24 Mar. 1879
Part of Papers of W. K. Clifford
33 Woodsome Road, Highgate Road, N.W.—Communicates the London Dialectical Society's regret at the death of Professor Clifford.
(Letter-head of the Society. Signed as Honorary Secretary.)
33 Woodsome Rd
Highgate Rd
March 24/79
It is my mournful duty to send you a copy of the following resolution which was unanimously passed at a meeting of the Society held on the 19th inst.
“That this Society desires to express its deep regret at the loss sustained by the Nation through the untimely death of Profr Clifford the honored president of this Society: and tenders its sincere condolence to Mrs Clifford in her sad bereavement.”
I am
Yours very respectfully
Robt G. Hember
Hon Sec
Mrs Clifford