Note on empty envelope postmarked 20-23 Oct. 1850.
Read with surprise of Milnes' marriage in the York Herald; congratulates him.
Scarbro [Scarborough].- On the death of Robert Pemberton Milnes, with extensive recollections of the dead man.
Letters from: William Makepeace Thackeray, 24 Dec. [1848]; Frederick Knight Hunt, 11 Oct. 1852; G. J. Cayley, 1 Dec. 1852, enclosing a pencil portrait of Savile Morton.
Letters of 1852 refer to Morton's murder by H. E. Bower.
Pickering's Shop. - Came to Pickering's to check the metre of In Memoriam against Sidney; quotes Arcadia. Tennyson probably based metre on old sonnet form; quotes sonnet and discusses problems in construction. 'Sydney [sic] was the most determined & ingenious & enterprising rhymester I have met with...'
'At R. Eden's Esq.', Boringdon, Hemel Hempstead, Herts. - Quotes his friend Albert Roberts on recommendations for naval appointments. Roberts, late of HMS Gannet, has a young family and seeks a home station; his generosity to others'; 'do not mention my name - which may still stink in the nostrils of the Admiralty, if the odour of a pamphlet I wrote some years ago about this very man's brother be not all evaporated' [The Service and the Reward. A Memoir of the Late Robert Wilson Roberts, R.N., published 1858].
36 Jermyn Street. - Thanks Milnes for appraisal of his son's verses