The Rector, Exeter College, Oxford - Admires how Frazer keeps up his work despite his handicap; wishes his own book on Tylor was better, but was pressured with space constraints and instructions to be critical, which he felt was 'indecent', given how much Oxford owes Tylor.
28 Grange Road, Barnes, S.W.13. - Did not know W. J. Perry had delivered a Frazer lecture, has never heard him say a word against Frazer, is sorry the lecture won't be included in the volume [of Frazer Lectures he is editing], will list it in the Introduction; is making Rivet's footnotes uniform, see that Rivet adopted the diffusion theory in his lecture; believes some controversy is good in a book as long as it is not personal as Marett's lecture was [about Elliot Smith]; does not think there is a need for galley proofs but could save money by going straight to page-form.
4 The University, Glasgow - Thanks them for their hospitality; found Marett's [Frazer] lecture to be most useful, particularly his defence of Tylor's theory.
Fairlawn, Bearsden, Dumbartonshire - Is very grateful to Frazer for his proposal for a book of letters [published as 'Spencer's Scientific Correspondence with Sir J. G. Frazer and Others'] and is grateful to Marett for agreeing to edit it; is hoping to see Marett in Oxford next week.
Accompanied by the envelope.
Strafford House, Aldeburgh, Suffolk - Thanks him for his copy 'The Gorgon's Head', is looking forward to light reading during his convalescence; has given Marett's 'The Diffusion of Culture' to Sir Hugh Clifford, who rejects Elliot Smith's 'wild theory'; Elliot Smith has resigned from Folklore Society because President Myers attacked his theory.
Institute of Anatomy, University College, London - Thanks Frazer for writing to him concerning the republication of Marett's Frazer Lecture; while he regrets that quotations taken out of context make him look disrespectful to Frazer, he believes in discussion of differences and asks that the lecture be published.
28 Grange Road, Barnes, S.W.13. - Had hoped to trouble her no further with correspondence [about the Frazer Lectures volume], but her letter and a letter he received from Marett [about dropping his lecture from the volume due to content about Elliot Smith] have changed that; will take no further steps until he hears from her; encloses the letter he received from Marett and his response [FRAZ/17/23].
Marseille [20 June], 54 Cours Napoléon, Ajaccio, Corse [3, 6 July], de Canelle d'Orcino [6, 10 Aug., 14 Sept.] - Ceccaldi writes of a trip with lost luggage in Marseille, and on 3 July writes that he received many items from her on his return, including a portrait of [Robert Ranulph] Marett; he has found grave faults in Ptolemy regarding the position of Corsica and finds it difficult as geographers don’t work with antiquities and philologists don’t work with geography or astronomy, notes it would have been useful to consult Salomon Reinach; tells the story of sending his calculations to Andre Berthelot; thanks her for sending two copies of 'Essais et souvenirs' by Mme de Pange. He writes he is about to go to the country on 6 July; is getting maps from Geneva that he never found in Paris; hopes that she will rest herself; understands that the library at Trinity is not in perfect order, but advises her to only do what is essential. On 6 Aug. he writes that the most recent work by Roberto Almagià is wrong about the origin of Fra Leandro’s map of Corsica; approves of their proposed trip to Berne, Paris, Riviera, Ajaccio; suggests the title 'Regains' for the French translation [of 'Aftermath'?]. He writes how quiet they are in the country on 10 Aug., and notes they are getting water, telephone, and electricity. On 14 Sept., the post has been delayed while the election of Landry and Chiappe have been taking place; is pleased to hear that they are already looking at proofs of 'Aftermath'.
28 Grange Road, Barnes, S.W.13., Private & Confidential - Has received a further letter from Marett, which he sends with a copy of his reply [FRAZ/17/24]; resigns the editorship of the volume [of Frazer Lectures] as otherwise his name would be associated with a volume with an attack on Elliot Smith while also omitting Perry's lecture; has kept a journal of the work done; encloses Marett's letter of 30 July [FRAZ/17/25], his reply, his journal of proceedings, and Marett's printed lecture [journal and lecture not present].
La Haule Manor, Jersey - His letter gave Marett great pleasure, even if the praise was undeserved; had to write quickly in order to be ready for the July number of the 'Quarterly', Buxton wrote that Marett is Frazer's disciple, and Marett calls Frazer 'the Master of them that know anything about anthropology'.
Exeter College, Oxford - Has received the bust of Sir James, and is storing it in his classroom; thinks it ought to be placed rather high, as the face inclines downwards; 'Cambridge meant well' when it appointed R [John Roscoe?], given that everyone knows the 'Golden Bough' is the source of his inspiration; is glad to hear they are having a 'giddy' time in Paris.
La Haule Manor, Jersey - Praises her translation of' 'Le trésor légendaire de l'humanité'; is busy with wedding of second daughter [Joyce Elizabeth]; wishes them a happy Christmas.
Exeter College, Oxford - Thanks her for her hospitality; has written Mrs Balfour [about the Frazers visiting?]; has begun 'La fin d'un monde' [by Claude Anet?] and finds it 'interesting though some of the archaeological details strike me as queer'.
Exeter College, Oxford - The [Frazer] lecture was a success, over 150 people attended, the Professor [Alexandre Moret] was eloquent, clear and easy to follow; will leave it to [Moret] and the Frazers to decide how publication takes place.
Corrections are in Frazer's hand, with an extra preface laid in loose corrected by Charles Whibley. With date stamps and proof stamp on title page by 'Andrew Reid & Company Ltd., Newcastle-Upon-Tyne'.
Exeter College, Oxford - Accepts the invitation to dine on the 18th, cannot on the 25th, as he will be at a meeting of the Jersey Society in London.
Exeter College, Oxford - Asks if J.G.F. would be willing to be President of the Folklore Society during their 50th anniversary year, nothing beyond a ceremonial address required, the Vice-President would do the rest of the work (probably Professor Dawkins).
From the Rector, Exeter College, Oxford - He must work through Dudley Buxton, who is now Secretary to the Anthropology Committee as relates to the Frazer lectureships; suggests J.G.F. write a letter about Rivet; otherwise H. J. Rose, a good man, will be picked; applauds her work on founding a French Folklore society.
From the Rector, Exeter College, Oxford - Is at St Andrews, completing the first series of Giffords lectures; is sorry to hear about J.G.'s eyes, is staying with Professor Stout whose eyes and ears are bad; Farnell owes his poor sight to a collision with a motor bicycle, but has finished his 3 vol. Pindar; saw Sir James Irvine about the honorary degree at St Andrews, and they could renew the offer, said it was suspended indefinitely because of J.G.'s brother-in-law's [John Steggall?] excessive delicacy.
From the Rector, Exeter College, Oxford - Thanks her for the nice copy of the speech [on the Freedom of Glasgow?]; the best lectureship is the Sir Basil Zaharoff with a fee of £40 and £10 for expenses, has written the Vice-Chancellor suggesting J.G.; there are other lectureships but they are less valuable.
From the Rector, Exeter College, Oxford - Looks forward to the Frazer Lectures volume with its dedication; will be happy to host them when J.G. gives the Zaharoff lecture; the Anthropological Society at Oxford wanted to invite him to speak, but he thinks this would be too much work for J.G.
From the Rector, Exeter College, Oxford - Has just reviewed the book ['The Fear of the Dead' Vol. II?]; defends H. J. Rose as not being responsible for the Folklore Society's arrangements about the Frazer lecture and is an admirer of J.G.; is off to Jersey where he hopes to write an address for the Anthropological Congress.
From the Rector, Exeter College, Oxford - Hears from Professor Rudler that they are not doing so well; enjoyed reading 'Creation and Evolution' and has written a review in the 'Times Literary Supplement'; he is Pro-Vice-Chancellor and very busy.
From the Rector, Exeter College, Oxford - Thanks her for her valentine, will now think of her as his Flaminica; marvels at how quickly 'The Times' moved to publish his review of 'Aftermath'; busy with estate management affairs [at Oxford]; has agreed to write a book on Tylor, whose relations are not helpful; will give a Presidential Address to the Sociological Institute in which he will tell them to leave the subject of Race to the anthropologists.
From the Rector, Exeter College, Oxford - Agrees that 'Totemism and Exogamy' must not be allowed to go out of print; has been working with Gair, the Reader in Anthropology at Edinburgh, who may be able to 'diffuse' copies to members of the Scottish Anthropological Society; is bringing out a book, and his son is as well.
From the Rector, Exeter College, Oxford - On 3 May, complains that he must write something quickly but is very busy with administrative matters, gives a sample of his morning so far (two meetings, a dozen dictated letters by 10:30); his wife is ill after attending son's wedding in Mexico. Letter of 5 May assures her he will write the 'Quarterly Review' article; wrote the 'Literary Supplement' article of 2 May and now the 'Times' wants something for their columns as well.
54 Cours Napoléon, Ajaccio (Corse) - Thanks her for her happy letter; tells her it was Campana who was Consul général in London when they went to lunch with M. de Fleuriau; suggests she photograph the drawing of Sir James and send it to her friends; rejoices in the success of the books 'Pasha the Pom' and the first volume of the 'Anthologia Anthropologica'; is happy she let him send his reminiscences to [Sir Joseph John?] Thomson and to [Robert Ranulph?] Marett; has sent Catherine [Giamarchi] her note.
From the Rector, Exeter College, Oxford - Thanks for the telegram [for his 70th birthday]; thinks they are making too much fuss over him; sends a copy of the portrait by Henry Lamb, notes one critic says, 'I look as if I had lost my pipe'.
54 Cours Napoléon, Ajaccio (Corse) - Makes plans to meet; [R. R.] Marett told him that it was a degree from Oxford that he received, not from Cambridge as he had supposed.
From the Rector, Exeter College, Oxford - Agrees it would have been nice to have a Frazer contribution to the gift book ['Custom is King'], supposes Buxton did it in a rush, but takes the will for the deed as he considers them among his dearest friends.