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TRER/22/97 · Item · 27 Dec [1947]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

West Melville, Northam, N. Devon. - Has been looking at the Christmas books Bob has sent them between 1944 and 1947 ["From the Shiffolds"]: feels sure they 'contain some of the best' of Bob's work, and is 'very glad indeed to have them'. It is a 'partial relief... to turn to poetry from the tremendous and shattering events' of the time, of which 'many people seem so unaware'. Thinks the world is at a crisis, but is 'not without hope'; has just read Jung's latest book of essays, "On Contemporary Events", which he is sure would interest Bob. Jung has a 'wide and deep vision'; believes he is right that 'the best we can do is to look for The Shadow in ourselves', though it is very 'easy to project it onto others'. Would like Bob to listen to his wireless talk on the [BBC] Third Programme on 17 January, about the books of Karen Blixen. She knows 'in her own intuitive manner almost as much about life, both conscious and unconscious, as does Jung by other methods'; he believes she is a 'genius', and no longer hesitates to 'make extravagant claims for her'.

Is envying Bob's classical scholarship particularly at the moment: has always wanted to write a novel about the first century and is now beginning work on it. Plans to 'start on Appolonia [sic'] before moving scene to Cyprus, Palestine, and the West African Coast, so will have to do 'quite a lot of reading' on background, geography, politics, and 'the relatedness of ideas, Neo-Platonism, Gnosticism, and Hebrew sects, with perhaps influence from Egypt coming in'. Bob will think him 'a very rash man, and ignorant to be so rash'; wishes he could 'drop in' for a talk with him. Sends best wishes to both Trevelyans.