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CLIF/A1/14 · Pièce · 18 Sept. 1871
Fait partie de Papers of W. K. Clifford

14 Maryland Road, Harrow Road, W.—Is annoyed that he omitted to write to her on her birthday. He intends to send her a trunk, but it will have to wait till ‘miladi’ (Lady Pollock) comes to help him choose it. Discusses his new rooms and neighbours. Is going back to Cambridge for a few days. Crotch regrets having to go away.

(Undated. The contents indicate that this letter was written on the Monday after Mary Clifford’s birthday in 1871, the year Clifford moved to London to take up a chair at University College.)



14 Maryland Rd. | Harrow Rd. | W

Dearest Mama,

I am so awfully vexed at not having written to you—especially on your birthday. {1} I can’t tell how it was except that I have been worried all the time and was travelling on Saturday and Sunday. But I did then and do now now wish you many and many happy returns of the day and of all other days. I want to send you a travelling trunk to come and see me with, but I must wait till miladi comes to choose it and tell me all the things that are necessary; because the ways of Providence are inscrutable, especially women. I think you will like my rooms here; I have got three for 10/– a week including attendance. It is a good way from the College but nearly all of it can be done by underground railway. The landlady pleases me very much so far, and I have got Eberlein next door; also the Wagners with whom he lives are very nice. {2} They are all germans† and exceedingly musical. I am going back to Cambridge tonight until Wednesday, {3} so address at Crotch’s lodgings 19 Trumpington St if you write before then. I think he is getting sorry to go away; he does not talk so sanguinely as at first. Tell me about all of you at home; I want the fullest accounts. And give my very best love to dear Papa & all the little ones from

Your most loving son


Letter-head of Trinity College, Cambridge, struck through.

{1} Mary Clifford's birthday was 17 September (cf. CLIF A1/8), which fell on a Sunday in 1871.

{2} The census taken this year records Herman Eberlein, Professor of Music, as lodging with George Wagner, also Professor of Music, and his family at 12 Maryland Road.

{3} The reference to Wednesday, instead of 'tomorrow', indcates that the letter was written on the Monday.

† Sic.