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Letter from T. Archer Hirst to Frederick Pollock
CLIF/A7/2 · Item · 17 Apr. 1876
Parte de Papers of W. K. Clifford

Shafton, near Barnsley.—Sends a contribution to the Clifford fund, which he will increase if necessary.

(With an envelope.)



near Barnsley
April 17th/76

My dear Pollock

I hear from Henrici that you are acting as Treasurer for the Clifford-Fund now being raised. Enclosed is my small contribution to it. I need hardly say that in case of necessity it would be gladly increased.

Believe me to be
Yours sincerely
T Archer Hirst

[Direction on envelope:] Frederick Pollock Esq, | 12 Bryanston Street, | London. W.


The envelope was postmarked at Barnsley on 17 April 1876, and at London, W., on the 18th, and has been marked in pencil ‘Hirst’.