Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Dated Dec. 23, 1908 - Has been reading 'Lectures on the Early History of the Kingship' and sends information on the Bavili from R. E. Dennett's book 'At the Back of the Black Man's Mind' [transcribed].
Benin City, S. Nigeria. Dated 22.8.05 - Understands that Frazer is interested in his manuscript on the philosophy of the natives of Africa; it was offered to Constables, who would only print it if he paid for it; would like Frazer's opinion, is asking W. N. Thomas to send Frazer the manuscript.
7 Coptic St. W.C. 3 August, 1904 - Dennett's MS has yet to be revised as he is away; is puzzled by the Wilyaru Ceremony in [Spencer and Gillen's book 'The Northern Tribes of Central Australia']; encloses a transcript from an author who is now dead, 'Buléon, Sous le Ciel d'Afrique, Abbeville, 1896, 8. Refers referring to the Nkomis of Cape Lopez, Portuguese West Africa. p. 90' about an initiation ceremony in which the life of the initiate is linked to that of a wild animal.
7 Coptic St. W.C. Undated [1904?] - Cites an unpublished MS by R. L. [R. E.?] Dennett featuring a king who must fight all pretenders in the N. Province of Konjo.