Information about writing to Piero Sraffa in his internment camp and news of how he is doing. Asks Kahane's advice on whether Piero should take up Nino Levi's suggestion of teaching at the New School in New York.
Discusses the process of Piero Sraffa's application for a post at the New School, and the Rockefeller Foundation.
Ways in which the Rockefeller Foundation, as well as the vacant position at the New School, could enable Piero Sraffa to get out of British internment.
Information on scheme by the Rockefeller Foundation and [Alvin?] Johnson for academics imperilled by the war; possibility of finding Piero Sraffa a place at the New School.
Re possible means whereby Piero Sraffa could get out of British internment and to the US: the Rockefeller Foundation, and a position at the New School.
Her colleague, Jacques Kahane, is attempting to assist Piero Sraffa and his mother to emigrate to the USA; affidavit [of sufficiency of funds] necessary for entry into the USA and Nino Levi's role.
Has cabled head office asking them to render assistance to Nino Levi in the matter of Piero and Irma Sraffa's migration to the US.
Acknowledges Palmer's letter of 25th Sept; thanks him for contacting his head office re assisting Nino Levi in his efforts on behalf of Piero and Irma Sraffa's migration to the US.