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Add. MS b/35/159 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Ash Lea, Rock Park, Rock Ferry, Cheshire. Dated Nov. 28, 1918 - Thanks him for 'Folk-Lore in the Old Testament'; an old sea captain neighbour of theirs admires all his work immensely; is pleased at the dedication to Trinity; has been lucky to have his boys [Windham and Richard] spared in the war; Charles Bonnier was imprisioned by the Germans for espionage but is returned safely.

Add. MS b/35/158 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

22 Rock Park, Rock Ferry, Cheshire. Dated Dec. 8, 1916 - Thanks him for the Huxley memorial address; Chauncey Puzey and M. Bagin have died, Edgar Browne is much changed; is vexed with the pacifist strain at Trinity, does not understand Bertrand Russell and his friends; sad to hear that [J. P.] Postgate's son [Raymond] and Adam Sedgwick's son are in gaol for refusing to serve; both of his boys are in France: Dick's made a raid the other day and entered the German trench to find no one there; the University is limping along; W. Gasperi visited, has never doubted his sympathies; salutes the conservatives and labour government uniting under Lloyd George.

Add. MS b/35/157 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

22 Rock Park, Rock Ferry, Cheshire. Dated Feb. 6, 1915 - Thanks him for the Addison essays, and for Lady Frazer's letter and book at Christmas; gives news of his son [Windham], happy to be serving in the Royal Garrison Artillery, his second son [Richard] is not yet 18 but keen to serve, which he will do 'if this bloody business is not finished before the year is out'; knows that many of those going so happily will never return; he is drilling himself; refers to the traitor Kuno Meyer.

Add. MS b/35/155 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

3 Cavendish Terrace, Princes Park, Liverpool. Dated Oct. 22, 1913 - Thanks him for 'The Scapegoat'; repeats a joke his son Dick made about planting his knife in 'The Golden Bough' to open its secrets; the Master [of Trinity] sent round some verses; saw J. S. Reid who spoke mainly of Robertson [Robinson?] Ellis; [J. P.] Postgate was visiting and Carey revealed to him his son's [Raymond Postgate's] violent socialist opinions, which were a shock; Edgar Browne is publishing a new book.