Verses in several hands. Authors are not given, but are as follows:
Milnes: The Complaint of Glenquoich [On headed notepaper for Invergarry, N.B.],
Landor: Foesulian Idyl [sic: actually Fæsulan Idyl]; To Tacaea; The Maid's Lament; 'When Helen first saw wrinkles in her face' [Wrinkles]; 'Say ye, that years roll on & ne'er return?' [To the Comtesse de Molande, about to marry the Duc de Luxembourg]; Friends; On Southey's Death; You Smiled, You Spoke, and I Believed; An aged man, who loved to doze away; There are who say...; Why, why repine?; Children playing in a Church yard; 'A! what awaits the sceptered race..' [Rose Aylmer]; For a Gravestone in Spain; Ye who have toiled; Cleone to Aspasia; The Death of Artemidora; The Death of Paris and Œnone; Corinna to Tanagra; Iphigeneia and Agamemnon; Enallos and Cymodameia [largely on headed notepaper for Wynnstay, Rhuabon].
Unknown: Fryston - 'August 1859' added to the title in Richard Monckton Milnes' hand. First lines 'Long sunny days once spent; - t'was a year of the sunniest summer/ Days, leaving each as it passed, a trail all golden behind it...'. The identity of some figures referred to in the poem is noted beside it: Sir Charles MacCarthy '...ob. Aug. 1864]; Edward Waterton 'mistaken for his father the great Naturalist'; 'Capt. Richard Burton'.