41 Rue du jeu de Paume, Boulogne sur Mer. - Would like to obtain a Landing Waiter's post for her son; believes he would prefer employment in London; her husband [George Hudson, M.P.] suffered severely from gout when in Spain and is now taking the waters in Germany.
8 Brunswick Sq., W. C. - Death of her old friend Mr Elsley; can Houghton help her 'good Barrister' [her son George] to this or any other appointment; ruined by her husband's obstinacy: 'he would not listen to my advice - to get rid of rail way & all other liabilities in 1849'; she also opposed his standing for the new Parliament.
Harrogate. - Progress hither after parting; an execrable Apollo and Diana on a château entrance near Wetherby; no animals or people to be seen, despite heavy cultivation; contrast with late working hours on the continent. Harrogate a poor place for social gatherings; their guests. Milnes summoned by [George] Hudson to a railway meeting with Mr Stephenson at Bawtry next week. Richard has filled Fryston with visitors for the Philosophical meeting at York. Possible European excursions. Dowager Lady Galway and Horace have been burgled at Coulson's. Comical sight of young men lounging in a vehicle with eight donkeys and scarlet postilions.
HMS Castor, Chatham. - Thanks for cheering wishes. Continuation of Milnes' railway business; North Midland Company cannot complain about paying 8000 guineas to Milnes as his estate suffers much from the route. Fall of [George] Hudson: 'being of a sanguine temperament, he thought by a centralization of management he could develope [sic] the profits in a manner that would give a good interest to the Shareholders'; does not believe he intended injury to the rail companies by his dealings and hopes his character will be spared. Wyvill glad to assist Milnes.