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TRER/19/58 · Item · 19 July 1917
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

22 Bride Lane, E.C.4., London. - Thanks Trevelyan for the 'admirably printed book' [the "Pterodamozels'] which he found on his 'return from Conway'. Much liked the book when he saw it in manuscript, as Trevelyan knows, and is glad it has 'so suitable a setting'; hopes sales will go well. Supposes Trevelyan will have seen the 'enclosed programme [no longer present: perhaps the 'Charter of Freedom'? See also 19/61] and the articles upon it in the "[Daily] Herald"; in confidence, it is 'the product of a purely informal little group of us' including [Norman] Angell and [Bertrand] Russell, who have 'undertaken considerable liabilities for printing, advertising and distribution' and would be very grateful if Trevelyan could spare any money to help if he approves of it 'either in itself or as a kind of gadfly to others, which was our object'.

Postscript in another hand [Marjorie Manus's] that Mrs Manus will let Trevelyan have the names tomorrow, and apologising for the 'unavoidable delay'.

TRER/19/61 · Item · 23 July 1917
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

National Council for Civil Liberties, 22 Bride Lane, London E.C. - Apologises for the delay: has been away on holiday and on her return had to catch up on work and the August number of "War and Peace". Encloses a 'beautiful list with some extra names'; some are 'doubtful' since she understands Trevelyan is 'only sending a circular'. Also encloses the most recent list of the Council, as Trevelyan has a 'very old' one. Sends payment for Trevelyan's book [the "Pterodamozels"], since she read in in manuscript and would like a copy; would 'value' his name on the front page. Mr [Bernard] Langdon-Davies has asked to acknowledge Trevelyan's cheque towards the expenses of the Charter [for Freedom? See also 19/58], for which he is very grateful. Adds in a postscript that Langdon-Davies has also received his copy of the "Pterodamozels". [No enclosures now present].