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TRER/5/96 · Item · 10 Feb 1940
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

I Tatti, Settignano, Florence. - Encloses a sheet with his responses to Trevelyan's queries about his translation [of Leopardi], with a few points of his own; finds the translation 'quite excellent'. Thanks Trevelyan and his brother once more [re Morra's translation of G.M. Trevelyan's "British History in the Nineteenth Century, 1782-1901"]. Has almost finished copying out the translation; his publisher [Einaudi] is willing to give him another job of the same kind, and asks Trevelyan for some suggestions of books from last five years which he might suggest if necessary. These might be history, biography (Duff Cooper's "Talleyrand" has done well in Italy), travel or memoirs, not fiction. All fairly well at I Tatti; Mary [Berenson] is recovering from bronchitis and Nicky [Mariano] from flu; they all think of Trevelyan often.

TRER/15/93 · Item · 21 Dec 1934
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

I Tatti, Ponte a Mensola (sotto Settignagno). - Has just arrived from Paris. Mary [Berenson] is still 'very much an invalid', but B.B. and Nicky [Mariano] seem all right. Saw [Maria] Germanova in Paris, who hopes to see Julian if he comes over; [her son] Andryusha is arriving today he would see him. Also saw Betty Chetwynd, who still seems 'rather an invalid', and has to take things very easily; she is going to her mother at Nice for three weeks on Sunday and says if Julian and Ursula would like to use her flat when in Paris they need only go and tell the concierge; they need not write to her beforehand. Discovered that the friend of [Jean] Marchand who is so ill lives in the same house, so went to see them and Marchand afterwards.

TRER/15/92 · Item · 30 July 1934
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Originally enclosing a letter to Julian which Bob found on the return home, probably from Nicky [Mariano]. Lina [Waterfield] said in a telephone call that she thought it would be all right even if [her husband] Aubrey had not written to Aulla; he is currently away in Gloucestershire, but [the people at Aulla] will understand Julian's telegram and get things ready [for his and Ursula's honeymoon]. Hopes Julian and Ursula had time for everything in London. Bob and Bessie stopped to see Mrs V[aughan] W[illiams] and Adeline on the way back, and gave them some cakes; Ralph [Vaughan Williams] is 'getting on well'. Glad that everything went so well, and hopes they have a good time.

TRER/5/90 · Item · 21 Nov 1939
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Metelliano. - Thanks Trevelyan for sending his "Plays": likes receiving this present 'from you and from England in such a moment of anguish'. Has finished translating G. M. Trevelyan's "British History in the Nineteenth Century" for Einaudi [see 5/88] and now must go over it; it will be with the publisher around the end of February. Has found work on it 'a relief'; likes the first part of the book better than the second and thinks the picture of 'old England' and the transistion due to the Industrial Revolution is 'masterful'. Discusses the notes he must add, particularly the quotations; asks if he could submit queries to Trevelyan, or directly to his brother, and outlines his thoughts on whether quotations should be translated [this section is marked with blue]. Saw Mary [Berenson] at I Tatti just after her return, cheerful though frail; B.B. [Berenson] and Nicky [Mariano] are now in Rome. Hopes Trevelyan is not anxious about Julian.

TRER/5/87 · Item · 14 Apr 1939
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

I Tatti, Settignano, Florence. - Has just heard of the death of Clifford Allen and is very sorry: it must have been a comfort both for the Allens and for Trevelyan that they were near in his last weeks. Only met him once, but remembers him as 'very endearing'; it is sad that 'so much keenness to live has been taken from him' and that Trevelyan has lost a younger friend who could have been 'with him for ever'. Asks if a friend of his, and Nicky [Mariano]'s could come and stay with a family in England to learn English and teach Italian language and literature. B.B. [Berenson] and Nicky come tomorrow; Mary seems 'more rested than usual'; Karin 'is entertaining but a bit mad'.

TRER/5/86 · Item · 7 Nov 1938
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

I Tatti, Settignano, Florence. - The Berensons are no longer going to Egypt: Mary is in a very low state and does not want to travel; Trevelyan is therefore free to come to I Tatti, but Nicky [Mariano] says he should not do so in December as lots of Mary's family may come, as well as [Gaillard] Lapsley. B.B. is generally well but much distressed. Has come from Montepulciano, where the Braccis were celebrating their silver wedding anniversary. Will look to see if he has Trevelyan's copy of [Woolf's] "The Voyage Out". Asks Trevelyan to bring him two packets of English-made Gillette razor blades: they are 'reduced' to German ones which 'break at their first use'. They have all been watching the eclipse of the moon. The Hammers are here 'full of sorrow'. Is sorry about the death of Trevelyan's friend [Lascelles] Abercrombie.

TRER/5/84 · Item · 28 June 1938
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

I Tatti, Settignano, Florence. - Has corresponded with the Braccis about the Lloyd girl, and Trevelyan will receive a second message from Lulli [Lucangelo Bracci] through Nicky [Mariano] soon. Sprigge [Cecil or Sylvia] has not approached them. The Braccis would like to send their eldest son, who has graduated and preparing to enter the diplomatic service, to England; therefore Miss Lloyd could stay at Montepulciano for a month as an unpaying guest as long as Braccio may likewise go and stay with the Lloyds [Margaret and Ted?] for a month and improve his spoken English. If this is impossible, asks if Trevelyan could suggest another family for Braccio to stay with. Would like to read Virginia's book [Woolf's "Three Guineas"] though expects not to like it much, like "A Room of One's Own]; would be grateful if Trevelyan could send a copy. The Lippmanns' visit has not brought B.B. [Berenson] the pleasure he hoped for: 'something dry... and pedantically moralising' about Lippman; his new wife 'an improvement on the previous one' but hysterical. Returning home today, then will go to Sorrento, then to 'the new Consuma' at Vallombrosa. Trevelyan's friend is welcome if he comes when Morra is at home. Knows nothing about [Leone?] Vivante's book and asks why he ought to read it.

TRER/15/83 · Item · 30 Oct 1932
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

If Julian is back in Paris, he should try to see [Bernard] Berenson at once, as he will be leaving soon. Also hopes he will soon see [Hasan] Suhrawardy, who has been back in Paris for a while. Wishes that Suhrawardy could come to England, as he is not sure when he himself will go abroad but it might not be until almost Christmas or later. Fears Suhrawardy might not have enough money to visit, and would be glad to send him some but does not like to ask, especially as he sent some for Andrusha [Kalitinsky]'s expenses at university in Zurich. Might be best to wait until he can see Suhrawardy in Paris, but would be glad to hear how he is. Would be delighted to put up Julian at any time. Donald [Tovey] has just come with [his wife] Clara and a nurse, and will stay for at least two weeks; he is much better, but not well enough to return to Edinburgh this winter. Bessie is well, and C.A. [Clifford Allen] has recovered. Is trying to write a 'prose story, having renounced the Muses for the time at least', but expects they will come back to 'torment' him again; writing prose is 'much more fun than writing verse'', but dialogue is 'the devil'.

TRER/5/83 · Item · 14 Oct 1937
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Villa Morra Cortona (Arrezzo). - Had planned to come to Paris, so did not answer as soon as he received Trevelyan's translation of Lucretius, just looked into it and found the story of Macauley's notebook interesting; thanks him now; is not coming to Paris. Cannot give him any firm news about the Braccis' financial dealings. Hopes Trevelyan is coming to Italy; he himself will go to I Tatti when Nicky [Mariano] and B.B. [Berenson] are back in November, then will probably go to Rome some time in December and return to I Tatti after the New Year. Has started learning German. There have been floods recently. Has no news yet of Mary [Berenson]'s return and hopes all is well.

TRER/15/82 · Item · 8 Oct 1932
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Sends the address of the hotel where B.B. [Bernard Berenson] and Nicky [Mariano] are staying in Paris, though Julian may not return soon enough to see them. [Hasan] Suhrawardy is in Paris so Julian will see him; gives his new telephone number. Originally enclosing a cutting from the "Man[chester] Guardian", though Julian has probably heard more about it. Expects he will go abroad early in December. [Donald] Tovey is better; may come to the Shiffolds for a while with his nurse next month. C.A. [Clifford Allen] is 'also fairly well', though he has 'become very critical of the P.M. [Ramsay MacDonald] and will soon probably criticise him openly'; all this though is too complicated for a letter. Hopes Julian's film is going well and that the weather will allow him to finish it this year. He and Bessie are both 'quite well'. Has not been able to get an answer from [Hugh] Sykes Davies, so will have to go to Cambridge soon to see him.

TRER/5/82 · Item · 20 Aug 1937
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Poggio allo Spino, Consuma, (Prov. di Firenze). - Apologies for not writing sooner: was waiting to see the Braccis, but they are involved in negotiations to see most of their land and have not come; had hoped he would be able to tell Trevelyan about the payment of money owed him. Is here while Nicky [Mariano] is resting at Sorrento. B.B. [Berenson] has regained energy but complains of not being able to do much work. Clotilde [Marghieri], still in poor health, is here; her sister is at Vallombrosa and they see her often; there is also a French diplomat, Truela [?], and Martha Ruspoli. Thinks she would take to Trevelyan: B.B. nicknames her 'la pedantina'. Was reading about Alfoxden and Nether Stowey when he received Trevelyan's letter: has been writing about [Mario] Praz's history of English literature and reading around the subject. [John Livingstone Lowes'] "The Road to Xanadu", on Coleridge was 'much too long'; has found [Oliver] Elton's work most rewarding; Middleton Murry's "Keats and Shakespeare" was interesting but had a 'very distasteful, over-emphatic' way of putting across even good arguments.

TRER/5/81 · Item · 29 May 1937
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Metelliano. - Hopes that Trevelyan will come to Italy this summer; if he says when he will be at La Consuma, Morra will arrange to be there at the same time. Asks if he should keep [Woolf's] "The Years" until then; has read it, written his article, and sent a translation and one of part of another article speaking more generally about Virginia to Judith [Stephen] to share with her aunt if she sees fit. Has heard from Iris Origo that Leonard Woolf is careful not to let Virginia see criticism than might upset her, and his opinion of "The Years" is 'not very favourable'. Is going to Venice on the 5th to meet B.B. [Berenson] and Nicky [Mariano] and see the Tintoretto exhibition with them; tomorrow he is hearing [Mozart's] "Nozze di Figaro" in Florence, which sounded very good through the radio.

TRER/5/80 · Item · 15 Apr 1937
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

I Tatti, Settignano, Florence. - It is very kind of Trevelyan to say he will send Morra Virginia [Woolf's] new book ["The Years"]; he has promised to review it by the middle of May. Met Trevelyan's brother George here recently and was amused by the resemblances and differences between them. George's wife [Janet] seemed 'very pleasant', and B.B. is revising his first thoughts about her. Alberti is here. Mary's health is up and down but she does not 'look at all badly'. Will return home when B.B. and Nicky [Mariano] start for the Aegean.

TRER/15/78 · Item · 26 Dec 1931
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

c/o Conte Umberto Morra di Lavriano, Villa Metelliano, Cortona, prov. di Arezzo, Italy. - He and [Umberto] Morra send best wishes for the New Year. Has been here a week after a fortnight at I Tatt; Mary [Berenson] was 'very ill', but seems to be recovering; it will however be a 'long illness'. Only saw her twice, for a couple of minutes; she was 'very charming' and asked after Julian. B.B. [Bernard Berenson] was 'subdued, but very sympathetic'. There were no dinner guests, so most nights Nicky [Mariano] read aloud "Anna Karenina", which he found very fine and much 'more subtle' than he, or B.B., remembered. Aubrey and Lina [Waterfield] were 'a bit tired out by their two pupils'; they and [their daughter] Kinta all asked after Julian and seemed to have enjoyed his visit. Hears from Bessie that Julian's show opens on 15 January; if he stays in England until the end of the month Bob will be sure to be back at home. If C.A. [Clifford Allen] goes to Paris, will try to meet him there. Expects he will stop for two or three days at I Tatti when B.B. returns around the 20th, then come back home. Though it is very cold, has been out in the hills every afternoon trying to start a long poem. The "Nation" have at last published his 'blasphemous poem'. He and Morra read Shakespeare, Ariosto and Tasso in the evening; Makalé [the dog] barks on these moonlit nights, which makes him 'open the window and shout at him in English and Italian'. Sends love to [Maria] Germanova, [Alexandr] Kalitinski and Andr[usha Kalitinski] if Julian sees them. Is going to Florence to celebrate the new year with Alda [Anrep], Nicky etc. Glad Julian is seeing Millet; John Walker will probably be in Paris for a few days so Bob has given him Julian's address, but explained he is likely to be very busy; got to like Walker, who will probably stay at the [Hotel] Londres, 'very much this time'.

TRER/15/77 · Item · 29 Oct 1931
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Julian's letter from Rome arrived this morning; hopes this will catch him at Poggio and that he found [Umberto] Morra at Cortona. Sends love to all at Poggio [the Waterfields], also to the B.B.s [Berensons] and Nicky [Mariano]. Going to Edinburgh from 9-13 November as he has a lot to do there with Donad [Tovey, re the new production of their opera "The Bride of Dionysus"]. He and Elizabeth are going to a concert at Haslemere involving Jelly [d'Aranyi] and Adila [Fachiri], and are bringing back Jelly for the night; if Julian wants to come to that concert, he should let Elizabeth know, but expects he will not want to return to England so soon. The 'elections are very queer. Labour has made a fool of itself'; hopes it will 'learn its lesson'. Everything depends on MacD[onald], whom C.A. [Clifford Allen] has been 'actively supporting throughout', Bob thinks rightly, though it is difficult. Charles has lost his seat, 'of course'. Will be very interesting to hear Julian's 'adventures'. Has to go to London to have a tooth out now.

TRER/5/76 · Item · 27 June 1935
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Montepulciano (Prov. di Siena). - Has had news from Elsa Dallolio of I Tatti, who paid her first visit there on B.B. [Berenson]'s seventieth birthday: Mary [Berenson] dined and seemed well; his own opinion is that she is getting better but also grows intolerant of everything going 'against either her hopes or her prejudices'. Elizabeth is amazed at her fluctuations in health. However there is something 'big' in her so that those with her must 'feel the benefit of her greatness' even when sharing her life has inconveniences. B.B. was very healthy, but a month of life at I Tatti at the height of the season in Florence has tired him. Mary is due to go to Vienna soon, then B.B. and Nicky [Mariano] leave for Venice; he is tempted to join them there but put off by the heat. The music at Florence has been mixed: began with hearing [Adolf] Busch's rehearsals of the Brandenburg concerto and was very taken buy the performance, though he regretted the choice of the 'modern' piano over the clavichord despite Serkin's beautiful performance). The Weingartner performance of [Beethoven's] ninth symphony was uneven. Was sorry not to hear "Norma"; found Serafin's conducting of some other Italian vocal pieces lacking delicacy; Bruno Walter gave a good performance of [Mozart's] "Seraglio", an uneven one of Mozart's "Requiem", and a difficult Mozart concerto at Palazzo Vecchio. Saw Gluck's "Alceste" on an immense scale in the Boboli gardens. [John] Walker is here again and settled in Rome: B.B. is worried that he will be distracted by 'too many girls and women'. Hopes he will see Trevelyan at the Consuma in August, where he will go to allow Nicky to take her holiday in Sorrento. Hopes Bessie Trevelyan is doing well after her operation.

TRER/5/75 · Item · 27 Dec 1934
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Is sorry not to have been able to see Trevelyan [at Cortona]; knows Nicky [Mariano] has given him the 'very tiresome' explanations which he was 'rather unwilling' to give himself. Will visit I Tatti, then go to Rome when B.B. [Berenson] takes his trip to Hyeres and return when they do, so hopes he will still see a lot of Trevelyan. Is listening to Beethoven's first symphony 'badly executed but most purely + wirelessed'. Thanks Trevelyan for his "Selected Poems".

TRER/19/75 · Item · [Sept. 1944]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Sissinghurst Castle, Kent; 'as from' 19 Lord North Street, Westminster. - Very kind of Trevelyan to send her his book ["Windfalls"]; mentions some of her favourite pieces; remembers walking with him and B.B. [Bernard Berenson] by Vincigliata; perhaps one of her favourites is the piece on "Kindness", which recall 'days of talk at Settignano'; 'how sweet' I Tatti [Berenson's home] was, and how much they 'long' for it again, the 'very Palace of talk & enjoyment''. Had news on 29 August from Harold Nicolson's younger son Nigel that Berenson is safe in hiding, and that as soon as the British line advances he will try to find him. That was nearly a month ago; the Germans are still in Fiesole, the Villa Medici, and Settignagno. Nicky [Mariano] and Alda [Anrep] are at I Tatti.

TRER/5/73 · Item · 23 Mar 1934
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Did not come to I Tatti when Trevelyan was there as he was in quarantine in Rome, due to one of the Bracci boys having chickenpox or measles (cannot remember the right English word) which might have been dangerous for Mary [Berenson]; hopes to see him in the summer. Was good to read the short poems which Trevelyan sent to Nicky [Mariano]; expects he will see the dialogue soon. Spent a fortnight at I Tatti; a pleasure to see Mary so well, with 'nothing hectic in her state'. They went to four concerts in one week, including a performance by Huberman and Schnabel of all Beethoven's violin sonatas, played 'in quite a different way. Is going back to hear Cortot, Cazals and Thibaut [sic: Casals and Thibaud] playing the "Archduke sonata". Is not subscribing to the new "Life and Letters". Berenson has subscribed so he will look at it there. Has just finished [Woolf's] "Flush": found it 'an amazing performance but too much of a performance'; has also read some short stories by K[atherine] Mansfield which he cannot like and finds 'useless elaboration'. Will read Brennan's book soon, when Lina [Waterfield] returns it. Expects Trevelyan is glad about [Labour's] victory in the L.C.C [London County Council] elections, headed by [Herbert] Morrison. Was very angry about the 'so-called Viennese rebellion' [Austrian Civil War or February Uprising], especially as he suspects the Italian government had something to do with it.

TRER/5/72 · Item · 24 Nov 1933
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Has received the books sent by Trevelyan, and will arrange payment through Nicky [Mariano] when he returns to I Tatti on Monday. Not sure yet of his plans, but will make a point of being at home on the days Trevelyan intends to be in the area with Miss Muntz [?]. Mary [Berenson] is suffering from high occasional fevers, with delirium, produced by an injection cure she is taking once a week. Mrs Wharton came recently, 'making herself rather obnoxious by the moody way' she treats other visitors to I Tatti, though since she does not object to him she was on the whole good company. Is happy Trevelyan is coming to stay. Faulkner is 'very awful and gruesome' but thinks him a 'real writer'.

TRER/15/70 · Item · 6 Aug 1930
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

c/o B[ernard] Berenson, Poggio allo Spino, Consuma (Prov di. Firenze). - Glad Julian is having such a good time; expects he will be at or near Aulla by now. Unsure whether he himself will be able to get to Aulla; expects he will stay here until the end of the month then go home; hopes Aubrey and Lina [Waterfield] will not be annoyed with him. Might be able to come for a few days early in September, but fears Julian would have left by then. B.B. [Berenson] likely to go to Paris then so Julian would probably miss him, or the house would be full since Mary is coming from England with some guests. Nicky [Mariano] and the Anreps [Alda and Egbert] are here at the moment, and [Alberto] Moravia is staying in the village nearby. Julian could maybe arrange to do this, but will probably want to go on to Ravenna.

Spent some time in Paris with the Allens [Clifford and Joan], and saw [Hasan] Suhrawardy and [Maria] Germanova; then went with the Allens to Bolzano for almost a week. Clifford Allen seems much better in health; they will return home soon via Heidelburg. Bessie writes that the 'last difficulties to the building contract have been removed'; she has probably signed it by now. Roland [Vaughan Williams] will not allow the house to be 'plastered smooth', so the 'old part shall remove rough-cast, and the new part be brick': he is sorry, but Julian may prefer it. Is reading a lot, but has done little work, except on translating the "Medea" for Germanova, who 'seems to want very much to do it in America next year'. Received Julian's letter at Bolzano about 'adventures in the Pyrennees [sic] and in wolf-caverns'; glad Julian is seeing [Frederick] Porter, will pay for any lessons when he returns so he should keep an account. Sends love to Lina and Aubrey; will write soon to let them know whether he can visit.

TRER/15/69 · Item · 21 Aug 1930
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

c/o [Bernard] Berenson, Poggio allo Spino, Consuma (Prov. di Firenze). - Glad Julian is having a good time at Aulla, and would have liked to join him but cannot manage it. Will start for home around the beginning of September, and may stop at Paris for a few nights. Julian unlikely to have time to stop here on the way to Venice or Ravenna, but there may be room, or he could stop at the hotel at Consuma; Nicky [Mariano] will have written about that to Lina [Waterfield]. The countryside here is in some ways the finest he has seen in Italy, hard to be beaten 'even by Aulla'; Julian should see it some day, perhaps next year. Went to Laverna [sic: La Verna], where St Francis received his stigmata, on Monday by car. [Umberto] Morra has left, but [Alberto] Moravia is still staying at the hotel and comes to the house every day; the Anreps [Alma and Egbert] are here most of the time. His hotel in Rome was the Albergo Elyseé; if Julian stays there he should ask whether he can get a room looking over the Borghese gardens; his own looked the wrong way, but he used to go to [Guglielmo degli] Alberti's. Sends love to A[ubrey], Lina, Kinta and J[ohn], and to Adelina and 'the Fortezza itself'. Morra almost certain to be at Cortona and glad to see Julian.

TRER/5/69 · Item · 9 Feb [1933]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Metelliano. - Hopes Trevelyan has returned safely home 'without more internal troubles'; sends on a letter. Pancrazi is urging him to finish the article on [George] Moore and to talk about his novels, which he does not have at all; asks for help in getting hold of "Esther Waters", "A Modern Lover", and "Drama in Muslin", he will pay Trevelyan back through Nicky [Mariano] if it is a question of Birrell not wanting to send out unpaid-for books. Expects "The Lake" and "Aphrodite in Aulis" through Trevelyan's 'kindness', and has already read "Abelard", which he enjoyed very much, and "Memoirs of My Dead Life". Hopes Trevelyan can think out happily 'the meeting of St Francis with Flaminius' ghost'. Asks to be remembered to 'Lord Alan' [Clifford Allen]; the Allens should be persuaded to come to Italy.

TRER/5/66 · Item · 24 May 1932
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Tonino did not send on Trevelyan's letter of late April with the book and Virginia Woolf's card, and he has been away from home in Rome, at I Tatti, and then in Venice. Heard of Trevelyan from Logan [Pearsall Smith] and from B.B. [Berenson] and Nicky [Mariano]. May come to England in September when B.B. is also there, instead of in June; tells Trevelyan to make plans for a summer visit to Cortona.

TRER/5/65 · Item · 6 Mar [1932]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

I Tatti, Settignano, Florence. - Sends a cheque for £60, as arranged with Nicky [Mariano]. Mary 'almost astonishingly well': appears in the Library, talks a lot, and likes to meet people as normal; she may perhaps remain an invalid but seems not to mind this. Berenson's sister Bessie has arrived 'very calm and nice and gentle'; she has a fever but Narina [?] says it is nothing. [Wanda] Landowska came to dine yesterday; found her 'intelligent and delightful... with strange looks, between a biblical Rebecca and a gipsy'. Anxious to hear what Trevelyan thinks of his note on [Woolf's] "The Waves". Has read Trevelyan's Pope but not yet begun his article on [Lytton] Strachey, so will not send it back for a few weeks. Had a letter from Julian, who says he should decide whether he will translate Joyce into English. Wishes he could go to Paris and then London; still a chance he may. Knows nothing of Miss Gastaldi, and must enquire.

TRER/5/61 · Item · 16 Nov 1929
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Sevilla Palace Hotel. - Is on his way home; received Trevelyan's letter in Granada and before that had heard his plans from Nicky [Mariano]. Delighted Trevelyan is coming to Italy and can see him whenever suits him best. Hopes he will come with Julian. Would also be delighted to see Trevelyan's Indian friend. Will speak of Spain when they meet; is very much interested in it and would like to read Madariaga's book [Salvador de Madariaga, "Englishmen, Frenchmen, Spaniards: An Essay in Comparative Psychology"?], though tells Trevelyan not to give it to him. Knows Virginia Woolf's book is waiting for him at home. The Berensons are fairly well and today leave Granada for Murcia. 'Mary of course is easily tired and more than easily bored'.

TRER/15/60 · Item · 1 Jan 1930
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Villa Morra, Cortona. - Assumes Julian is leaving on 5 or 6 January, so is coming to Florence on the 4th; will take a taxi from the station unless he finds the car from I Tatti there, as he has let Nicky [Mariano] know when his train arrives. Has not heard from [Roger] Sessions yet, but assumes he would like him to come to the Villino; if necessary he could go to the Anreps [Alda and Egbert], or to I Tatti at once. Wonders if Julian got a permesso di soggiorno, or whether the Waterfields [Aubrey and Lina] thought that was unnecessary. Expects there will be a concert in Florence on Sunday the 15th, and might go; Mary [Berenson] may have an extra ticket for him. Was rather relieved when [Alberto] Moravia left 'as he talked so much', but 'liked him in a way'. Expects Julian has written to [Hasan] Suhrawardy. [Umberto] Morra is not coming to Florence until the 6th or 7th. Hopes Julian had a 'good New Year's festa, probably at the Anreps'. Tonino [Morra's attendant] made them some punch; this morning they 'had to eat grapes for breakfast' to bring 'plenty of money all this year'. Will visit from the Villino one day after lunch if Julian is there.

TRER/5/56 · Item · 6 Jan 1927
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Metelliano. - Trevelyan seems to have invited Morra to accompany him on a trip to Burma, and though he would very much like to have the pleasure of his company and to see such a distant place, he feels she should not accept for several reasons: asks what a 'poor italian' would do among 'cultured Englishmen or say Birmans, and how he could intrude in a friendly gathering; does not know if he would stand the ocean or the tropical climate; he probably could not get a passport, and has responsibilities and his financial situation to consider. Is very grateful, the more so as 'we [Italians?] are steadily and closely driven to be, or at least to feel like, outcasts.' Will try to find out when it will be most convenient for the 'B.Bs' to have him; may have to go to Turin first 'for a sad reason'; hopes Trevelyan is enjoying Ravello. Has received "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" today; has read Trevelyan's translation of "Coephori" [Aeschylus's "Choephori"] and likes it a great deal, will return it when he has read the two others. Has had a letter from Nicky [Mariano] saying she thinks his opinions on [Kenneth] Clark's marriage seem wise and she wants to hear what B.B. says. Feels 'very cordially' towards Clark.

TRER/5/54 · Item · 15 Dec 1926
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Cortona (Arezzo). - Expects Trevelyan has just arrived in Italy, and is looking forward to him coming; hopes the weather will be better than the mist and rain today. Has just had a visit from the 'disciple', K. [Kenneth] Clark, who is charming. Would like Trevelyan to come on the 21st to meet his friend [Guglielmo degli?] Alberti, who has to return to his home at Turin for Christmas. He travelled over with Mr and Mrs Waterfield, so Trevelyan can ask for their impressions of him. Clark gave him good news of the I Tatti household, including 'Miss Nicky' [Mariano]; B.B. [Bernard Berenson] is in high spirits despite finding 'on the center of his roof a tower with a clock'.

TRER/23/52 · Item · 1 Jan 1947
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Tallboys, Abinger Hammer, Surrey. - They are thinking a great deal about Trevy at the moment: the 'darkest hour comes before the dawn', and he will soon be 'made whole and restored to [his] hills'; it is worthwhile to experience darkness, if only to appreciate light. 'Much depends on the nurses': for his own last operation, he was 'waited on hand and foot by Irish nuns, all young & of the most ravishing beauty'; he 'look[s] forward eagerly' to his next. Trevy's 'too slender sheaf of poems' [this year's "From the Shiffolds"] are a 'delight'. Likes the translation of Menander 165 best, but the 'matitutinal procedure practised by Simylus' reminded him 'almost too vividly of [his] Molly'; regrets that unlike Simylus she has 'no female Afrite with cracked heels to devil for her'. Hopes that Trevly will 'bring forth more gems' in the nursing home. Adds a postscript saying they have just had a 'scrap' from Nicky [Mariano], 'sadly over-worked as usual': B.B. [Berenson] should get her a secretary.