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Tenor decani partbook
Add. MS a/665/2 · Item · early 18th c.
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Verse anthems by Aldrich, Batten, Blow, Bowman, Clarke, Croft, Fuller, Gibbons, Goldwin, Grano, Greene, Hall, Hawkins, Humfrey, Jackson, Norris, Purcell, Quarles, Tucker, Tudway, Weldon, Williams, and Wise, with one anthem by an unidentified composer.

Closely related to the Tenor Cantoris partbook and Bass Cantoris partbook which make up Add. MS a. 655/3 and 4.

Two anthems are represented by fragments, Weldon's 'O praise God in his holiness' and Batten's 'Hear my prayer, O God'. An index lists only three pieces, one of which ('Psalm 119') is now missing. Pages 4-8 are for bass, although this is a tenor decani partbook. The paper is uniform, with 10 staves to a page. Three principal copyists were at work, not all professional hands. The original index has been pasted into MS a. 665/3 in error.

p. 4: Mr Purcel, 'My song shall be alway' (bass part, but tenor in chorus)
p. 9: Dr Blow, 'Lord, how they are increased'
p. 10: Mr Wise, 'The ways of Syon do mourn'
p. 11: [Blow], 'Turn thee unto me' (same as p. 91)
p. 12: [Wise], 'The Prodigal'
p. 13: [J. Bowman], 'Give the King thy judgments'
p. 16: [J. Bowman], 'Sing unto the Lord'
p. 17: [Humfrey], 'O Lord my God'
p. 19: [Norris], 'In Jury is God known'
p. 20: Mr Peh. Humphres, 'Lord, teach us to number our dayes'
p. 23: [Hawkins], 'Arise O Lord'
p. 23: Cha: Quarles, 'O Lord thou hast searched me out'
p. 24: Mr Wise, 'I will sing a new song'
p. 25: Mr H. Purcell, 'XMas anthem'
p. 27: Dr Blow, 'O Lord I have sinned'
p. 29: Mr Hawkins, 'Lord, remember David'
p. 31: Mr Wise, 'The Lord is my shepherd'
p. 32: Dr Blow, 'And I heard a great voyce'
p. 33: Mr Purcell, 'I was glad'
p. 35: Mr Purcell, 'Be mercifull unto me, O God'
p. 38: [Hall], 'By the waters of Babylon'
p. 41: Mr Tudway, 'Lett us now praise worthy men'
p. 43: [Wise], 'Awake awake'
p. 45: Mr Tucker, 'I will magnifie the O God my King'
p. 48: [Tudway], 'Sing we merrily unto God'
p. 50: Mr Tudway, 'My God, my God'
p. 53: [Wise], 'How are the mightie fallen'
p. 55: ——, 'Thy mercy O Lord'
p. 57: Mr Hawkins, 'Turn thou thy face O Lord from my sins'
p. 59: [Norris], 'Blessed are those that are undefiled'
p. 60: Dr Aldrich, 'The Lord is King'
p. 61: [Croft], 'The Lord is King'
p. 62: [Purcell], 'Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord'
p. 65: Dr Blow, 'I waited patiently'
p. 66: Pell: Humphrys, 'Like as the hart'
p. 68: H. Purce[ll], 'They that go down to the sea'
p. 69: Dr Blow, 'Bring unto the Lord'
p. 70: Dr Blow, 'O sing unto God'
p. 72: Mr Tucker, 'Where withall'
p. 73: [Humfrey], 'O be joyfull'
p. 74: [Wise], 'Awake up my glory' (crossed through)
p. 74: [Wise], 'I will cry unto God'
p. 75: [J. Jackson], 'The Lord said unto my Lord'
p. 75: Mr Tudway, 'Behold, God is my salvation'
p. 78: Dr Aldridg, 'Give the King thy judgment O Lord'
p. 79: Mr Purcell, 'O give thanks'
p. 82: [Gibbons], 'Behold, thou hast made my days'
p. 83: Mr Clarke, 'I will love thee O Lord'
p. 84: Dr Blow, 'The Lord is my shepherd'
p. 87: Dr Tudway, 'I will sing unto the Lord'
p. 88: Mr Goldwin, 'O praise God in his holiness'
p. 91: Dr Blow, 'Turn thee unto me O Lord' (same as p. 11)
p. 93: Dr Blow, 'I beheld & lo, a great multitude'
p. 94: Mr Humphrys, 'Rejoyce in the Lord'
p. 95: Dr Aldrich, 'O Lord, I have heard thy voice'
p. 97: Mr Hen: Purcell, 'Thy way O God is holy'
p. 97: Mr Williams, 'O clap your hands'
p. 100: Dr Croft, 'The Lord is my strength'
p. 101: Dr Croft, 'Praise the Lord O my soul'
p. 102: Mr Purcell, 'The Lord is King'
p. 103: Mr Purcell, 'Praise the Lord, O my soul'
p. 103: [Grano], 'O praise God in his holiness'
p. 105: Mr Greene, 'Hear my prayer, O God'
p. 107: Mr Greene, 'O Lord, give ear unto my prayer'
p. 108: Robt. Fuller, 'I will alway give thanks'
p. 118: Mr Wise, 'Awake up my glory'
p. 120: [Weldon], ['O praise God in his holiness'] (fragment)
p. 121: [Batten], ['Hear my prayer, O God'] (fragment)
p. 123: [Croft], ['We will rejoice']
p. 129: Dr Blow, 'My God, my God'
p. 133: Dr Tudway, 'I am the resurrection'

Tenor cantoris partbook
Add. MS a/665/3 · Item · early 18th c.
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Verse anthems by Aldrich, Batten, Blow, Creighton, Croft, Fuller, Gibbons, Goldwin, Grano, Greene, Hall, Hawkins, Humfrey, Jackson, Norris, Purcell, Quarles, Tucker, Tudway, Weldon, Williams, and Wise.

Closely related to the Tenor decani partbook and Bass cantoris partbook which make up Add. MS a. 665/2 and 4; the contents of Add. MS a. 665/2 are identical apart from five anthems; 'I will arise and go to my father' (Wise), ''Sing unto the Lord' (Bowman), and 'I will love thee O Lord' (Clarke) are absent from Add. MS a. 665/3; a later hand has crossed out p. 25 in red. There are three original ink indexes: the inside front cover has a near-complete index of Add. MS a. 665/2 (placed here in error). Three principal copyists, not all professional hands, were at work. The names Fuller and Keymer, lay clerks, appear at the top of p. 51 and f. iiir respectively. The top of p. 51 has the signature 'R Fuller,' possibly an autograph.

p. 1: [Purcell], 'Be mercifull unto me'
p. 4: Mr Henry Hall, 'By the waters of Babylon'
p. 7: Dr Blow, 'Turn thee unto me O Lord'
p. 8: [J. Bowman], 'Give the King thy judgments'
p. 11: [Norris], 'In Jury is God known'
p. 11: [Quarles], 'Psalme 139'
p. 12: Mr Purcell, 'I was glad'
p. 16: Mr Hawkins, 'Lord, remember David'
p. 17: Mr Wise, 'The Lord is my shepherd'
p. 17: [Hawkins], 'Arise O Lord'
p. 17: [Purcell], 'My song shall be alway'
p. 18: Mr H. Purcell, 'Thy word is a lantern'
p. 20: Mr Humpreyes, 'O Lord my God'
p. 22: Mr Pell: Humphres, 'Lord, teach us to number our days'
p. 25: Dr Blow, 'O Lord, I have sinned'
p. 26: Mr Purcell, 'XMass anthem'
p. 28: Mr Tudway, 'Let us now praise worthy men'
p. 30: Dr Blow, 'And I heard a great voyce'
p. 31: Mr Wise, 'I will sing a new song'
p. 32: Dr Blow, 'Lord how are they increased'
p. 33: [Wise], 'Awake awake'
p. 35: [Tucker], 'I will magnifie the O God my king'
p. 36: Tudway, 'Sing we merrily unto God'
p. 38: Mr Tudway, ' My God, my God'
p. 41: Gibbons, 'Behold, thou hast made my days'
p. 43: Wise, 'How are the mightie fallen'
p. 45: [Blow?], 'Thy mercy O Lord'
p. 47: Mr Norris, 'Blessed are those that are undefiled'
p. 48: Mr Hawkins, 'Turn thou thy face O Lord from my sins'
p. 50: Dr Aldrich, 'The Lord is King'
p. 51: Mr Henry Purcell, 'O give thanks'
p. 55: Dr Blow, 'I waited patiently'
p. 56: Dr Blow, 'Bring unto the Lord'
p. 57 Dr Blow, 'O sing unto God'
p. 57: Mr H. Purcell, 'They that goe down to the sea'
p. 58: Mr Tucker, 'Where withall'
p. 59: Mr Humphrys, 'Like as the hart'
p. 60: Humphryes, 'O be joyfull'
p. 61: Wise, 'Awake up my glory'
p. 61: Mr Wise, 'I will cry unto God'
p. 62: J. Jacson, 'The Lord said unto my Lord'
p. 65: Mr Tudway, 'Behold God is my salvation'
p. 66: Dr Aldridg, 'Give the king thy judgment O Lord'
p. 67: Mr Purcell, ['Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord']
p. 67: Mr Crofts, 'The Lord is King'
p. 69: Mr Clarke, 'I will love thee O Lord'
p. 72: Dr Blow, 'The Lord is my shepherd'
p. 73: Dr Tudway, 'I will sing unto the Lord'
p. 74: Mr Golding, 'O praise God in his holiness'
p. 76: Dr Blow, 'I beheld and lo, a great multitude'
p. 80: Mr Humphrys, 'Rejoyce in the Lord'
p. 82: Dr Aldrich, 'O Lord, I have heard thy voice'
p. 83: Mr Hen: Purcell, 'Thy way O God is holy'
p. 84: Mr Williams, 'O clap your hands'
p. 85: Dr Croft, 'The Lord is my strength'
p. 86: Dr Croft, 'Praise the Lord, O my soul'
p. 91: Mr Purcell, 'The Lord is king'
p. 92: Mr Purcell, 'Praise the Lord, O my soul'
p. 92: [Grano], 'O praise God in his holiness'
p. 96: Mr Greene, 'Hear my prayer, O God'
p. 97: Mr Gree[ne], 'O Lord, give ear unto my prayer'
p. 100: Robt. Fuller, 'I will alway give thanks'
p. 105: Mr Wises, 'The ways of Sion do mourn'
p. [121]: Dr Blow, 'My God my God'
p. [122]: Dr Tudway, 'I am the resurrection'
p. [125]: Dr Croft, 'We will rejoyce in thy salvation'
p. [127]: Mr Batten, 'Hear my prayer O God'
p. [128]: [Weldon], 'O praise God in his holyness'
p. [129]: Mr Henry Purcell, 'Part of the burial anthem'
p. [130]: [T. Williams], 'O clap your hands'
p. [132]: Dr Creyghton, 'O praise God in his holyness'
p. [133]: Dr Aldridg, 'Out of the deep''

Bass cantoris partbook
Add. MS a/665/4 · Item · early 18th c.
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Verse anthems by Aldrich, Batten, Blow, Bowman, Clarke, Creighton, Croft, Fuller, Gibbons, Goldwin, Grano, Greene, Hall, Hawkins, Humfrey, J. Jackson, Norris, Purcell, Quarles, Tucker, Tudway, Weldon, Williams, and Wise, with five anthems by unidentified composers.

Closely related to the Tenor decani partbook and Tenor cantoris partbook which make up Add. MS a. 665/2 and 3. Three anthems do not appear in those partbooks.

An original index is pasted on the inside front cover. p. 137 contains an insertion passage of three bars from Psalm 150, not relatable to any piece in the manuscript. P. 144 contains three anonymous double chants in pencil, added later. P. 155 is headed 'Deliver my soul O Lord by Mr Hawkins Ely' but no music has been copied. The manuscript was likely copied before 1730.


p. 4: Mr Hall, 'By the waters of Babilon'
p. 7: [Tudway], 'Ecclus:44 Let us now praise worthy men' (incomplete)
p. 7: Mr Tudway, ' My God, my God'
p. 9: Mr Purcell, 'My song shall be alway' (incomplete)
p. 10: Dr Blow, 'Lord how are they encresed'
p. 11: Mr Wise, 'The ways of Sion do mourn'
p. 13: [Purcell], 'Be mercifull unto me O God'
p. 17: Dr Blow, 'Turn thee unto me O Lord'
p. 18: [Bowman], 'Give the King thy judgements'
p. 19: ——, 'The Lord is my light'
p. 21: [Wise]: 'The Prodigall' ('I will arise')
p. 21: [Quarles], 'Psalme 139'
p. 22: [Hawkins], 'Arise O Lord'
p. 23: Mr Humphreys, 'Lord, teach us to number our dayes'
p. 24: [Purcell], 'Behold I bring you glad tidings'
p. 26: Dr Blow, 'O Lord I have sinned'
p. 28: Mr Purcell, 'I was glad' (incomplete)
p. 31: [Wise], 'The Lord is my shepherd'
p. 31: [Bowman], 'Sing unto the Lord'
p. 32: [Tudway], 'A Commemoration Anthem for Benefactors' ['Let us now praise worthy men']
p. 34: Mr Wise, 'I will sing a new song'
p. 36: Dr Blow, 'And I heard a great voyce'
p. 39: Mr Humpherys, 'O Lord my God'
p. 41: Mr H. Purcell, 'My song shall be alway'
p. 47: [Wise], 'Awake Awake Isaiah'
p. 50: Mr Tucker, 'I will magnify the O God my King'
p. 52: Tho. Tudway, 'Sing we merrily'
p. 54: Mr Wise, 'How are the mightie fallen'
p. 55: [Gibbons], 'Behold, thou hast made my days'
p. 57: [Fuller], 'Thy mercy O Lord'
p. 58: Mr Hawkins, 'Turn thou thy face O Lord from my sins'
p. 58: Mr Norris, 'Blessed are those that are undefiled'
p. 60: Dr Aldrich, 'The Lord is King'
p. 61: Dr Blow, 'O sing unto God'
p. 65: Dr Blow, 'Turn us again' (Not in MSS a/665/2-3)
p. 68: Dr Blow, 'We will rejoyce; A Thanksgiving Anthem for discovery of the Plot in 97' (Not in MS a/665/3)
p. 71: [Purcell], 'Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord'
p. 74: Dr Blow, 'I waited patiently'
p. 75: Mr Purcell, 'They that go down'
p. 79: Dr Blow, 'Bring unto the Lord'
p. 80: Mr Tucker, 'Wherewithal'
p. 81: Mr Humphrys, 'Like as the hart'
p. 82: Humfreys, 'O be joyfull'
p. 84: [Wise], 'Awake up my glory'
p. 84: [Wise], 'I will cry unto God'
p. 85: [J. Jackson], 'The Lord said unto my Lord'
p. 85: Mr Tudway, 'Behold, God is my salvation'
p. 89: Dr Aldrich, 'Give the King thy judgments O Lord'
p. 94: Mr Purcell, 'O give thanks'
p. 98: Mr Crofts, 'The Lord is king'
p. 100: [Weldon], 'Ponder my words O Lord' (Not in MSS a/665/2-3)
p. 103: Mr Clarke, 'I will love thee O Lord'
p. 104: Dr Blow, 'The Lord is my shepherd'
p. 107: Dr Tudway, 'I will sing unto the Lord'
p. 111: Mr Golding, 'O praise God in his holiness'
p. 111: Dr Blow, 'I beheld and lo, a great multitude'
p. 114: [Wise], 'Thou O God art praised in Sion' (Not in MSS a/665/2-3)
p. 116: Mr Humphrys, 'Rejoice in the Lord'
p. 117: Dr Aldrich, 'O Lord I have heard thy voice'
p. 123: Mr Purcell, 'Thy way O God is holy'
p. 123: Mr Williams, 'O clap your hands'
p. 124: Dr Crofts, 'The Lord is my strength'
p. 130: Dr Croft, 'Praise the Lord, O my soul'
p. 131: Mr Purcell, 'The Lord is King'
p. 132: Mr Purcell, 'Praise the Lord, O my soul'
p. 137: ——, [Fragment of Psalm 150]
p. 138: Mr Greene, 'Hear my prayer, O God'
p. 139: Mr Greene, 'O Lord, give ear unto my prayer'
p. 140: Robt. Fuller, 'I will alway give thanks'
p. 141: Mr Norris, 'In Jury is God known' (a tone lower than in MSS a/665/2-3)
p. 142: ——, Psalm 119 (versification of Psalm 119's opening, text is on p. 143)
p. [144]: ——, [3 Double chants] (in pencil)
p. [155]: ['Deliver my soul O Lord by Mr Hawkins Ely'' (incomplete)

p. 3: [Aldrich], 'Out of the deep' (incomplete)
p. 3: Dr Creyghton, 'O praise God in his holiness'
p. 5: ——, 'O clap your hands'
p. 6: Mr Henry Purcell, 'Part of the burial Anthem'
p. 7: [Grano], 'O praise God in his holiness'
p. [8]: Mr Batten, 'Hear my prayer O God'
p. [10]: Dr Crofts, 'We will rejoice in thy salvation'
p. [13]: Tudway. 'I am the resurrection'
p. [14]: Dr Blow, 'My God my God'