Hotel Holland, Baden Baden, Germany.
Burley in Wharfedale, Leeds - Condolences on the death of Lady Houghton.
Magd[alene] Coll[ege], Cambridge. - Huxley has confirmed that a Royal Commission ['on Scientific Instruction and the Advancement of Science'] is to be convened with himself as a member; would Houghton mention Newton's name to Mr. Forster? Would accept Secretaryship if members already appointed.
Manchester. - Advice was as expected; understands that chance of obtaining an inspectorship depends on the passing of Mr Forster's Bill.
Centre Vale, Todmorden. - Sends report on her school and 'code of signals' for teachers [no longer present]: 'I am entirely convinced it is the soundest principle of teaching in elementary work. Details of Alfred Thomas Bentley, who seeks a School Inspectorship: will Houghton recommend him to Mr Forster.