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TRER/31/10 · Pièce · 1930s?
Fait partie de Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Lists (of Coryat pieces, "Prayers to...", and other pieces) on verso of front endpaper and first page); dialogue between Hope and Memory; Coryat and Miranda discuss love and illusion; lists of names; précis of/plan for piece about Percy Smith walking through a wood and thinking about his own name; another Coryat piece; Coryat on the subject of names; notes on various myths; discussion of Arthur Waley's translations of Chinese poetry; précis/plan for piece on "Sleep"; essay on Horace, methods of translation; piece about Coryat and his nephew Oliver; introduction to reprinting of earlier works [for his "Collected Works"?]; introduction for his translation of Sophocles' "Ajax".

Book also used from other end: dialogue between Coryat and 'Ph.' ['Philos': Friend?]; dialogue between Coryat and 'Spirit'; first lines of a verse epistle to [Umberto] Morra; dialogue between Coryat, 'C.A' [Clifford Allen?] and Morra; translations of Horace "Epodes" I.2 and II.17, and "Satires" II.8; notes under headings such as 'Literature', 'Visual Art'. 'Technique'; Coryat wondering 'what is the good of me?'; draft verse epistle to Gordon [Bottomley]; verse dialogue between Coryat and his Muse; list of poets with poems; translation of first lines of Lucretius's "De Rerum Natura"; notes for an autobiographical piece, with dates.

TRER/5/100 · Pièce · 14 Nov 1946
Fait partie de Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Rome. - Will arrive in England around the 25th and stay, he hopes, at the Italian Embassy. Plans to attend meetings of the W.F.U.N.A. between 15-20 December, and very much hopes he can visit the Shiffolds. Must get in touch with Trevelyan's brother George about his translation of "English Social History". Is very happy to coming to England after so many years, which came about through an invitation from Elena Carandini and the coincidence of the W.F.U.N.A. meetings. Is going to I Tatti 'to get B.B. [Berenson]'s blessings' before his journey.

TRER/16/102 · Pièce · 27 Jan 1947
Fait partie de Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Thanks Flora for the kind offer of a 'goat cream cheese'; he will 'delight in it', and it will bring back memories of Greece and Italy; is not sure about Bessie, who feels 'a little unworthy of it', but will give it a try. Hopes to go to Italy at the end of March to see [Bernard] Berenson, and a friend at Corton [Umberto Morra]; also hopes to see Lina [Waterfield], who is 'bad about writing' but is no doubt busy with 'her fondo and other things'. Cannot discover where Pan was born; Tmolus is 'as likely as anywhere' and is often associated with him, as in Shelley's "Hymn to Pan". Glad his translations pleased her; has not been able to write any of his own poetry for a 'long time now'. Hopes to visit her before going to Italy.

TRER/5/102 · Pièce · 20 Dec 1946
Fait partie de Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

I Tatti, Settignano, Florence. - First page begins with a list of passages or words from G.M. Trevelyan's "English Social History" which are unclear to Morra; the letter follows with an opening apology for sending them. Had a good journey back from England, arriving on Christmas Eve and finding B.B. [Berenson] and the household well; is going to Cortona tomorrow then on to Rome, where Trevelyan should send his reply. Was delighted to spend two days with the Trevelyans. They are expecting a visit at I Tatti, but Trevelyan must let them know when he plans to come, as they may be moving in the spring. Has been reading the "Journal" of Charles Du Bos for 1921-1923, which is fascinating, sometimes deep and sometimes exasperating; Trevelyan appears more than once.

TRER/5/103 · Pièce · 7 Jan 1947
Fait partie de Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Metelliano. - Enclosing a list of passages in G.M. Trevelyan's "English Social History" on which Morra seeks clarification for his translation [see also 5/102]. Asks that if R. C. Trevelyan is in the nursing home already and cannot attend to them, he should pass them on to someone else, perhaps his brother. Hopes the operation has gone well and asks to be informed about it. It was snowing heavily today and he remembered the Shiffolds. Tells Trevelyan to come to Italy in the spring.

TRER/5/104 · Pièce · 13 Feb 1947
Fait partie de Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Rome. - Is still not sure where he will be at Easter, as he has not yet fixed when accounts with the peasants will be settled. Gives directions for reaching Metelliano from Florence; Nicky [Mariano] will be able to help. He, Tonino and Ebe, the house and the dog will all be happy to see Trevelyan and Julian. Has one last query about Trevelyan's brother's book [G.M. Trevelyan, "English Social History"] for his translation

TRER/5/105 · Pièce · 30 May 1948
Fait partie de Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Is very happy to hear Trevelyan might be coming; hopes he will be home as he has no important engagements in Rome in summer or early autumn; he could also come to Vallombrosa. His account will be at Trevelyan's disposal for the books, as long as Trevelyan gives a fortnight's notice of his or his friends' arrival. Recommends a few pensions in Florence, but knows little about Rome, and suggests asking Sylvia [Sprigge]. Hopes Julian is recovering, and that Trevelyan's 'domestic troubles may be resolved'; sends love to Bessie. Had a 'charming and most flattering letter' from Trevelyan's brother about his translation [G. M. Trevelyan, "English Social History"].

TRER/5/107 · Pièce · 5 Jan 1949
Fait partie de Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Società Italiana per la Organizzazione Internazionale, Roma, Palazzetto di Venezia, Via S. Marco, 5. - Writes from the office for his new position, which corresponds to the W.F.U.N.A., that is, the continuation of the League of Nations Union. Was pleased to receive Trevelyan's good news, and the gift of his publication; hopes he will be well enough to come to Italy in the spring. He is almost certain of coming to London in May, to join the Executive Committee of the International P.E.N, as the P.E.N. Congress will be in Venice in September and he is pushing to be sent to continue preparation. Sends greetings to the Trevelyans and hopes for 'a peaceful and stabilised 1949'.

TRER/5/108 · Pièce · 21 Jan 1949
Fait partie de Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Società Italiana per la Organizzazione Internazionale, Roma, Palazzetto di Venezia, Via S. Marco, 5. - It is all right for the Deuchars to come in spring; Trevelyan just has to let him know what they will need. Is almost certain to come to England around 15 May for the Executive Committee of PEN, to attend to business relating to the PEN Congress in Venice this September; would be pleased also to see Trevelyan in Italy, as this would indicate his health was getting better. Is permanently attached now to WFUNA, 'the old League of Nations Union'; their headquarters were once the beautiful private home of Mussolini's chauffeur.

TRER/5/109 · Pièce · 14 Aug 1949
Fait partie de Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Casa al Dono, Vallombrosa (Prov. di Firenze). - Is here for a brief holiday; returns to Metelliano today then will go to Rome on the 17th. All fine about Trevelyan's friends [the Deuchars]; asks if they should be met in Florence, in which case Nicky [Mariano] can manage like last year, or if they can wait till Rome where he would be pleased to meet them. Will see Desmond [MacCarthy] in Venice for the PEN Congress; regrets he will not see Trevelyan or his brother [George]. Was not able to finish his letter at Casa al Dono and signs off from Metelliano.

TRER/5/110 · Pièce · 29 Aug 1949
Fait partie de Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Rome. - Hopes Trevelyan has received his previous letter saying that everything is all right about the Deuchars; he just needs to know whether they should be met in Florence by Nicky [Mariano] or whether he should meet them later in Rome. Will be in Venice from Sept 5-7 for the PEN Congress. Is very sorry about Trevelyan's sister-in-law [Janet: news of her chronic illness]; appreciated her 'kindness and good natured intelligence'.

TRER/5/111 · Pièce · Xmas 1949
Fait partie de Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Metelliano. - Received Trevelyan's gift of verse from the Shiffolds with pleasure; had also recently read a letter of Trevelyan's to Nicky [Mariano] with good news. Will be back in Rome for New Year's eve, might perhaps come to England in May. Asks if Trevelyan is likely to come to Italy. Tonino and Ebe ask to be remembered.

TRER/5/112 · Pièce · 6 Apr 1950
Fait partie de Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Metelliano. - Is happy to say that he is coming to England for the Executive Committee of the International PEN, taking place between 25-27 April. Is also planning to visit Roger Hinks in Holland. Must see Trevelyan, either in London or at the Shiffolds; is glad he is recovering, did not know he had been low. Saw a notice in the "Times" about [Reginald Popham] Nicholson's death, which must have affected B.B. [Berenson]. Will visit I Tatti just before coming to England. Has seen Raymond Mortimer, but missed [Stephen] Spender and Humphrey Sumner who were in Rome while he was in Paris with the W.F.U.N.A. Is very sorry about Trevelyan's sister in law [Janet: her illness]; would like to write to Trevelyan's brother [George]. Is almost sure to go to Edinburgh for the PEN Congress at the end of August.

TRER/5/114 · Pièce · 24 Sept 1950
Fait partie de Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Metelliano. - Has been unable to write to Trevelyan, who has been to Wallington, sooner due to travel and congresses. Was a pleasure to spend time at the Shiffolds with him and Bessie, and to find him better than expected; also enjoyed his time in Edinburgh and Holland, though nothing about his three days in Belgium pleased him. Was summoned home due to a sudden deterioration in Ebe's sight; is afraid she is going blind. Going to stay with B.B. [Berenson] at Vallombrosa, where he will see Kenneth Clark, then will go to Rome. Has read Gathorne Hardy's book on Logan [Pearsall Smith]; thought it interesting and probably truthful, but that Gathorne Hardy did not come across very well, and that there was 'something peevish and not quite crystalline' in his attitude.

TRER/5/115 · Pièce · 31 Mar [1931]
Fait partie de Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Apologises for not replying sooner, due to flu. Hopes that Trevelyan is recovering well after his operation, and that 'excellent friends', as well as his wife' are helping time pass pleasantly. Hopes to go to Rome after Easter. [John] Walker is coming, with Alda and Cecil. Hopes to come to England. Has sent word to Florence that Trevelyan's subscription to "Pègaso" should be paid. The Berensons left in uncertain weather and had a bad journey, but they seem to be much enjoying Tunis. Encourages Trevelyan to write an epistle to his doctor.

TRER/5/116 · Pièce · 19 Oct [1931]
Fait partie de Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Montepulciano (Prov. di Siena). - Thanks Trevelyan for his gift of [Woolf's] "Waves". Is here till tomorrow and saw Iris Origo last night; appreciates her all the more as he comes to know her; hopes to take Walker to stay with them for a few days. Heard 'the pathetic voice of Lloyd George' [on the radio?] a few days ago; did not think what he said 'first-rate' or 'accurate'. Asks where Julian is; was expecting to see him in October. Nicky [Mariano] said there is no water at I Tatti, but expects it will be better now due to recent heavy rain. Was amazed that Clifford A[llen] supported MacDonald [over the National Government]; asks for Trevelyan's opinion. Was in Arezzo recently for a commemoration of Petrarch; the foreigners he met there were 'all very gloomy'. Asks if Trevelyan has received the Baudelaire which Alberti says he has sent him.

TRER/15/117 · Pièce · Feb 1947
Fait partie de Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Is writing a brief birthday letter 'with chilblained fingers in the fireless library'. Wonders whether Julian and Gordon B[ottomley] have 'mutually remembered one another'. Glad he need not go up [to London?] on Friday to organise new photographs, as the roads are 'still very bad here'; Julian will need to be sure his car is in 'good working order' before fetching it from the Shiffolds. [Umberto] Morra would like both Bob and Julian to come; bus would be better than train; he is not certain of dates yet, but it will probably be after he has been to I Tatti [Bernard Berenson's house] for Easter. Nicky [Mariano] writes that they would like to put them both up at I Tatti; in the unlikely event of sudden visitors, she would find Julian a room in Florence.

TRER/5/117 · Pièce · 28 Aug [1931?]
Fait partie de Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Montepulciano (Prov. di Siena). - Is sorry that he will not be able to see Trevelyan again on this trip to Italy (due to his stay at Montepulciano and a visit from the Maclagans [Eric and Helen?] are coming to Metelliano), especially as the news from England [the formation of the National Government] is worrying; would like to hear Trevelyan's thoughts on the matter. Feels guilty about the subscription to 'L. & Letters' ["Life and Letters"], though his debt might be balanced by Trevelyan's subscription for "Pègaso". Hopes he is enjoying his time at I Tatti; at Montepulciano all is as usual though there is a sense of something lacking.

TRER/5/118 · Pièce · 2 Oct [1928]
Fait partie de Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Cortona. - Bearing in mind Trevelyan's readiness to help Italians in hardship because of their views, Morra had thought that he would be able to help a friend of some friends who is in real difficulty in Italy. However, this man has been very ill all spring and summer and therefore cannot travel, but is in an even more desperate state; the only work he is fit to do is literary or journalistic, the former will not pay and he is forbidden the latter. The 'B.B.s' seem happy at Constantinople, judging by a postcard from Nicky [Mariano]. Asks Trevelyan's opinion of Prince Mirsky's work, and for a recommendation of a good book on Russian literatue; also asks whether the [Kenneth] Clarks are still in London.

TRER/5/119 · Pièce · [late 1928?]
Fait partie de Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Is delighted that Trevelyan is on his way and in good company; Lina [Waterfield] may not have seen the article he encloses, he expects she will be pleased with the passage about herself and Mrs Ross. Must see Trevelyan, and would be very pleased to host him and Julian; 'Mr Artuffo', whom he names for the first time [see also 5/118] feels that he must work for the money he received, as suggested 'by some lady-interventionists... afraid of hurting his pride' and mistaking Trevelyan for his brother [George]. A historical work on Piedmont has been suggested. Mrs Waterfield probably knows Artuffo, and may be able to come up with something. He must think he is doing something for the money he has already received, even if the work would be 'quite useless'; this is 'a typical Italian request'.

TRER/5/120 · Pièce · 1 Oct [1929]
Fait partie de Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Hotel Infant Isabel, Burgos. - Is very sorry to miss Trevelyan's friends [Francis] Birrell and [Raymond] Mortimer, whom he met at Lady Colefax's 'famous' garden party; it is, though, pleasant to be in B.B. [Berenson]'s 'train' and to be travelling through Spain to Seville and Granada. Will be home around November, so can meet Trevelyan at Cortona then; nobody will be at I Tatti until late December. Will be delighted to see Birrell and Mortimer if they are still in Italy when he returns. Has heard much from Nicky [Mariano] about Trevelyan, and is glad that Welcombe has been sold as planned. Will be very proud if Trevelyan does indeed address an epistle to him in hexameters. Has written an article on Du Bos, and has now been asked for another on Virginia W[oolf], for rather an important journal; proposes one on any new book she might be writing, asks for details and for the book to be sent when it appears. The Berensons seem to be getting on quite well: B.B. complaining a little about his health, and Mary about 'romanic art' [sic], which is a topic for discussion due to the book about Jerusalem she is writing. B.B. says the countryside is 'more desertic and arabic than Syria'. Has read Trevelyan's letter out to the company: they expect him at I Tatti when Mary and Nicky return in late December, though B.B. will stay with Mrs Wharton until New Year; thinks Ray and Karin and their families will also be at I Tatti.

TRER/15/121 · Pièce · [26 Jan 1949]
Fait partie de Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Will be all right about the [Italian] lire: has heard from [Umberto] Morra, who says that he will have necessary money for the Deuchars; this letter crossed with one from Bob explaining that the Deuchars are not coming to Italy but that Julian is. Has asked Morra where he will be around 22-24 February; expects he will be at Rome. Bessie is not very well; it is not serious but will keep her from Roland [Vaughan Williams]'s funeral at Wooton tomorrow, but Bob must go.

TRER/5/122 · Pièce · 3 Jan 1927
Fait partie de Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Postmarked Camucia, Arezzo, addressed to Trevelyan at Pensione Palumbo, Ravello (Salerno). - Thanks Trevelyan for the postcard; imagines he is now settled at Ravello. Has just started to read "Galahad" and finds it charning; has also just read "King Lear" and is reading Trevelyan's translation of the "Choephori". [Giustino] Fortunato has given him an account of Trevelyan's visit, which he seems much to have enjoyed.