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O./13.14/No. 14 · Parte · 17 July 1817
Parte de Manuscripts in Wren Class O


St Martin’s Lane
July 17. 1817

Dear Sir /

Mr Delahante left a female head by Greuze with a request I would pack it, and send you, I have this day forwarded it and hope you will receive it safe, hoping you and family are well concludes me

Dear Sir
ever Sincerely yours
W. S. Woodburn

P.S. I have got the fine sketch of Rubens (formerly Delahantes) the Triumph of Religion, you once had an inclination for it, if you have a wish to possess it, I should feel inclined to place it in your Collection on easy terms as I am going to Italy and wish to dispose of as many Pictures as possible previous to my Tour.