1 Bryanston Square. - Thanks Houghton for his 'kind congratulations' on his daughter Ralouka's impending marriage, but is very sorry to hear at the same time the news of Houghton's 'sad loss' [the death of his wife].
10 Kensington Garden Terrace, Hyde Park, W. [embossed E. C.]. - The Sultan of Turkey has submitted a claim for an honorary distinction on his behalf to Lord Stanley; refers Houghton to Kinglake's work on the Crimea for an account of his service; asks if Houghton could urge his claim with Lord Stanley or Musurus Pacha; encloses details.
Enclosures: printed testimonial from 'Omer' [Omer Pasha] to Lord Stratford de Redcliffe, dated Rouschouk, 19 Aug. 1854; printed memorandum of proposals relating to rank and remuneration of British officers serving with the Turkish army during the Crimean War.
Attributes the 'very kind notice in the "Saturday Review"' of his translation of Dante's Purgaturio to Pollock's friendly pen; is glad Pollock found the 'error in the number of the keys'; sends a copy of the translation.