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Crewe MS/11/f. 8 · Part · 1798
Part of Crewe Manuscripts

Asks him to grant his brother Savinien Edme Fauvelet a place in the agency for providing fodder for the expedition to England (l’agence des fourrages de l’armée d’Angleterre).

(Undated. A similar request for a citizen Benoit(?) is appended in another hand. The requests have been authorised by an inscription apparently in Napoleon’s hand.)



No. 591

Je prie le citoyen Tallien de vouloir bien m’accorder une place dans l’agence des fourrages de l’armée d’angleterre, pour mon frère le C[itoy]en Savinien Edme fauvelet.

Et une pour le Citoyen benoit {1}, Jeune homme plein de valeur et de patriotisme et a qui je dois beaucoup.

Le secrétaire du gènéral {2} Bonaparte
fauvelet Bourrienne


The second paragraph of this note is in a different hand to the first. In the margin is written, in Bonaparte’s hand, something like ‘Recom’, i.e. recommandé. The word has been marked with an asterisk referring to the following footnote: ‘ceci est la signate ou le paraphe de Bonaparte.’ But see the note inserted in the back of the book.

{1} The end of this name is indistinct.

{2} The last two letters are written above the line and are indistinct. They may have been added slightly later.