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Add. MS b/35/68 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

9 Lauriston Rd. Wimbledon. Dated 14th Apr. 1901 - Would be delighted if he took the Manchester Chair of Comparative Religion, does not think that being a nonbeliever is a reason to decline it; would hear with disappointment if Rev Dr Robertson Nicol[l], Dr [John] Clifford or R[eginald] J. Campbell had taken the post; if it is laid down it must be a believer they will turn to the Orthodox Greek Church or a Roman Catholic and third High Church Anglicans; asks him to look at the April 'Hibbert' and tell him what he thinks of [Oliver] Lodge's article ['Suggestions towards the Re-interpretation of Christian Doctrine']; is migrating from Edinburgh but in or near London he has been frozen out, but does not repent his share in 'Encyclopaedia Biblica'.