1 Brick Court, Temple, London, E.C.4. Dated 29 November 1918 - Has spoken with [Arthur] Keith who has been in touch with the Royal Academy and their support of the proposed expedition [to Uganda]; a comiittee to administer the funds will be made up of [W. H. R.] Rivers, [A. C.] Haddon, Frazer, and a Government official; asks him to draw up an outline of the proposed expedition and make estimates about the costs. In a postscript he reminds him of Lilly's recommendation he obtain a phonograph and learn to use it by lessons from [William] Manning, who has been busy with munition work; Lilly suggests he must practise for a long time beforehand to get the best results; she says it is useless to get the loan of one from Haddon or [Charles S.] Myers, who 'for years cut her out of her legitimate profits by lending explorers cheap and unreliable German instruments'; the difference between those who trained to use it and those who did not is 'patent to any listener'.
62 Holland Park, London. Undated - Describes the custom of Alag and Waivalag men at the first ripening of fruit on Mundy Island.
No. 1 Brick Court, Temple, London E.C. Dated 27th June 1914 - Thanks him for the congratulations [on his knighthood]; encloses a letter from [Herbert] Read to [Arthur] Shipley concerning funding for outfitting the expedition, which is not encouraging; details instructions from Lilly Frazer on learning to use the phonograph: avoid C. S. Myers, but instead apply to [William] Manning of the Solar Physics Observatory at Cambridge; she will pay to have Manning visit him in Ovington and spend the night for a leisurely lesson, is prepared to make a gift of a phonograph for his expedition. The letter from H. J. Read to Shipley is dated 24th June 1914, says the £100 asked is too much to ask for outfitting an expedition.
1 Brick Court, Middle Temple, E.C. Dated 27th August 1914 - Encloses a copy of a circular letter from C. S. Myers and himself [not transcribed] encouraging subscription for 'The Northern Bantus'; mentions his new quarters, and his work on the index to the GB and checking proofs of Addison.