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HOUG/BG/5 · File · [1827?]-[after 11 Nov. 1863]
Part of Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

Letter of 9 Mar. [1931] includes additional note from Robert Pemberton Milnes to 'Harriet' [Henrietta Maria Milnes?'].

Letter of 11 Feb 1842 encloses letters from Amelia Jane Milnes and Henrietta Monckton-Arundell [both c. 10 Feb 1842] to Richard Monckton Milnes.

Letter of [6? Jan 1848] includes additional note from Robert Pemberton Milnes to Richard Monckton Milnes.

Letter of 27 Mar. [18660?] includes extract of letter from Lady Langdale to Miss Melville

HOUG/BP/8/39 · Part · 11 Nov. [1858]
Part of Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

The Grange.- On the death of Robert Pemberton Milnes. Her letter the day before prepared them for the 'melancholy truth of today'. Will feel it a 'great melancholy gratification, to be allowed to take part in the last mournful ceremony of my kind, dear friend' [Wyvill in fact officiated at the funeral]. Adds postscript to include the sympathies of his two sisters and Henrietta.

HOUG/BO/2/34 · Item · 28 Apr. 1836 [postmark]
Part of Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

Postmarked Harrogate, addressed to Robert Milnes at Fryston. - Addresses her father as 'Stimatissimo Signor Padre'. Must write in case he thinks she and Caroline have 'both thrown ourselves in the sulfur-well in despair at your long absense & our solitude'; quite the opposite is true, 'what with abusing the weather and reading the life of a sentimental old german eye doctor and now & then a little squalling' time is passing quickly. The only person they have seen 'beside the old Doctor who sat gossipping with us for some time yesterday' is Sir Edward Vavasour. Comic story of Caroline smuggling in a bottle of sherry and hiding it under the bed; it got broken, she preserved a thimbleful which all evaporated, it 'must have been originally a mixture of cowslip wine & bad brandy'.

Has bathed every day and thinks it has done her good. Catherine Wyvill should have been at Bawtry but she stayed in London at Sir John's request 'to mediate between Sir Piers [?] & the widow'.

HOUG/BO/2/33 · Item · 25 Aug. 1832
Part of Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

Milan, addressed to Robert Milnes c/o the Hon/. Lady Smith, Piccadilly, and forwarded to him at Fryston. - Enclosing a letter [no longer present] which has just arrived. They set off tomorrow for Bergamo and will return early on Tuesday morning. They have received Robert's letters from Utrecht and Rotterdam. Thanks him for 'such a long and charming letter'; read it to 'old Ciceri who was quite delighted with it'. Assures her father she is reading and singing as much as he wishes. The 'Impresario of the Teatro Re is become a Bankrupt and poor old Bianchi will only get half of his pay'. Tells her father to 'take every precaution against this terrible Cholera'. Adds postscript asking to write to 'Mrs Moore at Sienna [sic] and Dr Ciceri. Her mother is well and glad to have her father's letter

HOUG/BO/2/32 · Item · 8 Sept. 1841
Part of Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

Spa, addressed to Milnes at Boulogne sur Mer, France. - Has won 'a beautiful spa box' in a lottery at a park today; 'the painting on it is certainly very pretty', but it is so big he is unsure how they are to get it home. That is the only gambling he has done: he 'showed H[arriette, his wife] the Roulette & Brage & Nine hand [?] going on at the Ridoutt [casino], but she thought it very stupid work'; a gentleman suggested that if she were to 'put some of her pin money down, she would think differently'. Thinks they 'play very low, & indeed very little sums'. The play at Baden is said to have been 'very great this year' and 'young Baron Suffield' has gone home 'with his pockets even emptier than usual'.

They think it right that Brooke Richmond has taken Milnes 'under his wing' at Boulogne. Discussion of future plans, political and diplomatic news etc.

HOUG/BC/3 · File · [early 1820]s-16 Dec.1883
Part of Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

Includes two typed transcriptions of letters (25 Aug. 1832 and 27 Jun. 1833). Newspaper cutting re Lord Royston [Charles Yorke, later 5th Earl of Hardwicke] enclosed with letter from early 1870s. Letter, 15 Aug. 1874, from Thomas Clifford Allbutt to Lord Houghton, enclosed with letter of 16 Aug. 1874.