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Add. MS a/665/9 · Item · first quarter of the 18th c.
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Anthems by Aldrich, Batten, Blow, Croft, Hall, Hawkins, Humfrey, Norris, Purcell, Tudway, Turner, and Wise: Service music by Blow, Farrant, Gibbons, Loosemore, Purcell, Quarles, Tallis, and Tucker. The manuscript includes very ornamented versions of Tallis' Dorian service and Gibbons' Short service, transposed up a tone.

With anthems at the front, and services from the back. The paper is uniform, with 12 six-line staves to a page. The original indexes are now pasted on inside of the front and back covers.

p. 1: ——, [Fragment in e]
p. 2: Mr Henry Purcell, 'Thy world is a lantern' (opening only)
p. 7: [Purcell, 'Be merciful unto me'] (end only, also p. 79)
p. 10: Mr Humphres, 'Lord teach us to number our dayes'
pp. 14, 15, 18: [Humfrey], 'O Lord my God'
pp. 16, 17: [Tudway], 'Let us now praise worthy men'
p. 19: Mr Wise, 'The Lord is my shepherd'
p. 20: [Hawkins], 'Lord remember David'
p. 22: [Wise], 'The ways of Sion do mourn' (incomplete, also p. 95)
p. 23: ——, [line of a piece in c]
p. 24: Mr Tudway, 'Sing we merrily unto God'
p. 26: Mr Norris, 'Blessed are those that are undefiled'
p. 29: [Aldrich], 'The Lord is king'
p. 33: [Croft], 'The Lord is king' (incomplete)
p. 41: [Purcell, 'O give thanks'] (beginning is missing)
p. 44: Dr Blow, 'My God my God'
p. 46: Dr Blow, 'O Sing unto God'
p. 50: [Blow], 'We will rejoice in thy salvation'
p. 54: Mr H. Purcell, 'Blessed is the man'
p. 57: Mr Purcell, 'They that go down to the sea'
p. 60: Dr Blow, 'Bring unto the Lord'
p. 64: Dr Blow, 'I waited patiently'
p. 69: Dr Blow, 'O Lord I have sinned'
p. 72: Mr Hall, 'By the waters of Babylon'
p. 76: Mr Humphrys, 'O Lord my God'
p. 79: Mr Purcell, 'Be mercifull unto me O God' (also p. 7)
p. 83: Mr Purcell, 'I was glad'
p. 87: Mr Purcell, 'Behold I bring you glad tydings'
p. 91: Mr Humphrys, 'Like as the hart'
p. 95: Mr Wise, 'The ways of Sion do mourn' (also p. 22)
p. 99: Mr Norris, 'In Jury is God known'
p. 103: Mr Wise, 'I will sing a new song'
p. 107: Mr Purcell, 'My song shall be always'
p. 115: Dr Blow, 'And I heard a great voice'
p. 120: Mr Batten, 'Hear my prayer O God'
p. 122: Mr H. Purcell, ['Thou knowest Lord']
p. 125: Mr Purcell, 'Blessed be the Lord my strength'
p. 128: Dr Blow, 'The Lord is king'
p. 133: Dr Turner, 'Lord who shall dwell'

p. 1: [various jottings]
p. 2: ——, 'Magnificat in F' (incomplete)
p. 3: Mr Farrant, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis' in g
p. 6: [Tucker, 'I will magnify thee']
p. 10: Dr Blow, 'Cantate Domino', 'Deus misereatur' in e (transposed to D)
p. 16: Mr Henry Loesemore, Responses after the Commandments, Creed
p. 18: Mr Purcell, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis' in g (transposed to C)
p. 24: ——, [Fragment in C]
p. 27: Dr Blow, [Anthem fragment in A]
p. 30: C. Quarles, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 34: Mr Tallis, 'Te Deum' [Dorian service, transposed up a tone]
p. 39: Mr Tallis, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 44: Mr Gibbons, 'Te Deum'
p. 50: [Gibbons], 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'

Bass decani partbook
Add. MS a/665/8 · Item · c 1750-1800
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Morning and evening services by Aldrich, Bevin, Bishop, Blow, Byrd, Child, Clarke-Whitfield, Dean, Ebdon, Farrant, Fussell, Gibbons, Jackson, Kent, King, Patrick, Purcell, Rogers, Tallis, Tudway, and Wise.

The original index is now pasted on inside the front cover. Boyce's Cathedral Music was a major exemplar.


p. 5: [Aldrich], Te Deum (incomplete)
p. 5: Dr Aldrich, 'Jubilate', 'Cantate Domino', 'Deus misereatur'
p. 13: Dr Blow, 'Cantate Domino', 'Deus Misereatur'
p. 18: Dr Tudway, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 21: Mr Purcell, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 24: Dr Rogers, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 27: Dr Child, 'Te Deum', 'Jubilate'
p. 33: Dr Child, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis',
p. 37: Dr Child, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 41: Dr Child, 'Te Deum', 'Jubilate', 'Cantate Domino', 'Deus Misereatur'
p. 51: Dr Rogers, 'Te Deum', 'Jubilate', 'Magnificat' (see p. 173), 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 61: Mr Gibbon, 'Te Deum'
p. 65: Mr Orlando Gibbon, 'Benedictus'
p. 68: Mr Gibbon, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 72: Mr Tallis, 'Te Deum', 'Benedictus', 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 82: Mr Bird, 'Te Deum', 'Benedictus', 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 92: Mr Farrant, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 95: Mr Pattrick, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 98: Dr Dean, 'Cantate Domino', 'Deus Misereatur', 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 109: Mr Wise, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 112: Mr C. King, 'Cantate Domino', 'Deus Misereatur'
p. 119: Dr Dean, 'Morning Ser.', 'Jubilate Deo'
p. 127: Mr Elway Bevin, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 132: Dr Blow, 'Cantate Domino', 'Deus Misereatur'
p. 139: Mr Kent, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis', 'Cantate Domino', 'Deus Misereatur'
p. 156: Fussell, 'Cantate Domino', 'Deus Misereatur'
p. 165: Bishop, 'Cantate Domino', 'Deus Misereatur'
p. 173: Dr Rogers, 'Magnificat' (see p. 57), 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 178: Kent, ['Gloria patri']
p. 178: Chas. King, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 182: King, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 187: I. Pratt, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 192: Ebdon, 'Te deum', 'Jubilate'
p. 201: Dr Clarke, 'Te Deum', 'Jubilate'
p. 207: Dr Clarke, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'
p. 212: Mr King, 'Te Deum', 'Jubilate'
p. 220: Jackson, 'Magnificat', 'Nunc dimittis'

Organ book, anthems
Add. MS a/665/14 · Item · 1818
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Anthems by Aldrich, Battishill, Carissimi, Chard, Jeremiah Clarke, John Clarke-Whitfield, Croft, Richard Farrant, Handel, Philip Hayes, William Hayes, Himmel, Kelway, King, Palestrina, Pring, Stroud, Weldon and Wise; With a hymn by Luther. Copied by John Clarke-Whitfield, organist of Trinity 1799-1820; p. 142 signed and dated: Dr Clarke Cambridge Sep. 4, 1818; and p. 151 Sep. 14, 1818.

p. 1: Dr Croft, 'We will rejoice'
p. 7: Mr Wise, 'Awake up my glory'
p. 11: Carissimi, 'I am well pleased'
p. 19: Jerah. Clarke, 'The Lord is full of compassion'
p. 28: Dr Croft, 'Blessed is the people'
p. 41: Dr Willm. Hayes, 'Great is the Lord'
p. 45: Dr Willm. Hayes, 'O worship the Lord'
p. 55: Weldon, 'O praise God in his holiness'
p. 57: Battishill, 'Call to remembrance'
p. 65: Ricd. Farrant, 'Lord for thy tender mercies sake'
p. 67: Chas. King, 'Unto thee O Lord'
p. 70: Handel, 'How excellent thy name'
p. 71: Chas. Strode, 'Hear my prayer'
p. 77: Mr Weldon, 'Hear my crying O God'
p. 83: Kellway, 'O praise the Lord all ye heathen'
p. 84: Weldon, 'In thee, O Lord'
p. 89: Dr P. Hayes, 'The Lord descended from above'
p. 91: Dr P. Hayes, 'O Lord our governor'
p. 93: Dr P. Hayes, 'Rejoice in the Lord O ye righteous'
p. 103: J. Pring, 'With angels and archangels'
p. 108: Dr Chard, 'In humble faith'
p. 112: Dr P. Hayes, 'Praise the Lord'
p. 113: J. Pring, 'We will rejoice'
p. 115: J. Pring, ' Blessed be the Lord God of Israel'
p. 117: Palestrina, adapted by Dr Aldrich, 'Behold now praise the Lord'
p. 121: Jeremiah Clarke, 'I will love thee'
p. 129: Dr Croft, 'Praise the Lord O my soul'
p. 137: John Clarke, 'Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord'
p. 140: John Clarke, 'I will alway give thanks'
p. 143: John Clarke, 'I will lift up mine eyes'
p. 146: John Clarke, 'My heart sheweth me the wickedness of the ungodly'
p. 149: John Clarke, 'Behold how good and joyful a thing it is'
p. 151: John Clarke, 'O lord God of my salvation'
p. 154: [attrib. Luther], 'The 100th Psalm'
p. 155: 'Martin Luther's Hymn'
p. 156: Handel, 'Let us now make man'
p. 162: Himmel, 'Incline thine ear'

Add. MS a/665/13 · Item · 1800-1804
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Anthems by Aldrich, Blake, John Clarke-Whitfield, Creighton, Croft, Crotch, Farrant, Goldwin, Greene, Handel, King, Marcello, Mason, Nares, Palestrina, Purcell, Reynolds, Richardson and Rogers, and services by Child, John Clarke-Whitfield, Kent, King, Pratt and Rogers.

Copied mostly or completely by 'John Clarke / Novr. 6: 1800'; p. 133 signed 'John Clarke / August 29th: 1801'. p. 94 (services) has a note 'paid to this place Jany: 1803 by the Revd. G. King Steward' and p. 96 (services) 'Pd by Mr King Aug. 15 1804'. Some pages include performance comments in ink or pencil.

p. 1: Reynolds, 'My God my God'
p. 5: Marcello, 'O Lord our governor'
p. 17: King, 'Rejoice in the Lord'
p. 20: Mr Mason, 'Lord of all power & might'
p. 22: Revd. Dr Blake, 'I have set God always before me'
p. 30: Anon, 'Wherewithall shall a young man'
p. 32: Mr Richardson, 'O how amiable'
p. 35: Selected from Handel & Purcel, 'Commemoration Anthem' [O give thanks]
p. 48: Selected from Green and Purcel, 'Anthem for Christmas day' [Behold I bring you glad tidings]
p. 55: Dr Clarke, 'Blessed are all they'
p. 59: Dr Nares, 'The eyes of the Lord'
p. 65: Purcell, 'I was glad'
p. 71: Goldwin, 'I have set God always before me'
p. 74: Dr Rogers, 'Behold now praise the Lord'
p. 76: Dr John Clarke, 'Behold now, praise the Lord'
p. 80: Dr John Clarke, 'In Jewry is God known'
p. 83: Anon, (untitled work) (incomplete)
p. 86: Dr Croft, 'God is gone up'
p. 93: Dr Crotch, 'How dear are thy counsels'
p. 95: Aldrich, 'We have heard with our ears'
p. 99: Creyghton, 'I will arise'
p. 101: Farrant, 'Call to remembrance'
p. 103: Farrant, 'Hide not thou thy face'
p. 105: Dr Jno. Clarke, 'It is a good thing &c. verse anthem composed for the opening of the organ'
p. 134: Palestrina, 'God is our hope and strength'
p. 66: Dr John Clarke, 'Magnificat in A minor'
p. 70: Dr Jno. Clarke, 'Nunc dimittis in A minor'
p. 73: Doctor Nares, 'Te Deum in C'
p. 79: Dr Nares, 'Jubilate in C'
p. 82: Dr Nares, 'Magnificat in C'
p. 85: Nares, 'Nunc dimittis in C'
p. 88: Dr Child, 'Cantate in F'
p. 91: [Child], 'Deus misereatur'
p. 95: Dr Clarke, 'Responses to the commandments in C'
p. 97: Anon, 'Responses to the Commandments in D'

p. 1: Mr King, 'Magnificat in C'
p. 4: Mr King, 'Nunc dimittis in C'
p. 6: Mr Kent, 'Cantate Domino in C'
p. 14: ---, 'Deus misereatur'
p. 20: J. Pratt, 'Magnificat in E# 3d.'
p. 24: [J. Pratt], 'Nunc dimittis in E# 3d'
p. 26: Dr Child, 'Magnificat in G'
p. 28: Dr Childe, 'Nunc dimittis in G'
p. 29: Mr Chas. King, 'Cantate Domino in B flat'
p. 35: Mr Chas. King, 'Deus misereatur in B'
p. 40: Dr Clarke, 'Magnificat in F'
p. 44: Dr Clarke, 'Nunc Dimittis in F'
p. 46: Dr Clarke, 'Te Deum in F'
p. 53: Dr. Clarke, 'Jubilate in F'
p. 55: Mr Kent, 'Magnificat in D'
p. 59: Mr Kent, 'Nunc dimittis in D'
p. 61: Dr Rogers, 'Magnificat in D#'
p. 64: Dr Rogers, 'Nunc dimittis in D'