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Add. MS b/35/381 · Unidad documental simple · c 1947-c 1955
Parte de Additional Manuscripts b

Lindean, Perth Road, Dundee. Dated 17th August, 1913 - Gives information on the potholes on the summit of Ben Avon, a holed stone near Ballater, and the rite of 'blooding' a sportsman on his first kill in the Western Highlands.

Add. MS c/58/63 · Unidad documental simple · 16 Sept. 1913
Parte de Additional Manuscripts c

Morven, Ballater, Aberdeenshire - His uncle James Greig is getting information on the Needle Stone, and he is getting more on Clach Bhann or Women's Rocks on Ben Avon; he was blooded on his first hare, and has blooded others in turn; his keeper has assisted in a rite of the harvest-maiden in Sutherland.

Add. MS c/57/66 · Unidad documental simple · 17 Aug. 1913
Parte de Additional Manuscripts c

Lindean, Perth Road, Dundee - Gives information on the potholes on the summit of Ben Avon, a holed stone near Ballater, and the rite of 'blooding' a sportsman on his first kill in the Western Highlands.