle it holds its position much better than a Mural Circle: the same object is infallibly observed in both elements; and (probably for that reason) one observer with the Transit-Circle observes a greater number of objects than two with Transit and Mural Circle: and it saves the salary of one observer'.
Royal Observatory Greenwich - GA received Mathison's [William C. Mathison] letter this morning announcing that the Sheepshanks Seniority should meet tomorrow [for background see GA to WW, 30 Sept. 1856]. GA will catch the 10.57 train.