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Letter from Edward Clodd to J. G. Frazer
FRAZ/1/117 · Pièce · 7 Mar. 1926
Fait partie de Papers of Sir James Frazer

Aldeburgh - Shares his thoughts on reading 'The Worship of Nature': muses on the universe in his breakfast egg, refers to Barcroft’s lecture on the mystery of how eggs came into being; quotes the 'Punch' Einstein limerick; refers to Dr Gann’s discovery in the Yucatan, and Sir Aurel Stein’s excavations in Central Asia; doesn’t think they will strengthen Elliot Smith and Perry’s diffusion theory; refers to the festival of Ucharal as described in [Edgar] Thurston’s 'Omens and Superstitions of Southern India' and ‘droit du Seigneur’ in Coulton’s 'Medieval Village'. Mentions a fierce storm in November and subsequent flooding in Aldeburgh.