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Add. MS a/685/2 · Item · [19th cent.]
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

From one end of book, letters from Henry Venn Elliott to members of his family written between 3 Mar. 1818 and 2 Apr. 1819, and numbered as the 20th to 38th letters. Covering his journey from Rome to Bodrum via Corfu and Greece; letters to his sisters Mary, Eleonor and Charlotte, mother, father; also to 'Mrs Williams of Tiddenham (2 May 1818).

Loose material as follows: Original letter from Henry Venn Elliott to his father, 28 Mar. 1818, Rome, bound in between pages 11 and 12 but now detached. 1 sheet.
'Account of a visit to the ruins of Pompeii by H. V. E - in a letter to Sir John Kennaway'. Note at end 'Copied for my beloved Parents by their most affectionate daughter Eliza', and sent to 'Mrs Elliott, Grove House, Clapham, Surrey'. Found loose between pages 23 and 24. 1 folded sheet.
Copy of letter from Henry Venn Elliott to Rev. Harvey Sperling, 27 Sept. 1818, 'The Piraeus, 5 Miles from Athens'. In two different inks, one filling in gaps and correcting mistakes. Note on page 17 suggests the copy was made in 1866. Tied in between pages 117 and 118. Ten folded sheets (page 5 is out of order).
Original letter from Henry Venn Elliott to his sister Mary, 31 Jan 1819, Athens. 1 folded sheet. Tied in between pages 143 and 144.
Original letter from Henry Venn Elliott to his sister Mary, 27 [?] Apr. 1819. Bodrum, 'once Halicarnassus'. 1 folded sheet. Tied in between pages 181 and 182.
Original letter from Henry Venn Elliott to his sister Katherine, 14 May 1819, Lemeso [Limassol], Cyprus. 2 folded sheets [perhaps part missing]. Tied in between pages 181 and 182.
Original letter from Henry Venn Elliott to his father, 23 May 1819, Larnaca, Cyprus. 1 folded sheet. Tied in between pages 181 and 182.

From the back of the book in, letters from Edward Bishop Eliott to members of his family, written between 1 Feb. 1818 and 20 May 1819 and numbered as his 2nd to 21st letters. Covering his journey from Paris to 'Hemandstadt' [Hermannstadt, now Sibiu in Romania] through France and Italy, Turkey and Greece; letters to his mother, father, sisters Mary, Eleanor, Katherine, Charlotte, Eliza, and 'Mrs Williams of Tiddenham'.

Following on from these are two letters written by Charles Boileau Elliott. The first is to his aunt Eleanor, written at Simla, 6 Mar 1825. Note at bottom of this reads: 'copied for my dearest Father Sept[embe]r 27th 1825 by C. E. [Charlotte Elliott?] the first thing written in my pleasant pretty summerhouse'. The second is to his aunt Catherine, written at Simla, 5 Mar 1825. A piece of paper postmarked 8 Jan [?] 73, originally found between pages 181 and 182 may also be from this side of the family.

Add. MS a/685 · sub-fonds · 19th cent
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Two volumes of transcripts of letters, mostly Henry Venn Elliott's letters from a tour across Europe to Jerusalem; the second volume also includes transcripts of letters from his brother Edward Bishop Elliott who joined him part way, and of a couple of letters by his nephew Charles Boileau Elliott from India.
Two notebooks kept by Henry Venn Elliott, containing record of sermons delivered, accounts etc.
Theological notebook of Henry Venn Elliott.
Two volumes of transcripts of Henry Venn Elliott's sermons, taken by his daughter Eling.
Photographic reproduction of painting of Henry Venn Elliott's father Charles.

Elliott, Henry Venn (1792–1865) Church of England clergyman