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Research notes
Add. MS a/227/1 · File · 1897-1908
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

The research notes consist of Boughey's notes, letters, and publications from others relating to various aspects of the College's history, as well as the publication of the history. The papers appear disordered from their original state but because there are some runs of like material they have been left as found. Boughey’s note passing them on to R. V. Laurence may be found as item 399, with a covering note and instruction at items 410-411.

The letters are from W. Emery Barnes (items 220-221), W. H. D. Bird (item 415), F. C. Burkitt (item 330), J. W. Clark (items 400-401), C. M. Neale (item 308), John Peile (items 325, 327), Alexander Pulling (item 427), and Alfred E. Stamp (item 372). Letters from Robert Bowes (item 386), J. W. Clark (items 63, 250, 390), F. E. Robinson (items 231, 233, 235, 242-244, 247, 252-253, 383-385, 387, 394) and Hutchinson & Co. (items 224-226, 230, 248-249, 251) concern the publication of the history. These are accompanied by a draft of Boughey’s letter to Hutchinson & Co. (item 245) and Boughey’s original memorandum of agreement with F. E. Robinson dated 4 Nov. 1897 (item 246).

Printed material consists of a card advertising Rouse Ball's History of the First Trinity Boat Club (item 207), five of J. W. Capstick’s halftone photographs of the 1st Eastern General Hospital in Nevile's Court and on the Backs (item 209), G. F. Cobb’s A Brief History of the Organ in the Chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge (item 356), three printed catalogues from F. E. Robinson & Co. dated 1898-1901 and notices by F. E. Robinson from the same period (items 227-230, 232,237, 240-241), The Roof-Climber’s Guide to Trinity (item 366), the first paper of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Undergraduates, February 1838 (item 170), an offprint of Robert Sinker’s The Statue of Byron in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge (item 414), and Vincent Henry Stanton’s Some Makers of Trinity College. A Sermon Preached in the Chapel of Trinity College Cambridge, on December 9, 1898 (item 442).

Notes were written on verso of letters, including one from Herbert P. S. Devitt asking for leave (item 19), a letter from W. H. D. Rouse to Mr Stewart dated 3 Oct. 1902 (item 39), a book recommendation ticket for the library (item 38), and a Trinity gate bill sent to the Senior Dean for Monday night Aug. 25, n.y. (item 41). Two unusual items are clipped pieces of an early manuscript (item 406).

Add. MS c/101/115 · Item · [Oct 1891?]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Sends to a draft of his reply, Compulsory Classics to the statement 'on the other side' [on the issue of allowing of alternatives for one of the classical languages in the Previous Examination; included]. Claims that it will require 'some little enlargement', but that they have agreed that 'it is best to get several people to write', and states that he is trying to get [H. M.?] Butler to do so. Adds that it was agreed that the statement should appear as [by] Henry Sidgwick', and states that he is waiting until the statement from the opposition is published.

Sidgwick, Henry (1838-1900), philosopher
Add. MS c/101/127 · Item · 8 Apr 1879
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Refers to Peile's letter, which he received the previous night, and expresses his surprise and delight at the offer contained therein. Accepts the offer, which, he says, will enable him 'to fulfil the duties of [his] professorship better and relieve [him] from the necessity of frittering away much of [his] time.' Expresses the desire to know the name of the person responsible for making the offer, and to let him know 'how seasonable his offer has come.' Explains the financial difficulties he has had, and how he has made what money he could by lecturing and writing. Claims that he has had 'no rest for three or four years, and that he has been obliged to accept new work at the Royal Institution for May and June, and had decided to take pupils in the Long Vacation.

Seeley, Sir John Robert (1834-1895), knight, historian
Add. MS c/101/128 · Item · 3 May [1879]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Thanks him for the cheque. Again expresses his desire to know the name of the donor and asks Peile to let him know 'how very completely his kind act has attained it end', i.e., it has enabled Seeley to take some rest.

Seeley, Sir John Robert (1834-1895), knight, historian
Add. MS c/95/140 · Item · 16 Nov 1869
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Refers to the fact that HS helped him to get examiners the previous year, and appeals to him again for help. Announces that he wants five men, including Sidgwick. Remarks that Sidgwick's brother Arthur is the examiner of the Sixth [Form]. Explains his needs; examiners to take the Greek and Latin unseen and the Latin verse, for various classes. States that he would gladly give the Sixth Examiners £20 each, and to each of the other examiners £15. Is anxious to have Sidgwick and three of the men of the previous year. Believes that Peile is to be [at Rugby] when the examinations are to take place. Would like Jackson to come.

Temple, Frederick (1821-1902) Archbishop of Canterbury
Add. MS c/103/24 · Item · 19 Nov 1900
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Letter [24/1], saying that he is sending Nora by parcel post today the corrected copies of Henry's letters 'I to LXXVIII', and hopes to get the remainder from Miss Dickens [his typist?] that week or the following week. Explains that he sends a typewritten copy and a carbon duplicate [of each letter], and suggests that Arthur might prefer the latter format. Also explains the corrections that he has made. Adds that he has decided to have almost all of Henrys's Initial [Society] papers typed for his own 'private delectation', and undertakes to send a copy each to Nora and Arthur. States that he looks forward to seeing her 'on the 26th', when he intends coming up 'to the meeting' and to spend the night with the Peiles, but fears that he may be prevented from going to the Society for Psychical Research meeting. Hopes that she is well, and remarks that she must be very tired as the term draws to an end. Refers to 'Henry's watchword - fier', and asks where he got it.

MS explanatory note [24/2] in relation to correspondence between Dakyns and Henry Sidgwick. Refers to letters which he sent to Henry at Terling, and to their arrangement. Notes that Henry rarely dated his earlier letters, but says that he does not despair of getting them 'into a more exact chronological order', having spoken to Arthur and having recovered 'the threads of internal evidence.' Speaks of Henry's 'passing moods' of troubled thought and depression, and believes that he was most conscious of 'a sense of the beauty and richness and joy of life....'

Dakyns, Henry Graham (1838-1911) schoolmaster
Add. MS c/103/26 · Item · 13 Feb 1901
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Hopes that Nora is well. Reports on the weather at Haslemere, and on the nesting of the birds. Refers to two of Henry's comments 'on two "Initial [Society]" notes started by H.W. Eve', which he encloses [not included]. States that Eve sent him the series a few days previously, and that he [Dakyns] thought that Henry's comments were interesting in themselves.

Has not yet had his 'long talked of meeting with Arthur', but expects to be summoned by him to Oxford in the near future. Announces that he is going up to Cambridge for a Memorial [for Henry] meeting the following Tuesday, and puts forward two proposals as to the type of memorial; one being 'a lectureship in Moral Science to be called the Sidgwick Lectureship', and the other ' a studentship in Philosophy... open to men and women to be given every second or third year as the income of the fund may permit'. Expects that the Peiles will know Nora's own feelings on the subject. Adds that Miss [Jane?] Harrison will not be there, as she has set off the previous day for Rome, after which she plans to go on to Athens, and hopes that Dakyns would join her 'in a Cretan expedition' in about a month.

Discusses his wish to travel. Refers to Gilbert Murray, who lives close by Dakyns, 'with his verse translations of the Hippolytus of Euripides and his Greek [ ] readings of Shelley's Helios'. Refers also to Egypt, where he wishes he could take his son Arthur; states that they would then go to Luxor, where they would see Nora, and know that she is well. Sends Maggie and Frances [his wife and daughter]'s love.

Dakyns, Henry Graham (1838-1911) schoolmaster
Add. MS c/58/41 · Item · 28 Mar. 1911
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Sunnyhill, St Stephen's Road, Bournemouth - Thanks him for the first section of the GB, and congratulates both him and Mrs Frazer, for he knows 'how eagerly she watches all that you do'; asks him to attend section II of the British Academy on the 22nd to ensure a quorum for [A. E.] Housman's nomination, in view of the recent deaths of [John] Peile, [John] Mayor, [Samuel] Butcher.

Add. MS c/103/44 · Item · Mar. 1904
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Says that his association with Henry Sidgwick in 1870 was 'so unusual, and place[s Sidgwick's] kindness in so striking a light', that he [Gardner] is tempted briefly to record it. Relates that as an undergraduate he had not met Sidgwick, nor attended any of his lectures, but that, when resident after his degree, he wrote two papers on philosophical subjects, which were shown to Sidgwick by Gardner's tutor, Mr Peile. Sidgwick must have seen some promise in them, and consequently arranged that Gardner should lecture Sidgwick' undergraduate students on Kant and Hamilton for one half of the term, and Sidgwick take them for the other half. Wonders whether this arrangement might not have been very fair on the students, but states that it was 'a kindly and generous act' on the part of Sidgwick. Refers also to the long talks he had with Sidgwick at that time, but does not trust his memory to repeat them. Says that Sidgwick's 'fearless honesty [and] his transparent sincerity' deeply impressed him, and made him feel afterwards that 'these were especially the qualities which an English philosopher was bound to exhibit in the world of thought....'

Gardner, Percy (1846-1937), classical archaeologist and numismatist
Add. MS c/99/73 · Item · 21 Oct 1866
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Asks her to send 'the Portfolio'; notes that he always leaves something behind. Sends Bishop Westcott's book [not included], which he hopes she will like. States that he had already decided not to go in for the Professorship of Moral Philosophy when he learnt that F. D. Maurice was a candidate. Believes that the latter has the best chance. Predicts that he will be 'a stimulating lecturer', and hopes that he will be a very good appointment, as Cambridge is currently 'in some need of stimulus'; is 'rather sorry' for his friend Venn, who is 'thoroughly of the new school' of which Dr Lightfoot is the most distinguished representation.

Reports that he transmitted his mother's books to Mrs Peile in person, and that the Peiles were in Göttingen 'during the excitement of the change of dynasty in September.' Also reports that they say that all the professional element of society 'rejoiced strongly in the transference', but that the householding element was not very happy about having to entertain a number of Prussian soldiers; the chief discontent being in Hanover. Declares that their hall [at Trinity College] is 'resplendent', and the 'undergraduates call it the "Alhambra"'; the college have introduced 'the disgraceful luxury of chairs' there. Regrets to hear about William, and hopes that he will come over [to Cambridge] soon.