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TRER/18/17 · Item · 28 Oct 1947
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Vevey. - Very touched by Mrs Trevelyan's letter, which she received while still in London, and thanks her. Is very sorry that she did not see her this time, but since she had no news 'did not dare to write sooner'. Had three concerts and a recording in twelve days, so the time passed very quickly. One of the BBC concerts could have interested Mrs Trevelyan; it was rebroadcast but is sure she will not have been able to listen to it. Peter Rybar said he had suggested the Busoni sonata to the BBC while he was in London, but had had no response; she did not know this so when Szigeti suggested she should play it with him she had no reason to refuse. Much enjoyed the evening, and it went well. Does not know when she will return to London, but will write to Mrs Trevelyan beforehand. Does not think that Casals needs food, as his 'friend' [Francesca Vidal de Capdevila] arranges supplies well, and people send parcels from America; however if Mrs Trevelyan writes, she will certainly give him great pleasure; the 'prospect of winter in that little room in Prades is... distressing' and the situation in Spain 'terribly depressing'. Sends best wishes and hopes very much to see Mrs Trevelyan in England before long.

Letter from Mal Diamond
SHAF/A/1/D/34 · Item · 13 Dec. [1948]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Went to see 'A Night at the Opera', doesn't like it as much as PS does; was thrilled to watch Toscanini broadcasting from a small studio; briefly mentions a joint recital by [Artur] Schnabel and [Joseph] Szigeti and also the Boston Symphony under Koussevitsky; has seen 'Edward, My Son' with a memorable performance by Peggy Ashcroft; admires the film 'Louisiana Story' with its score by Virgil Thomson; bridles at PS's statement that 'in America analysis is just like going to the toilet [struck out] I mean cloakroom'; suggests PS get himself to an analyst like Henry [Leonard?] Wilson and suggests he prove a correlation between the Bevin Boy Business and his poor psychiatric state despite actually being 'loused up' before in order to get it paid for; could hardly believe he was writing about religion but won't lecture him despite being baited; tried to break up with Frances [Whyte] last month to no avail and mentions the private language he had with PS (Cuban); his father [Walter Diamond] is paying for analysis after meeting the analyst; tells him not to worry about PS's effect on his analysis, rather it gives him something to say; wishes he would not apologise for everything; hopes Dave [Calhoun] is well.