Little Hawsted, Kiln Lane, Quarry, Oxford. - Trevelyan's Christmas card ["From the Shiffolds"] gave them 'great pleasure'; is glad to know Trevelyan has a grandson 'named after my beloved Erasmus'. Heard from Peter Grant Watson on the same day, who 'with Greece very much on his mind' quoted from Clough's "Amours de Voyage". Peter has been ill with appendicitis, but is 'mending'. He himself had not read Clough for years, and has been 'held by him all this afternoon!'.
Little Hawsted, Kiln Lane, Headington Quarry, Oxford. - Very pleased to have Trevelyan's 'little volume'; apologises for not replying sooner, since they have been 'a bit snowed under with no domestic help' and his Land Army girl only coming in the afternoon; the cold makes more work outside, with 'frozen goat buckets & such like', and the goats 'prefer their greenfood [sic] to be melted in the kitchen'. Despite all the time spent on Greek and Latin at school, he 'never got really familiar with them'; he is 'turning to the "Aeneid" again', after reading [Maurice] Bowra's 'book on the epic ["From Virgil to Milton"]'; with which Trevelyan's 'reference to V[irgil]'s dying wishes clicked'. Is reading Goldie [Lowes Dickinson]'s "Modern Symposium" aloud to Margaret; it 'does mean well'; hopes it is 'being read by the present generation & by the many visitors [they] have been having'. They are going next week to Dartington to 'make music with Imogen Holst & her party'; would like to visit Peter [Grant] Watson while there but fears it might be difficult as they do not have a car yet.