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HOUG/D/B/5/14A · Item · 8 Aug. 1849
Part of Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

53 Rathbone Place. - Encloses letter from Max Stirner; as an admirer of Milnes' politics and literature would like to call on Saturday with [Amalie] Bölte; has been in London for three and a half years and misses her beloved Berlin.

Enclosure: letter, 24 Jul. 1849, from Max Stirner [pseudonym of Johann Kaspar Schmidt] in Berlin to Richard Monckton Milnes. Is unknown to Milnes but a fellow writer; begs to introduce his wife who is forced to live apart from him at present; can Milnes assist her in English society.

HOUG/D/C/3/4/2A · Item · 22 Dec. [mid 1840s?]
Part of Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

7 Devonport Street, Hyde Park. - Returned from the Continent to find that Ferdinand Freiligrath had lost his job on her account; he was upset by reading disparaging comments about himself in a German newspaper, and she is to blame; would like to make amends in spite of scorn she feels towards fellow German townspeople. Freiligrath left Germany with his family and cannot support them by poetry alone; can Milnes suggest a way in which she might assist him?